Move - Plug-IN Move is a Plug-In for the Notepad from Mark D Esposito. It's provided as an .opl file. You must translate and install it with the PlugIns-App. Move is an extended version of the buildt in copy/paste function, which allows you to copy/move more then one item at the same time from one Notepad-file to another (existing) Notepad-file. For copying/moving records you must select them with the 'marked as done' feature (pressing the space-bar). Then you can call the Move-PlugIn. If you select 'copy' you will be asked if the selected item shall be deleted, unmarked or left as marked. The selected items will be copied to the m:\npbuf31 file. Move will copy only the data-part of the record, the header information will be lost (like the buildt-in copy/paste function). If you selected 'deleted' the marked items will be erased in the source Notepad (a real Move-function). 'Unmarked' will unmark them in the source Notepad and 'left' will them left as marked. Calling the Move-Plug-In with the paste option will copy the contents of the m:\npbuf31 file into the actual Notepad-file. Caution: Any copy/paste function will destroy the actual content of the m:\npbuf31 file. I wrote this Plug-In for reorganize my Notepad-files and distribute the items to other Notepad-files. Prepared by: Wolfgang Schirmer Manshardtstr. 13 a 2000 Hamburg 74 Germany Compuserve !00022,1371