OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\PSTUNER.OPL PSTuner.ODB \APP\ EZSTAT% SPLASH% FILE$ BATCH% HANDLE% NOTE$ NOTE0 SEMITONE NOTEZ$ FIRSTX DELDRV MKSPLASH MENUS HANDLE% HIDESTAT SHOSTAT SPLASH% EZSTAT% EZSTAT% WINDOWS MKSTAT SPLASH% \opd\tuner.picK +1sorry, couldn't find the PSTuner icon (tuner.pic)+'make sure it's in \OPD and try again...W8 O0O0O PSTunerO0O +$PSTuner 2.0, for the Psion Series 3a( written by bruce linde( 1995, really desperate records( +8source code available upon request to brucelinde@aol.com(h initializing... EZSTAT% PSTunerO5O PROCLH SHOSTAT hlrcxas PSTuner + ListenOl+ ExitOx Info + HelpOh+ Credits Oc+ SplashOs+ About...Oa procl HIDESTAT SHOSTAT Credit Where Credit Is Due( ++PSTuner is my first program. It was writtenO ++with considerable support and guidance fromO +,Master Programmer/Lode Runner Ron Hunsinger.O +,Every novice diving into the deep end of theO +'programming pool should be lucky enoughO +#to have a Ron as their lifeguard...O thanks also to:O +? Jamie Pyper@Psion S.F., for turning me into a 3a junkie...O +? Jack McCrae, for kick-starting me by sharing his BlackjackO source code...O +: David Wood@Psion U.K., for uploading the Sys$samp.lddO +% driver and documentation...O +8 and, whoever wrote the 3a OPL Programming Manual!O HIDESTAT SHOSTAT +,ABOUT PSTUNER (1:3) - SHAREWARE NOTIFICATION +B PSTuner came about as I was getting more and more into my 3a,O +Btrying to grok OPL, and playing more guitar (more about music in aO +Cminute). It occured to me that while I didn't always carry a tuner,O +"I almost always had my 3a with me.O +D I wrote PSTuner to exploit the digital sampling and programmingO +Cfeatures of the 3a, and because it was something I could use. It isO +Dmy hope that you, too, will find it useful. If you DO continue usingO PSTuner, it is shareware...O +'ABOUT PSTUNER (2:3) - SHAREWARE DETAILS +9 Any proceeds from PSTuner go to The Documentation ofO +:AIDS Issues and Research Foundation. D.A.I.R. is a 501(c)3O +8non-profit information archive used by Persons With AIDSO +%and medical professionals world-wide.O +: Please send a tax-deductible donation of ANY size to:O +:D.A.I.R., c/o bruce linde, 2840 60th av, oakland, ca 94605O +!ABOUT PSTUNER (3:3) - MUSIC STUFF ++Write or e-mail for more information about:O ''bruce linde: not like other men''O +: an independent release on really desperate records...O ''Beggars and Saints,'' and ''Monkey''O += the most recent releases by Jai Uttal and the Pagan LoveO +8 Orchestra, on Triloka Records (w/ bruce on bass)...( +9really desperate records, 2840 60th av, oakland, ca 94605O +)brucelinde@aol.com / www.songwriter.comO HIDESTAT SHOSTAT PSTuner Help( Summary( Overview ( Harmonics( The Driver( + Files( + Stuff( OVERVIEW +A PSTuner is a Psion 3a 'strobetuner' that determines pitch byO +;grabbing quarter-second samples and counting cycles/second,O +@using a couple of creative algorithms tailored to the Psion 3a'sO sampling environment.O +F It is extremely accurate (at a cost of some speed) and will yieldO +@best results when fed clean, consistent notes (a note struck tooO +Dhard will ring sharp before settling in). Or, you can use harmonics.O + HARMONICS +A Every note consists of a fundamental, and harmonic overtonesO +E(thirds, fifths, octaves, etc.). These 'harmonics' can be isolated onO +Fa guitar (or bass) by partially muting a string at the twelfth, fifth,O +Cor seventh frets, as you pluck the string. This dampens the grosserO +Fvibrations of the string, letting the higher-pitched components of theO +Bnote (harmonics) ring through. 12th and 5th fret harmonics produceO +Chigher octaves of the fundamental; 7th fret harmonics yield fifths.O THE DRIVER - Sys$samp.ldd +C PSTuner makes use of a driver provided by Psion. The docs thatO +Acome with the driver include the following disclaimers, which areO +.not as dire as they might sound at first read:O +B ''Psion will not be held responsible for any loss of data as aO +Bresult of use of Sys$samp.ldd, which is still to some extent in anO +@experimental phase. It has not been exhaustively tested, and canO +Fnot be relied upon, i.e., not to reset your 3a occasionally. It is notO an official Psion product.''O FILES +APSTuner requires three files, which must be kept in the followingO +-locations on the (same) drive of your choice:O \APP\PSTuner.opaO \OPD\Tuner.picO +3 \Sys$samp.ldd (must be at the root level)O +EIn addition, Psion has authorized distribution of Sys$samp.ldd on theO +Fcondition that the docs and sample files (originally uploaded by PsionO +Aas TSMP10.ZIP) are kept together. They are included with PSTuner.O STUFF +H The 'Esc' key will get you out of most PSTuner screens. Help is notO +Davailable while in LISTEN mode. If you don't back up your 3a, eitherO +Ato a RAM card or another CPU, please re-read the help file calledO +:PSTUNER HELP: THE DRIVER, and give backups some thought...O +,unless, of course, you have nothing to lose.O +A I am not responsible for out-of-tune performances or loss ofO +@data resulting from use or misuse of PSTuner or the Sys$samp.lddO +?driver. Oh, and don't forget that PSTuner is shareware. Thanks!O SETUP GETSAMP NEWRUN DELDRV CLSDRV SEMITONE NOTE0 NOTE$ HANDLE% RO$|N A BbB C C#D EbE F F#G G# Begin tuning (Esc to cancel) O v+ sorry - encountered a problem...+"deleting driver & starting over...W8 CLSDRV LOADDRV OPENCH SETMODE OdO.( DELDRV HANDLE% \sys$samp.LDDO O hD\[^ +!sorry, couldn't load SYS$SAMP.LDD+1make sure it's at the root level and try again...W8 HANDLE% SMP:O +#sorry, couldn't open a channel SMP:W8 HANDLE% BATCH% HANDLE% BATCH% |2\[g GETFREQ NOTEZ$ SEMITONE NOTE0 NOTE$ T|WBQMx *333333 OeO O j2\[# j2\[# j2\[# OxO@O FIRSTX PROCLS HIDESTAT@ SHOSTATd MKSPLASH MKSTAT MENUS PROCLC( PROCLAA PROCLH[ PROCLXV PROCLLj SETUP WINDOWST CLSDRV5! DELDRVr! LOADDRV OPENCH SETMODE GETSAMP NEWRUNT# GETFREQT$