Example programs

The directory progs contains a few BinProlog benchmarks and applications.

allperms.pl: permutation benchmarks with findall
bestof.pl:   an implementation  of bestof/3
bfmeta.pl:   breadth-first metainterpreter
bp.pl:       float intensive neural net learning by back-propagation
cal.pl:      calendar: computes the last 10000 fools-days
fcal.pl:     calendar: with floats
chat.pl:     CHAT parser
choice.pl:   Choice-intensive ECRC benchmark
cnrev.pl:    nrev with ^/2 as a constructor instead of ./2
cube.pl:     E. Tick's benchmark program
fibo.pl:     naive Fibonacci
ffibo.pl:    naive Fibonacci with floats
hello.pl:    example program to create stand-alone Unix application
knight.pl:   knight tour to cover a chess-board (uses the bboard)
lknight.pl:  knight tour to cover a chess-board (uses the lists)
ltak.pl:     tak program with lemmas
lfibo.pl:    fibo program with lemmas
lq8.pl :     8 queens using global logical variables
maplist.pl:  fast findall based maplist predicate
nrev.pl:     naive reverse
nrev30.pl:   small nrev benchmark to reconsult for the meta-interpreter
or.pl:       or-parallel simulator for binary programs (VT100)
other_bm*:   benchmark suite to compare Sicstus, Quintus and BinProlog
puzzle.pl:   king-prince-queen puzzle
q8.pl:       fast N-queens
qrev.pl:     quick nrev using builtin det_append/3
subset.pl:   findall+subset
tetris.pl:   tetris player (VT100)