>.FilerPatch Patch for Risc OS 3.10 Filer module to identify apps with ! OR [160] Nick Jarman Sat,19 Dec 1992 "Enter the pathname of the directory where NewFiler should be saved: "pathname$ pathname$<>"" ("Set NewFiler$Name "+pathname$+".NewFiler") patch ("Unset NewFiler$Name") "New filer module saved." "New filer module NOT saved." patch module_start%=&38E8570 module_length%=&6C68 patch_length%=&14 jump_offset%=&48F8 check_pos%=&467 check_word%=&34362E31 ("Save "+ ~module_start%+" +"+ ~module_length%) code% module_length%+patch_length% ("Load "+ ~code%) code%!check_pos%=check_word% ! patch%=code%+module_length% P%=code%+jump_offset% [OPT 2 BL patch% LDRB R14,[R6,#0] P%=patch% [OPT2 STMDB R13!,{R14} LDRB R14,[R6,#0] TEQ R14,#&21 TEQNE R14,#&A0 LDMIA R13!,{PC} ("Save "+ ~code%+" "+ *% *SetType Module ("Delete ") 0,"This program can only patch Filer version 1.64"