OPLObjectFile** LOC::D:\PELICAN\NP\52\NP2.OPL 5.2G[ VER$' VER$# What File Type?O + Top-LevelOT+ ExpandedOE PARSE$ EXPAND$ Rename a Notepad FileO Ot@[; *.padK a Top-Level Notepad Oe@[8 *.expK an Expanded Notepad Rename Rename to:O Renaming + Renamed PARSE$ OPSET LEGAL% .EXPC[ Notepad Info bytesK Last Modified Registered User+ Serial Number+ REG$# WRPROJ PARSE$ EFILE$ RLINK APPNAME$ AOPEN SENDC SUPD% SRES% SDEL% PRIO$# Delete Options( Current Note+ Yes,No Including Due Date+ Yes,No Other Options+ None,Due Date,AlarmO K+a,Link to Expanded Notepad,Expanded Notepad,Application Link,Linked Application File,All Priority K ,All Notes,Marked as Done (All)K Note: O"W Nothing Selected PDT$# PDT$' Due Date Removed No Due Date Set Alarm Removed EXP$# This Note is Not Expanded! EXP$' Expansion Link Removed EXP$# This Note is Not Expanded! Delete file: + EXP$# Oy@[f EXP$# EXP$# EXP$' Expanded Notepad Deleted APP$# APP$' No Application Link APP$# AHEAD$# WARNING: Delete File?K( Filename: + APP$# NoON+ YesOY W7Oy@[z APP$# Error Deleting File( ContinueO File Deleted APP$' PRIO$# STAT$# PDT$# Cancel Alarm?( NoON+ YesOY Note: O"W Oy@[3 UNIQ&% TYP%$ Note(s) Deleted K None Found O @[i Are You Sure?( Erase All NotesO YesOY+ PDT$# Cancel Alarm? Oy@[3 UNIQ&% TYP%$ AOPEN GETALMPD SENDC UNIQYN ALMPID% SUPD% SRES% TYP%$ +-You have pending Mail Messages for the Server( +.* Notepad cannot accurately Refresh Alarms *( --------------------O +2Either Run the Server, or delete the Mail.box file +6in the M:\App\Aserver directory. Don't do this unless you are not using the Server. Refreshing Couldn't Open Alarm File M:\App\Aserver\alarm. M:\App\Aserver\alarm. MESS$ REPID% UNIQ& SDAT& STIM& STYPE% Error opening Alarm. ALM$' M:\App\Aserver\alarm.tmp PARSE$ EVENT EXPAND$ SRES% Drive to Search( Drive+ A,Internal,B *.*KW *.*KW No Notes on this Drive FindO Searching *KW O Item Found!( + Filename Open this Notepad?( YesOY+ NoON+ QuitO Oy@`[M *KW O .PadC + No more O"W Found K GETALMPD ALMPID% ICAN% PARSE$ EXPAND$ *.expKW Getting Directory WRPROJ SUPD% PDT$# Edit Date: Date: No Date Currently Set Set Project Due Date( PDT$' New Date Set! LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER LOADER MESS1$ PARSE$ PARSLIS$ DATA$ LINK$ EXPAND$ ProjlistKO ProjlistK NAME$ Notepad Manager ListO ProjlistK NAME$ NAME$# Build Notepad Manager List( Options+ View List,Add New,Remove +,ReLoad List from the Notepad Manager Options( ContinueO Maximum Files Reached! *.expK Add a Notepad to the List( LoadO W7[6 NAME$' Added! K No Files Saved NAME$# Notepad Manager File List( No Files Saved NAME$# Remove From List( Remove Oy@[J *KW [/ Removed! K SERIAL DATA$ LATER% REG$# +$Invalid Notepad Registration Number!+ Reinstall Your Registration+ Quit+ Re-Enter NumberW8 K+ Npset.oldK K+ Npset.setK+ K+ Npset.oldK sys$shll.* MESS1$ RENLOG DATA$ Save Completion Date to Log?O + Nplog.logKO Notepad Log FileO Saving to Log K+ Nplog.logKW K+ Nplog.logK DATE& PDAT& Odh@[ K+ Nplog.logK DATE& PDAT& Completion Date( DateW DATE&% PDAT&% PDT$# DATA$ K+ Nplog.logK K+ Nplog.oldK +!Error Renaming Old Nplog.log file( +)Delete this file from the \Note directoryO ContinueO DATA$ + Nplog.logKO K+ Nplog.logKW K+ Nplog.logK Log File Not Found Log Empty Clear Log File?O Clearing Log Log File Cleared EVENT DATA$ SRES% Archive.expKO File Not Found! LOC:: archive.expKW EVENT EXPAND$ SRES% Fastnote.expKO File Not Found! LOC:: Fastnote.expKW EXPAND$ SRES% Fastnote.expKO Fastnote File Not found! fastnote.expK PRIO$ AHEAD$ STAT$ No Notes Found! C[ *.expK Merge Fastnote( Fastnote Contains W Note(s)KO Merge toO QuitO SkipOS+ MergeOM Os@[' End of File Merging Note PRIO$ AHEAD$ STAT$ Error Opening File: W STAT$' PRIO$' STAT$' PRIO$' Merging Fastnote Done!( Notes AddedKO ContinueO APPNAME$ PARSE$ SUPD% SRES% APP$# No Current Link APP$# AHEAD$# Application Link Options( Currently Linked to + Filename + APP$# ChangeOC+ RemoveOD+ RunOL Od@[Y Remove Application Link?O APP$' AHEAD$' Oc@[? APP$' APP$' Spreadsheet CODE$ +#Feature Disabled - Please Register! autofill.dbfKO autofill.dbfK b!Banker cMake a Call to: dDIRECTIONS: l!LOGIT gGo to the Store for mSchedule a Meeting: o@Off s!Server t@Stamp 0@Calc 1!sys$shll LOC::K AUTOFILL.DBFKO HELPKEY CHKRUN PARSE$ PLUS% TXTDIR$ AHEAD$# APP$# Word,Data,Sheet Application Link( + Choose an Application to Link toO WordOW+ DataOD+ SheetOS Help: Application Links( +.Notepad lets you link a note to an application +/file. Choose the application type, and then the actual file to open or create. ContinueO Ow@[Z Choose Word Type( NormalON+ Text OnlyOT On@[ Ow@[& \WRD\*.wrd Od@[& \DAT\*.dbf Os@[- \SPR\*.spr Spreadsheet Ot@[" *.txtK Choose File to Link toK( Link toO Link to FileO QuitO Choose a Filename Invalid File Name + Include an Extension (eg .Wdr) Sheet File Exists - Linking rom:: .appKO Couldn't Start App( Error: AHEAD$' APP$' AHEAD$' APP$' LINK$ OPSET MORPH MHEAD PARSLIS$ SETCLOCK EDRIVE$ TOPBAR% CLOSE% KEEPOS% COLOR% BUTTON% TXTDIR$ NODAT% REMIND% PASTDUE% CHGDAT% ABAND% CLOCK% HWIN% SORTPOS% SRES% RESAGN% AGNSTYL% SWD&! ONC[ AREM% TIM&! TIM&! COLOR&! AGN$# \AGN\*.agn CAT% CAT% Preferences+ GeneralOq+ AlarmsOa+ FilesOf+ Projects/RemindersOd+ Text EditorOe+ PrioritiesOp+ AgendaOg+ ClocksOc General Preferences( + Auto Sort+ Yes,No Sort Method+!Sort By Priority,Sort By Due Date Sound+ On,Off Display Top Button Bar+ Yes,No Color of Top Button Bar+ Black,Grey,Dot Pattern Password Protection+ On,Off +%Close Windows When Going to Backround+ Yes,No Save to Log Prompt+ Yes,No Prompt/Dont Save COLOR&% ON,OFFO TOPBAR$' Oa@[; Alarm Preferences( Prompt for Alarm With New Notes+ Yes,No Set Default Time for New Alarm+ Yes,No TimeO O;O;WE +%Choose Sound File When Setting Alarms+ Yes,No SND$' AREM%$ TIM&% TIM&% Of@[p File Preferences( +!Default Drive for Expanding Notes+ None,M,A,B +%Default Directory for Word-Text Files \TXT\ \G`[n +*Invalid Directory Name for Word-Text Files( Example: \TXT\O ContinueO TXT$' Od@[= Project Preferences( Set All Date Options+ On,Off Set Due Date On by Default+ On,Off +'Prompt With Starting Date for New Notes+ Yes,No Reminder Preferences( +%Display Due Date Reminders at Startup+ Yes,No +%Display Past Due Reminders at Startup+ Yes,No +$Jump to Project View after Reminders+ Yes,No +#Display Reminders after Date Change+ Yes,No SWD&% REM$' Text Editor Preferences( Font Size in Editor+ 8,11,13,16 Prompt Abandon ChangesK in EditorK+ Yes,No Clock Preferences( Clock Type+FNone,12 Hr. (hh:mm:ss),12 Hr. (hh:mm),24 Hr. (hh:mm:ss),24 Hr. (hh:mm) CLOCK$' Op@[X Priority Preferences( Set Priority List+ Default,Custom +)Bullet Entries on Top Level Notepads With+ Priorities,Numbers +(Bullet Entries on Expanded Notepads With+ Priorities,Numbers CAT%$ Og@[T Agenda Preferences( Default Agenda FileO +-Reset Last Agenda View When Restarting Agenda+ Yes,No +(Font Style to Use When Writing to Agenda+ Normal,Bold,Underline,Italic AGNG[5 Enter a Valid Agenda File \AGN\*.agn STYLE$' AGN$' MESS1$ PARSE$ DATA$ Projdata.dbfK Saving Project Project Data FileO NOTE$ UNIQ& DATE& HEAD$ NOTE$ UNIQ& DATE& HEAD$ UNIQ&! Project Data File Updated! UNIQ&! NOTE$' DATE&% PDT$# DATE&! HEAD$' Updated! PDT$# DATE&! PDT$# +#Maximum Project's Set for This Day!( Reset Due dateW PDT$' NOTE$' UNIQ&% DATE&% PDT$# HEAD$' Added Due Date! NoON+ YesOY Remove Expansion Link?O Oy@[I EXP$# EXP$' Link Removed No Link Found RUNAPP% OURAPP$ LOCK% GETPIDS PARSE$ Application is Busy ContinueO RUNAPP% SRES% SUPD% EMPH$# Set Style for Note( Bold+ No,Yes Italic+ No,Yes + Underline+ No,Yes Apply to All+ No,Yes Resetting Emphasis EMPH$' EMPH$' Notepad Ladder( TO RENAME NERASE REFRESHg SENDC GLIST$ PROJLIST CHSER SHELL RENLOG+! APPNAME$ OPAFk+ WORDC- FOLDQ4 WRPROJ DYN%G XPANDREMYG CHKRUN GETPIDS OFF$GJ DISPOLD ADJPRI S3INFO SSDTYP$ PJCHECK XPANDEDTp[ MESS1$ FPLUG$7] MOD$2^ COMPRESS FILOCDEV CPRESSEc FREEON FIT$ d LOGIT RDKEYSKl CPYALL QSORT[o RECCOPY% RECAPP% MEMCPY STRCMP% ERRDLG_r FATAL FREEMEM PLAUNCH!s CHKMARK TEXTFILXy APPENDF WRITAGN GATTR) GETAGN$w KILLAGNI REFART SETVIEW GETMY RSETTOP. MORPH SERIALt NPHELP MHELP BOTTOMd SEARCH% FILLARAY CLRARAY READRSC| HGETEVTD