# StrongEd mode for TeX/LaTeX files # Features: F2 lists LaTeX sections # F10 saves the file and runs it through LaTeX # ^G searches for the definition of a command ^G searches for the definition of a label # ^H loads the include'd file under the cursor # ^K wraps (removes linefeeds) until the end of the current paragraph # ^K^K unwraps (formats lines) until the end of the current paragraph # ^Return indents new line including LaTeX tabs ('\>' commands) # plus shortcuts for LaTeX environments (listed at the end of this file) Search _MarkWord (["\\"] {AlphaNum}+) | {Punct}+ # _MoveWord _MarkWord CmdDef ("\\def" CW @0) | ("\\renewcommand{" CW "}" @0) | ("\\newcommand{" CW "}" @0) | ("\\renewenvironment{" CW "}" @0) | ("\\newenvironment{" CW "}" @0) _Indent2 {" "} [ {"\\>" {" "}} ] Sect "\\chapter" | "\\section" | "\\subsection" | "\\subsubsection" Label "\\label{" @0 { Any ~ "}" } Any @9 "}" LabelDef "\\label{" CW "}" _Wrap ~NL Any @1 {" "} NL ~ NL|"\t"|" " TeXpar NL ( NL | "\\begin" | "\\end" | "\\item" | "%" | "\\[" ) Replace _rwrap @01 " " KeyList ^Return NewLine(indent,_Indent2) Functions Key Menu List sections Icon LoF Select ListOfFound (Sect,Text,Align,Line,Case) Help Click Select to generate list of \\chapters, \\sections, etc.|MClick Adjust for a list of \\labels. Adjust ListOfFound (Label,Text,Whole,NoLine,Case) Key ^H Icon save Select LoadOne (".^..tex",".^..sty","TexInputs:") Help Click Select to load the include-file under the cursor.|MClick Adjust to load the log file. Adjust LoadOne (".log") Key F10 Menu Save & Run F10 Icon Run Select Run("Dir .^") SaveRun("TaskWindow |\".Bin.LaTeX .|\" -wimpslot 896k -name LaTeX -display -quit") Help Click to save text and run it through LaTeX.|MAdjust does same and opens the directory. Adjust Run("Dir .^") SaveRun("TaskWindow |\".Bin.LaTeX .|\" -wimpslot 896k -name LaTeX -display -quit") Run("Filer_OpenDir ") Key ^G Menu Goto def. ^G Icon goto Select Push ListOfFound (CmdDef,All,Whole,Line,Case,GotoFound) Help Select: Goto definition of command.|MAdjust: Goto Label.|MWith Shift: Go back where you came from. Key ^ Adjust Push ListOfFound (LabelDef,All,Whole,Line,Case,GotoFound) Key ^G 2 Select Pop Key ^ Adjust Pop Menu Wrap ^K Key ^K Help Join lines together Select Push StartOfWLine BlockMark_Standard ListOfFound(TeXpar,Text,Whole,NoLine,Case,GotoNext) BlockMark_Standard Pop Replace (_wrap,_rwrap,Block,Noline) BlockClear Menu Format ^K^K Key ^K 2 Help Format paragraph Select Push StartOfWLine BlockMark_Standard ListOfFound(TeXpar,Text,Whole,NoLine,Case,GotoNext) BlockMark_Standard Pop Unwrap BlockClear Shortcuts \bi. \\begin{itemize}\n\\item \@\n\i\\end{itemize} \bd. \\begin{description}\n\\item[\@]\n\i\\end{description} \be. \\begin{enumerate}\n\\item \@\n\i\\end{enumerate} \bl. \\begin{lemma}\n\@\n\i\\end{lemma} \bp. \\begin{proof}\n\@\n\i\\end{proof} \bt. \\begin{theorem}\n\@\n\i\\end{theorem} \em. {\\em \@} \[. \\[\n\@\n\\]