OPLDatabaseFile Help: Notepad 5.0F Introduction Expanding Notes Application Links Priorities Project Due Dates Project Viewer Using Alarms Text Editor Archive Fastnote Notepad Manager Using Bring Sorting Searching Passwords Utilities About Help Help: Introduction to Notepad*Notepad 5.0 is a free form note taker that,lets you take quick notes, and organize them/in an intelligent way. It does this by creating'Links between notes and other notes, or$between notes and application files. +Also, each note can have a Due Date, and an(alarm associated with it. The alarms are*handled by the Pelican Alarm Server, which*allows snoozing while you continue to work on the Series 3a. .Due Dates can be viewed in the Project Viewer,,which shows a graphic view of your important dates. -Use the Fastnote application to enter a quick!note when Notepad is not running. Help: Expanding Notes+The key to Notepad really is the ability to,expand a note. What we mean by expand, is to+Link a note with another notepad. When you ,press the right arrow key, Notepad checks to.see if this note is linked to another notepad.+If it isn't, you are prompted to expand the*note. You first enter a drive letter where+you want the notepad created. Next, enter a filename for the new notepad. +So, expanding a note means creating another(notepad that is related to the note that+created it. You can think of it as a Parent,note, and child notepad. The note can be the-project heading, and the expanded notepad can-be the project itself. There are many ways of visualizing what Notepad does. Help: Application Links-Another very important Notepad feature is the.ability to link a note to an application file.+This means that you can tell Notepad that a0certain note is related to a certain application file. (Word,Data,Sheet) )This is very important since you may have&relative information in many different*applications, with no way of linking them. How are they Linked?+Once you tell Notepad what file you want to'Link to, from then on just press L and $Notepad will launch the linked file. Help: Priorities-Assign a Priority to a note when creating it,,and notes will be displayed with this number+and can be sorted based on priority. In the+preferences you can set the sorting method. .Notepad can use it's default priorities, which'are numbers, or you can create a custom)priority list using your own terms, like "Do it NOW!" Help: Project Due Dates)A Due Date can be assigned to a note when"creating the note, or added later. How can I view my Due Dates?(You can view all Due Dates in a calendar*format by pressing P from the main Notepad(screen. This opens up the Project Viewer+which is where all Due Dates are displayed. How can I edit a Due Date?,Choose the Edit Due Date menu item to change-a Due Date. There is no need to edit the note*if all you want to change is the Due Date. Help: Project Viewer*The Project Viewer is a special area where+you can view month by month, all notes that have Due Dates. )You will see small blocks underneath each,day. Each block represents an item Due Date.'Use the arrow keys to move to different*Due Dates. The blinking cursor shows which item you are on. ,The maximum is 5 per day. Press the menu key&to view the options while in this view Help: Using Alarms,Any note can have an alarm attached. Notepad'doesn't handle the alarms itself, since&shutting off Notepad would disable all(alarms. Instead, using the Pelican Alarm+Server, Notepad sends all alarm information,to the Server, which should be left running. ,The Alarm Server is a standalone application,for handling alarms. You can even create new*alarms right from the Alarm Server itself. +If you cancel a note with an alarm, it will-send a message to the Alarm Server telling it,to cancel the alarm. If you edit a note with(an alarm, a message is sent telling the +Alarm Server that changes have been made to an alarm. Refreshing Alarms-Choose this option from time to time to check+to see if an alarm has completed. This will)clear the display in Notepad if the alarm has completed. Help: Text Editor.Notepad has a multiline Text Editor that works(much like the Word Processor. It handles)proportional fonts, and most key commands+available in Word are also available in the,Text Editor. Press the Help key while in the/Text Editor to bring up a list of key commands.)The Text Editor even supports Bring. Text"highlighting is not yet supported. Help: Archive,Notepad has a file Archive for storing notes+that have been completed. This is different.than the Log file. When a note becomes old, or,is completed, you can choose the menu option-called "Archive All Done". This will copy all,notes that have been marked as done into the)Archive. The Archive file uses a standard+notepad format, and therefore can be opened like any other notepad. Help: Log+Notepad uses a Log file to store completion*dates for projects. You don't need to ever+use this feature if you don't need to print-the Log showing when projects were completed. +Pressing the space bar brings up the prompt+to save completion date to Log. This prompt-can be turned off from the preferences if you don't use it. Help: Fastnote-Fastnote is a separate application that comes-with Notepad. Install it to the system screen like any other application. What does Fastnote do?+Fastnote opens up a full screen Text Editor+very fast so that if you don't have Notepad*running, but need to jot down a note, you -will still be entering the data into Notepad. Where does Fastnote get saved?,When you enter a note into Fastnote, it gets,saved to a notepad called Fastnote. There is-a menu option in Notepad for opening Fastnote,and there is another menu option for merging,Fastnote data into the current open notepad. Help: Notepad Manager+The Notepad Manager is accessed by pressing the Escape key. What is it for?-Since Notepad can only remember the last file)that was open, there needs to be a way to/quickly jump to any notepad that has been open.-The Notepad Manager builds this list for you. *Each time you open a notepad, the Manager .remembers the name of the notepad, and adds it*to the list. This way if you've opened ten,different notepads, you can easily jump back.to any one of them by pressing Escape, finding the notepad, and pressing Enter. Help: Using Bring,Notepad supports Bring, which means that you,can go into any built-in application on your&Psion, highlight some text, return to 0Notepad, and from either the main screen, or the-Text Editor press Psion, and the text will)be brought in from the other application. .There are some limitations of course, like the+size of the text block you are bringing in.&Notes in Notepad have a maximum of 255+characters, so you can't bring in more text than that. Help: Sorting-There are two issues when it comes to sorting-in Notepad. First, in the preferences you can)turn Sorting On or Off. Second, you can *decide the method for Sorting. The options,are by Priority, or by Due Date. If you tend-to use lots of Due Dates, you'll want to make(sure Notepad sorts by Due Date. Pressing Psion will force a sort. Help: Searching(There are two options for searching your*Notepad files. First, press Psion to do'a normal Search. This searches only the current notepad. -Second, you can press Psion to do a Search.of all notepads. This is useful when you can't'remember where you put some information Help: Passwords,Notepad has Password Protection, that can be,turned on and off in the preferences. If you(want to change your Password, choose the Password option on the menu. Help: Utilities Calculator*Press Zero to bring up the calculator. The-Calc has one memory. You can save a number to,memory by pressing M while viewing a result.-The Calculator can be moved around the screen+by pressing the arrow keys. This won't work.while viewing a result. While viewing a result,the right/left arrow keys change the decimal places of your result. Calendar-The Calendar can be called up by pressing the,tab key. Use the arrow keys to change months and years. Paste Into,Paste Into will paste a copied note into the,expanded notepad pointed to by a particular ,note. Press Psion to copy a note. Move to.note that expands to the notepad you want your)note copied to. Psion Shift, or Shift Mark as Done.Mark an item as done by pressing the space bar or Psion<->. Help: About Help/ Help Engine by Pelican Software Inc. -Use Ctrl to Quit Help without going back to the Index. to scroll through text.The Help Index is context sensitive, so if you"want "Text Editor", just press