OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\RECORDS.OPL Records.ODB \OPD\ RDTF$ TDTF$ KDTF$ NOTYPES% TYCH$ MDLST$ STRG1$ STRG2$ REGVAL% CONVERT& LISTF FINDT DELETE TYPEF ADMINF Initialising.... ?'+5--- Enter no, ESC to stop or any key to continue --- '+(--- Enter no. or any key to continue --- \app\records\records.dbf \app\records\rtypes.dbf \app\records\keyfile.dbf Error Invalid key/serial noO Error No datafileO Create one? + Yes,No Error No type datafileO Create one? + Yes,No TYN$' TYS$' Type1 TYN$' TYS$' Type2 TYN$# TYS$# TYN$# TYS$# 7",12",CD,Tape +-Error, Type def strings too long. Suggest you+)shorten type names or remove some type(s)W8 Sorry Unregistered program is notO able to handle more thanO 50 records. Suggest youO register your copy.O Records Database Lists( Find/Edit Record( Add New Record( Delete Record( Type Functions( Admin Functions( Exit Program( Record Count:W Closing data file..... EDITREC Find Record Artist: O Title: O No titleO Error Record Not FoundO Record Detail Artist:+ Title:+ Type:+ Media: Album:+ Edit? + No,Yes SORTDB EXPDB REGVAL% Administration Sort Database( Export Database( Register Program( About Program( Record/Music Database Version 1.0O Reg. Copy SN: Unregistered CopyO Written by:-O Colin HitchcockO 17 Henley Wood Rd.O Earley, ReadingO Berks, RG6 2EEO Send 20 to registerO Sort Database This operation may be slowO Sure? + No,Yes Sorting.... Remaining: Success Sort Complete Export Record Data File + Proceed? + No,Yes Error File Already ExistsO Outputting data... File Output CompleteO CONVERT& KDTF$ REGVAL% Register Program Serial no: Key code: Error Invalid key/serial noO LISTA LISTT LISTY BLIST Show Lists List By Artist( List By Title( List By Type( + Full List( Return( GETNUM DISPNT STRG1$ GETNUM DISPNT STRG1$ STRG2$ Enter Artist Name: Error No MatchesO GETNUM DISPNT STRG1$ STRG2$ Enter Title: Error No MatchesO GETNUM DISPNT TYCH$ STRG1$ STRG2$ Select Type Error No MatchesO REGVAL% TYCH$ MDLST$ Sorry Unregistered program is notO able to handle more thanO 50 records. Suggest youO register your copy.O Add New Record Artist: O Title: O Type: Media: Album: O No titleO Error Record already existsO Delete Record Artist: O Title: O No titleO Error Record Not FoundO Found Record Delete it? + No,Yes SHOWET Record Types Show/Edit Types( Add Type( Return( GETNUM EDITT STRG2$ NOTYPES% TDTF$ Add New Type New type: O Error Max total type string lengthO exceeded. New type not addedO TYN$' TYS$' TYCH$ TDTF$ Edit Type Description Type no: Type: O Error Total length of typeO descriptions exceeds limitO No change madeO TYN$' TYS$' EDITREC Record Detail Artist:+ Title:+ Type:+ Media: Album:+ Edit? + No,Yes TYCH$ MDLST$ Record Edit Artist: O Title: O Type: Media: Album: O CRYPT$ HEXDEC& FINDT ADMINF SORTDB EXPDB LISTF BLIST LISTA LISTT+ LISTY DELETE TYPEF SHOWETy ADDTS EDITT GETNUME DISPNT EDITRECQ" CONVERT& CRYPT$ HEXDEC&