Garbage-collectible permanent objects.

On the other hand, if bb_def/3 or bb_set/3 is used to name objects on the blackboard, they "survive" backtracking and can afterwards be retrieved as logical variables using bb_val/3.

bb_def/3    (i,i,i) defines a value
bb_set/3    (i,i,i) updates a value
bb_rm/2     (i,i) removes a value
bb_val/3    (i,i,o) retrieves the value

They are quite close to the recorda/recordz family of other Prologs although they offer better 2-key indexing, are simpler and can be used to do much more things efficiently.

You can look to the program progs/ on how to use them to implement in a convenient and efficient way programs with backtrackable global arrays.

They can be used to save information that survives backtracking in a way similar to other Prolog's assert and retract and are safe with respect to garbage collection of the blackboard.

The predicate bb_list/1 gives the content of the blackboard as a heap object (list), while bb/0 simply prints it out.

These predicates offer generally faster and more flexible management of dynamic state information than other Prolog's dynamic databases.