What's New in Notepad 5.21 1. Added a new Preference under Projects/Reminders - "Display Reminders after Date Change" This lets you decide whether or not the reminders come up in the morning after the date has changed. (or at 12:01 in the evening if you're up) 2. Support for Long Lists when expanding notes. When you press the right arrow to expand a note, the list of current notepads comes up. This WAS previously limited to 255 characters in the list. Now it is unlimited, and also reads all drives. 3. Project Viewer now shows all Mondays in Bold, and viewing long notes while in Project Viewer is faster. 4. Scrolling in Notepad with long notes is now much faster. There was a slow down when notepad had to draw elipses (...) at the end of a long note. We found a better way of doing this, and it is much faster. 5. After making changes to the Notepad Manager list, Notepad warns you to reload the list from the Notepad Manager Options. (Load List option) 6. New Control Window accessed by pressing the space bar. Brings up a window on the bottom of the screen that shows the name of the notepad that the current note is expanded to, and the Application Link. The Space bar was previously used to mark a note as done. Use Psion<-> for this now. What's New in Notepad 5.2 From the Author: You will find a multitude of new features in Notepad 5.2. Lots of work has gone into making it a better program. Some of the changes you might not even notice. For example, there is very little screen blinking anymore. Only when necessary is the screen redrawn. Cursor positions are handled in a much more intelligent way. The new dialing feature is a big addition to Notepad. The new Server required all of Notepad's alarm handling to be rewritten. The Server itself is a much better program and incorporates the SoundOFF utility. At the request of many users, the main screen in Notepad can be expanded to full size, eliminating the button bar. There's lots more. The only thing we're still lacking is the Map feature. That should be along in the next version. ž New Dialer feature lets you dial phone numbers through the modem. To make this easier, Notepad uses the phone character to identify phone numbers. In the editor, type in Psion to insert the phone character before a phone number. Save the note. Highlight the note, press Psion to bring up the dialer. Press to dial through the modem. When you hear the phone ringing, pick up the phone and press Enter on the Psion to release the line. See the manual for more detailed instructions. Phones notepad - Notepad gives you a hotkey to get to your phone list. First the expanded notepad must be called "Phones". To get to it quickly, press Psion Shift. Notepad will open the phones notepad, and bring up a search dialog. ž New feature "Edit Style" on menu. This feature works with the custom priorities. You can now assign a style to a custom priority. This way you can use priorities themselves to force a certain emphasis on a note. Psion to edit style. Edit your custom priorities to assign styles to them. ž Many dialogs are now sensitive to the help key. Thanks to Alasdair Manson at Psion Inc. for figuring out how to do this. ž Move Note - New menu option. ž With a empty notepad you have the dummy note with the text . When you press enter on it to edit your first note, the text editor recognizes that this is a dummy note, and doesn't display in the editor. In stead you get a blank page. ž Merge Fastnote - Allows merging to different notepads, one note at a time. ž New Hotkey: Remove Link to Expanded Notepad: Shift ž Cursor position stays on the highlighted note after sorting, updating, appending, etc. Notepad remembers cursor positions 5 levels back, so that now when you expand a note, and go back to the previous note, the cursor position is remembered. ž Press the space bar in the Project viewer to see the parent notepad. ž New Printing Features: . Print Marked as Done (Printed with a *) . Printing by Priority ž When the date changes on the machine at night, Notepad automatically checks for daily reminders. ž 30% faster sorting ž No more crippling in unregistered version. After 21 days you will be reminded daily that you are using an unregistered copy. Writing to Agenda feature is disabled after 21 days. ž New Preference lets you eliminate the button bar. Psion is the hotkey for this. ž Notepad no longer changes names on the system screen when opening a different notepad. This was confusing. It always keeps the name of the top level notepad on the system screen now. ž Optional Clock on top of main window. (New Preference) ž Adding Notes: Now you can just start typing. If the button bar is showing the button keys are supported. If not, all keypresses (A-Z, 0-9) start a new note. ž Psion<@> brings up special options. These were shift key combinations that were removed to allow typing to start a new note. ž Notepad supports IPC messaging (certain types only - defined in signal.opl) ž New AutoFill feature lets you save frequently used heading text used in notes. ("Meeting at ", "Go to the Store ", etc.) Also allows some minor macros like jumping to other running programs. (See manual) ž New Custom Project Reminder screen. ž Bug fixes in Text editor ž Use Control to go into the project viewer, going directly to the highlighted month and day. (this was shift

) ž Writing to Agenda supports different emphasis. ž New Alarm Server Server 1.0 now includes SoundOFF. Server 1.0 is a completely new product that acts as Alarm Server and SoundOFF. The new Server 1.0 can now run a macro without asking you to confirm. When choosing a macro with an alarm, you are not prompted with an alarm going off. The macro just runs. When an alarm goes off in Server, you can press the system icon to go anywhere you like. You do NOT need to answer the alarm dialog. Registration for Server 1.0 is free to all registered Notepad users. What's New in Notepad 5.11 This release is mostly a bug fix release. Past Due project reminders will correctly be displayed at startup, if your preferences are set to show these. A couple of other minor bugs were fixed. Added one minor addition. When printing you can select "Print Dates" as an option. What's New in Notepad 5.1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Agenda Support: We've added support for writing notes to your Agenda. You will find a new menu option called "Save Note to Agenda" under the "Links" pull down menu heading. This brings up an Agenda Entry dialog. The hotkey to write a note to Agenda is Shift. There are also new preferences for writing to Agenda. You have the option of restoring the view Agenda was in when Notepad shut it down to save your note. Support for Linking to Word in Text Only mode: This is the much asked for help for those that want longer notes, but don't want to save big Word files. This option opens text files into Word, but in text only format, meaning that when you press Psion to save, the file by can only be save as text. Since the files are saved as text only they will be much smaller. To add to this, Psion<+> now assumes you want to create a link to a Text Only Word file. It won't auto name the file, but it will take you right to the stage where you are naming the memo file. About Notepad New About Box. Adding a New Note You can now add a quick note with no prompts by pressing Shift. Everything is the same except that Notepad will automatically give the note the next priority number in line, based on the priority number of the note the cursor is. You are not prompted for a Due Date. The point behind this is that the note gets saved without any prompts. The note is saved with no Due Date or Start Date. Alarm Server: Fixed a problem with Macsys handling from the Aserver. Psion from the Alarm Server jumps back to Notepad. Deleting Notes: The dialog for Deleting a note works a bit different. Current Note is on a separate line. Here's how it looks now. Current Note Yes,No Including Due Date Yes,No Other Options None,Due Date,Alarm... You can now choose current note, and also choose one of the options from the "Other Options" line. We've also added a new option: Delete "Linked Application File". You will be warned that you are about to delete a non Notepad file. Dialling Dialling from notes now uses your built-in settings. In case you weren't aware that Notepad had dialling capabilities, just enclose a phone number is {} curly brackets, and press Psion. Expanding Notes: When expanding a note, the current cursor position is remembered so that when coming back, via left arrow, you won't lose your train of thought. This only works one level back though. New Hotkeys: . <1> jumps to system screen, as it did in Notepad 4.6. . Shift Writes note to Agenda . Shift Add a new note, but don't prompt for priority, dates. . Shift brings up the Delete dialog with Current Note selected to "No". This would be used when you know that you want to delete some other aspect of the note. (Like the notepad link, or app link.) . Psion<+> goes directly to adding a Text only Word link. . Shift toggles Numbers/Priorities . Shift

takes you to the Viewer, but goes to the month of the highlighted due dat. Notepad Manager: . When deleting a file, any reference to it in the Notepad Manager will be removed. The Notepad Ladder: (left arrow) The Notepad Ladder refers to the way Notepad remembers how to get back to your previous notepads as you open new ones. Notepad can now remember 5 levels of previous open notepads, returning to them when you press the left arrow key. This is a significant improvement. It also means that the method for saving previous notepads has changed. No longer does Notepad just remember your last notepad. Now Notepad saves in a downward direction only. Five levels down. For example: Look at these 5 notepads. All one level below each other. 1. Pelican 2. Products 3. Notepad 4. Np5.1 5. User Interace In this example, as you move back up the ladder by pressing the left arrow key, Notepad will get you all the way back to the top. So , instead of just remembering your last notepad, think of it as a ladder. You go down the ladder, Notepad gets you back up. Notepad only remembers 5 levels, so once you go beyond that, and press the left arrow key wanting to go back up the ladder, Notepad will start you at the 5th level, and go backward from there. Note: Once you open a Top Level noteapd, the ladder is cleared and started fresh. Opening Application Files: Pressing Psion will now give you the option of opening an application file other than Notepad. Includes Word, Data, and Sheet. Opening Notes Notepads open a bit faster now. I found a way to make some code work better so that pressing right arrow opens a notepad faster. Project Viewer: Pressing P while in the Project Viewer takes you back to the main view. Past Due reports now go into your default Text only directory. Also now included in the report is Start Date, if one was used. Pressing Shift

will take you to the month of the due date being highlighted. Jump to Displayed Notepad. The hotkey for this new feature is Shift from the Project Viewer. This feature will exit the Viewer, opening the notepad of the current project Due Date being viewed. Right and Left arrow keys move day to day now. Preferences New Preferences dialogs - Preferences have been changed to work more like they do in the Agenda. This way you can selectively choose which preferences you are interested in changing. See the Notepad.doc file for an explanation of the new preferences. New Preferences . Display Past Due Reminders at Startup. . Jump to Project View after Reminder . Set All Date Options (On,Off) . Prompt With Starting Date for New Notes . Default Agenda File . Bullets types . Default directory for Word/Text files . Reset Last Agenda View When Restarting Agenda Priorities Added preferences to choose the type of bullets. Numbers or Priorities. Shift will toggle your current bullet type. New feature - Control lets you edit the priority only. Saving to Log When you save an item to log, you are prompted for the completion date, in case it is not the current day. Sorting: When Sorting by priority, Notepad will also sort alphabetically with notes in the same priority. Text Editor: Time/Date Stamp added to menu. What's New in Notepad 5.01 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A couple of minor bugs were fixed. Notepad will install correctly now irregardless of the default disk setting on your S3a. New Icons by Phil Creed Misc New Features: . Tasklist - Pressing Shift from either view brings up a tasklist. . When erasing notes, you can now leave the Due Date alone. . Overall better error handling. (so you don't have to call me.) New Setting . Default Drive for Expanding Notes - This lets you set the default drive for expanding a note, so you don't need to choose a drive each time. Project Viewer: . Added new feature - Tidy - This will remove Due Dates from the Project Viewer Database, but not from the note itself. . Added new feature - Write a Report of Past Due (writes to \Wrd) . The top window in the Project Viewer is open by default now. You can still press Tab to toggle it on and off. Text Editor Changes: . Support for All characters. . Added Calendar and Calculator to the menu . Added Ctrl Shift to delete a word forward . TaskList support via Shift . Bring now inserts data at the cursor . Added new feature - Print Screen. Application Linking . If you create a new link and the app is already running, Notepad will correctly assign the link. (This was not working) Help Engine . Screens always stay open when going to backround while in Help. Calendar . Bug fix - The Calendar was highlighting today in two places. Alarms / Alarm Server .If the Alarm Server is busy, having been left in an open dialog, Notepad correctly says "Alarm Server Busy". Press any key to cancel. This stops the current operation. Go into the Alarm Server and get it back to the main screen. The reason for this is because the Alarm Server and Notepad use the same Alarm.dat file. Therefore both applications can't be using the file at the same time. Custom Piorities: Added Sort option. This was an oversight that it wasn't in 5.0. Oh well, you can't have everything. :^} Priority Fonts: The Custom fonts have been changed. Larger priority fonts have been added for use with the two larger fonts. Log File Change You can now Append/Overwrite the Log File. This lets you keep the same Log File without overwriting it each time you print to Log. (File) Bring When using Bring, the text coming in gets inserted at the cursor, like it should. New Utility . Open Top Level Notepad - hotkey Psion opens top level. Printing . Printing Notepads now lets you set the numbers of lines per page. Top Level Indicator . Notepad now shows a Top Level indicator when it is currently display- ing a Top Level Notepad. The indicator is next to the Alm heading, and it looks like an arrow facing upward. Fastnote . Application has been fixed so that you can have it open while viewing fastnote,exp in Notepad. However, you can't save a new note in Fastnote while you have the fastnote.exp open in Notepad. If this does happen, Fastnote will warn you that the file is busy, and give you a chance to go into Notepad, change files, and go back to Fastnote. . Modified the text editor to give an Exit Fastnote menu option when calling the editor from Fastnote. In Notepad , you won't see this option. This means that pressing Escape doesn't exit Fastnote anymore. . Jump to Fastnote from Notepad using Shift Version Psion . New Screen design for Version window