PSIONWPDATAFILE ROM::HP3.WDR BTBody text HAHeading A HBHeading B BLBulleted list y text NNNormal UUUnderline BBBold IIItalic EESuperscript SSSubscript Welcome to Lottery This program, for the Psion Series 3a only, will generate up to 1O lines (6O numbers). Alternatively you can enter up to 10 lines of your own numbers for the 3a to store and check for you. A mixture of both is also possible. Loading and saving selections and results is included. The package contains two files:- Lottery.wrd - this file you are reading - the application file which should be placed in the /app/ directory on any drive. Once copied on to a drive, install it in the usual way for applications. Either use PSION + I or Install in the Apps menu option on the system screen. The Lottery icon should appear on your system screen. Once you enter the application, the Lottery Options are displayed. Generate Selection ================== This is the main random number generating section. Your 3a will offer the next draw date. If this is wrong then correct it to the date you require. You now have the option of entering a lucky number if you have one. If not, just press enter. Obvious you cannot have numbers repeated in any one line. This program will give you the option of not repeating any numbers throughout the selection. This only applies to the first 8 lines (48 numbers). After that the number selection starts again. How many lines do you want the Series 3a to generate? Up to 10 can be selected. If you choose less than 10 lines then you now have the option of entering any number of lines of your own choice to make it up to the maximum of 10. This is useful if you do a regular line of birthdays. So if you want to do a complete card, enter 4 when asked for 'How Many Lines (1-10)' ,enter your 6 birthday numbers and then press ENTER. You will then be shown 5 lines of numbers. The first 4 lines are all zero because we haven't generated the numbers yet and the last line is the numbers you entered. 'Are numbers correct Y/N?'. If the numbers YOU have entered are ok then press 'Y' otherwise 'N' and you can then enter them again (or just press ENTER for no numbers from you). Once through that last section your 3a will start generating the numbers. You will be told when repeating numbers have been found and rejected. Consecutive numbers. Since the draw started each winning selection has only had one pair of consecutive numbers in the result (or none at all). This program takes that into account. If, for example, the numbers 22 and 23 have been chosen then no other consecutive numbers will be allowed. The numbers 21 and 24 will also not be allowed because only TWO consecutive numbers are permitted. This applies to all lines except line 8 when the 'no repeating numbers' option was be chosen. Having done 7 lines (42 numbers), consecutive numbers are irrelevant since there are only 7 more to choose from! 'Consec number' will be shown if it happens. Please note that it will also happen if, say, 33 and 35 have been chosen and the number 34 comes up. Right. Once the 3a has finished selecting your numbers, then it saves them. It suggests a file name based on the week number but you can enter any file name you wish (subject to the normal restrictions). Once saved you are returned to the Lottery Options again. Enter Selection. =============== This option allows you to enter up to 1O lines of your own numbers. Use the next option to save it. Load/Save Selection. ==================== Load a previously saved selection or save your own entered numbers. Files have the extension '.lns'. View Selection ============== Shows the number selection. If there are no selections then this doesn't work! Enter Draw Result ================= Use this on the big night to enter the result. It does sort them into numerical order but keeps the bonus ball separate. Load/Save Result ================= You can load a previous result or save the latest. Once again week numbers are offered as file names. Files have the extension '.wno' Check Numbers. =============== First make sure that both your selection and the result have been loaded. Your selection is displayed and the result is shown on the bottom right of the screen. If any numbers have come up, they are changed from black to grey. If any of your numbers are the bonus ball number, then a black square will replace that number. ***************** Ok, so it's good luck. This program is absolutely free but if you win the big one, then think of me! This program, its code and documentation are copyright Richard Oldman 1995. No part of the program may be changed or altered in any way. However if you find any bugs then please report them to me with as much detail as possible. Please remember that the lottery is just a bit of fun. There is no real way to predict the fall of a ball. Having said that, I have won four lots 10!! Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick! Richard Oldman BTNN7 BTNN! BTNN( BTNN_ BTNN7 BTNNC BTNN^ BTNNP BTNNS BTNNd BTNNe BTNNO BTNNy BTNNf BTNN BTNNK BTNNe