TRIVIA 1.1 is an attempt to gather together all that fascinating information one stashes away for ready reference and then never finds again. Keep it on your Psion! I will work on it some more when someone sends me ideas, money or other general encouragement. Included in this version are: Morse Code, Phonetic Alphabet, Semaphore alphabet, Wind scale, SI prefixes, Paper sizes, Laundry Symbols, Clothes Sizes, Stain removal, Currency information, Radio frequencies, Telephone services, Beer measures (very important!!), Oven Settings, Vitamin info, Diet warnings, PC hardware pin-outs and settings, Household cable sizes, Conversion factors etc etc TRIVIA 1.1 can be distributed freely. No charge must be made for its provision. To install, place the .OPA in an \APP directory on any drive. Next, make a \APP\TRIVIA subdirectory on the same drive, and put the TRIVIA00.PIC file inside! Install as normal with Psion-I. Thanks, Steve Litchfield, 3-Lib 8 Grove Farm, Mytchett, Surrey GU16 6AQ UK 252 515431 email