PSIONWPDATAFILE ROM::PSAPPLE.WDR BTBody text HAHeading a HBHeading b BLBulleted list ding B ding B ding B ding B ding B ding B y text y text NNNormal UUUnderline BBBold IIItalic EESuperscript SSSubscript MorseV2.0a Martin R Sturgess PO BOX 45 TONBRIDGE TN9 1AL UNITED KINGDOM If you read nothing else - Please note that the menus are accessed via the key!!! Introduction MorseV2.0a was developed as an aid to pass the RAE UK Morse Exam and functions in three modes known as Learn, Test and Sound Text File. In Learn mode you type in characters which will then be played back as Morse Code. In Test mode Morse Code is randomly played and you type in the characters of the Morse Code that you heard. In Sound Text File mode you select a text file which will then be read and played as Morse Code. In all modes you can configure the speed and tone of the Morse Code transmission. The current mode, speed and tone settings are stored in a small preference file M:\OPD\Morse.dat which is automatically created when you first run MorseV2.0a. Installation MorseV2a was written in OPL on the PSION series 3a. The file size of the application is 9.4K and it will use approximately 40K of memory whilst running. should be copied to your normal applications directory (usually the \APP\ directory) and installed from the system screen as usual. A small preference file (126bytes) Morse.Dat will be created in M:\OPD\ when Morsev2a is first launched. Unlike other applications you cannot stop the application via the System Screen. To quit you must select Quit from the Control Menu. How to use the Menus All control of the application is via the Menus which are invoked by using the Esc key only. The Menu key and the keyboard shortcuts do not function in this application. Control Menu Exits the Application Calibrate Calculates current sending speed by sending the word "PARIS" 3 times. Reset Accuracy Bar Resets the number of correct and incorrect answers to 0 so that the next correct answer will result in a 100% accuracy reading. Settings Menu Speed & Tone Displays dialogue box for setting the length and individual tones of the DITS and DAHS, the gap between them and the gap between the charcters and words. Learn Input Charcters and they will be played back. Maximum input length is 40 Characters. In the test mode a sequence of random characters will be played and you then type the chacters that you heard. The random charcters are selected from the Groups that you select and the length of the sequence that is played is selectable from 1 to 26 characters. An accuracy bar will indicate the percentage of correct answers. Any mistakes on the input line will flash the messgae "WRONG" on the screen and the sequence will be repeated until you input the correct answer. Each incorrect character will be replaced by the "*" character which you will then need to replace with the correct charcter. Groups The groups diallog box allows you to select the groups from which the random characters will be played. The minimum is one group up to a maximum of all groups. If no groups are selected the dialogue will be repeated until cancelled. Custom This allows you to input a custom group from which the random characters will be played. The default will be the last selection from the Groups or Custom dialogue. The Custom Group can be a minimum of 1 Charcter up to a maximum of 40 characters. Sound Text File In this mode you select a file to be played. By default the dialogue will look for files with the suffix ".TXT" in the \WRD\ directory. 40 Charcters of the file will be played at a time. If you wish to interrupt the morse then press the key and wait until the current 40 charcters have been played at which time the Menu will be displayed. If the text file contains multiple space charcters consider editing these out. Morse will pause slightly at each character. How to make the best use of MorseV2a Speed and Tone Settings Experiment with these setting until you find a combination which suits you then decrease the settings as you gain experience. You can get an approximate indication of the overall sending speed by using the Calibrate option in the Control menu. There is no substitute for listening to real Morse Code played by hand. If you can obtain a tape of Morse played at 12 w.p.m then this will allow you to verify that the setting that you are using are emulating the sound of "real" Morse. If you are not happy with the current settings you can always return the application to it's default state by quitting the Morsev2a application an deleting the Morse.dat preference file. The convention is that the space between DITS and DAHs should be 1 DIT, space between charcters characters 1 DAH, and space between words 7 dits. A DAH should be 3 times the length of a DIT. In practice eveyone will vary this spacing (unless sending electronically). Resetting the Accuracy Bar This can act as a useful confidence builder if lapses of concentration have marred an otherwise good accuracy rating. The accuracy bar should serve as an indicater of the need to rest. "A little and often" is a more efficient way of learning than "a lot and seldom". If you find that the accuracy reading is dropping faster than normal then Take a Break ! Paying for MoseV2a Whether or not you pay for MorseV2a is entirely up to your own individual conscience and your perception of how useful Morsev2a is to you. I would at least like to pay for the batteries and coffee consumed in the many hours taken to write MorseV2a! If you do not think that MorseV2a is worth the 5 Shareware fee then delete it- You do not want to be wasting valuable disk space with something that you do not need! ZBNNX BTNNf BTBIK BTBId BTBIO BTNNS BTNNP BTBB? BTNN5 BTNNe BTNNj BTNNK BTZAN CTNNF DTNNU DTNNq DTNN+ DTBBg DTNNA DTNN~ DTNN3 HANN% TTNN TTNNL TTNNv CTNND BTNN