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Copyright information

This CD costs 10$ Sharecompilation fee. You did receive this CD for testing, if you like it, please pay 10$ (or more, if you like) to Amiga Library Services (see below). If you don't like it then please pass the CD on to someone else or return it to Amiga Library Services! Please report, if some supplier is charging you for this CD! Suppliers are only allowed to sell this CD to cover the production costs, if you don't buy another CD from the same supplier! All fonts on this CD come from PD-sources (e.g. FTP-Sites, BBS-Boards, PD-Libraries). Please report if any of the fonts on the CD are faked (e.g. the README file). They will be removed instantly! Don't forget that not only this compilation is SHAREWARE, but also some fonts on the CD. If you use them regularly, then PAY the Shareware fee directly to the author. The address is in the readme file! So why should you pay the Sharecompilation fee? Well, that's easy, because it was a lot of hard work putting this CD together! With the fees we're going to pay the production costs back! There are several ways how to pay the sharecompilation fee: In Germany: * Send 15.- DM to Danny Amor. * Pay 15.- DM to this account: LG Stuttgart BLZ 600 501 01, Account Nr. 3304480 In Britain: * Send 7.- � to Danny Amor. * Pay 7.- � to this account: Lloyds Bank, Evesham, Account Nr. 7354090 In USA: * Send 10$ to Fred Fish (Amiga Library Services). In all other countries: * Send either 10$, 7� or 15 DM to Fred Fish (Amiga Library Services) or Danny Amor. Please don't send any cheques! It is too expensive to cash in the cheques! Cash only! Keep in mind, that if this CD is a success there will be more! How about a Picture CD or a Modules CD to the same conditions? I also have enough material to produce a second Fresh Fonts CD-ROM! Do you like this CD and would like to offer this CD to your customers? Then why not get the licence for reproducing this CD. Please get in contact with me or Amiga Library Services for information on the licence pricing scale! This CD is ready installed for AMIGA. If you'd like to see it for PC or Mac, please write! This software compilation is Copyright � 1994 by Danny Amor, Stuttgart, Germany - All Rights Reserved. You can use any of the files according to its related documentation. You are neither allowed to make your own CD-ROMs based on this compilation nor are you allowed to distribute a disk series based on this CD-ROM. Don't delete the readme files! This compilation adheres NOT to the definitions of a sharecompilation Rev. 0.7 as defined by Martin Kopp!!! Only some ideas were taken from this concept. The copyright of the individual programs or data belongs to the respective authors. If only single programs or data will be redistributed, the copyright of every single respective author must be followed in every single case! Furthermore every single software package must include a note about the source in the form "These files were taken from the CD 'Fresh Fonts, Volume 1', Copyright � 1994 Daniel Amor, Stuttgart, Germany.". Neither Daniel Amor nor the legal producer of the original unchanged "Fresh Fonts Volume 1" CD that was received from Amiga Library Services take any warranty or responsibility for any kind of damage that may result through the usage of this compilation. Best efforts were used to check the whole compilation to be free of Viruses, that every single copyright text has been paid attention to and that the software was installed completely and directly usable. In the case that - despite this care - any of the above mentioned points has not been reached it is not possible to take any responsibility due to the many files that are on this compilation assembled. Should there be a case in which the copyright was unintentionally violated, the victim should please get in contact with the address mentioned below, so that for further distributions the damage can be limited as much as possible. Thank you. In the case that one or more terms of this disclaimer might not be legal in one or more countries, then these terms are defined to be not valid for these countries, but the remaining terms stay intact and similar or equivalent legal terms to the ones that are void should be accepted. This Hypertext-file (and all related files in this and all sub-directories) is copyright � 1994 by Danny Amor, Stuttgart, Germany. You need the written permission in order to use these files in other products. This and other CDs are available from: Amiga Library Services 610 North Alma School Road - Suite 18 Chandler, Arizona 85224-3687 USA Voice/Fax (602)917-0917 email: orders@amigalib.com If you want to submit some fonts for the next CD-ROM, please send them to: Daniel Amor Ludwigstr. 124 70197 Stuttgart Germany Fax: ++49/711/63 65 633 amor@student.uni-tuebingen.de You can also contact me, if you need some special fonts, which are not on this CD! Please try to submit a good sample of the font.