OPLObjectFile** BANKSBUD.OPP Edit+ Enter New ItemOe+ Update ItemOu+ Delete ItemOd+ Move Item DownOm Config+ Offer Foreign CurrenciesOfh+ Toggle Status WindowO*+ Toggle Spend/RemainingOt+ FontOz Special+ ExitOx O @`[ Budget/Expenses Breakdown Currency : Foreign OnOx Start Date Budget + Remaining Spend Status BUDGET.DATO PHOqO PL0\[' + Totals : PHOqO No Budget Items BUDGET.DATO Warning !! +9You have reached the limit of 256 characters in the +7variable that holds the descriptions of the categories. +8If you wish to add any more categories you will have +9to reduce the length of the descriptions of some of your present categories.+ BUDGET.DATO TEMP.$$$O No room for more entries Add an entry Start DateO ItemO Budget EstimateO Warning !! +9You have reached the limit of 256 characters in the +7variable that holds the descriptions of the categories. +8If you wish to add any more categories you will have +9to reduce the length of the descriptions of some of your present categories.+ Update Budget Start DateO ItemO Budget EstimateO Currency Change to SpendO State+ Credit,Debit Currency No Items defined Delete Are you sure ?O BUDGET.DATO No Items defined PLH8[ +0This option already selected for the whole Group Foreign OnOx PL@[Y PLD[L