PSIONWPDATAFILE ROM::BJ.WDR GTGrundtext berschrift A berschrift B SWStichworte ndtext ndtext ndtext ndtext NNNormal UUUnterstrichen FFFett KKKursiv HHHochgestellt TTTiefgestellt 2 Functions 2-1 Moving through the entries one entry up one entry down four entries up four entries down first entry of the day last entry of the day 2-2 Moving through the year one day later one day earlier first day of the year last day of the year one week later one week earlier first day of the month last day of the month one month later on month earlier toggles between the actual day and the last day used 2-3 Functions o opens a Diary file n creates a new file e inserts a new entry u updates an existing entry *** Repeated entries can be modified only in all. d deletes an entry If there is an link to a Notepad file you will be asked if you want to delete the file also. If there is an alarm for this entry it will !! not !! be canceled. *** Repeated entries can be deleted only in all. deletes also an entry *** Deleted entries are written to the M:\NPBUF31 file and can be pasted therefore. s sets an alarm to an entry To set an Alarm you must have started the ASERVER.OPO coming with Notepad. An alarm is indicated by the alarm character. You can't set another alarm to an entry. Alarms can be repeated by the following options: 1. Monthly by date 2. Monthly by day 3. Monthly last day 4. Weekly 5. Daily 6. Workday 7. Restday 8. Every (x) days c cancels an alarm y changes an alarm j jumps to a certain date h pops up a window where you can select if you want to see variable or fixed holidays. *** Variable holidays are those which change the date every year like Easter or Whitsun. These dates are calculated in the program and can't be modified. *** Fixed holidays are all holidays with the same date every year like birthdays, weddings days etc. You can enter your own holidays by pressing on the fixed holiday view screen. !!!! Don't worry about the year 1900. It isn't a bug. I need the day of the year to fix the problem with leap years. After entering a new date the database will be sorted. You can walk through the entries using the following cursor keys. one entry up one entry down one screen up on screen down first entry last entry You can delete entries pressing . *** Note: All menu functions are disabled except x. Pressing leaves the window. k pops up a three month calendar with the actual month in the middle. The weeks are preceeded by the calendar week and the week begins with the configured first day of week. You can move arround the calendar with the same keystrokes as moving through the entries. Pressing will jump to the selected day. If you left the actual year, you will be asked for a filename for the new year. If the file exists it will be opened, otherwise it will be created. Pressing leaves the calendar. *** Note: All menu function are disabled except j, h and x. l deletes a Diary file *** Note This option deletes both the main file and the repeat file. r renames a Diary file *** Note Since both the main file and the repeat file must be renamed, you can't give a new extension to the files. t exports the entries to a .txt file. You will be asked for a filename and the drive and if you will export all dates (Option 'Yes') or only dates with an appointment (Option 'No'). Also you will be asked for the dates to begin and end. If you have the S3-Link attached you can write the file directly to a PC. p copies and pastes entries. The copy option writes the entry into the m:\npbuf31 file and paste reads from this file. So you can paste an entry several times. Also deleted entries (d or ) are written into this file and can be pasted. b searches an entry. You will be asked for the string to search (it's not case sensitive) and if you will search bottom (from actual date till Dec,31) or up (from actual date till Jan,1) Pressing c searches for the next entry. w toggles between the weekline and the timeline at the bottom of the screen. The weekline shows the actual and the next week, beginning with the configured first day of week. The actual day is indicated by the bold number. A black box beside AM or PM indicates that there is an appointment. The timeline shows the spreading of the appointments for the actual day. i shows some information for the actual file. You can leave the screen pressing either or *** Note: All menu functions are disabled except x. z changes the default settings. a shows Informations about Diary. x exits the program and returns to Notepad, if it was started from there. links a Notepad file to the current entry, if Diary was started from Notepad. If there is no actual link, Diary asks you for a filename and if you will create a file in the \note\expand\ directory (.exp) or in the \note\ directory(.pad), which will be shown on the system screen. If the file exists Diary opens the file, otherwise Diary creates it. If there is yet a link Diary opens this file. removes the link to the Notepad file, if Diary was started from Notepad and asks you if you wish to delete the Notepad file. jumps directly to Notepad, if it is running without opening a specified file jumps to Notepad, if Diary was started from Notepad and creates and/or opens a file called TODO#DIA as a ToDo file for notes, which doesn't have an entry in Diary. This file will be sorted by the project date and for every new date a special line like this -> *** Sep 22, 1993 is inserted jumps to the Word-Application and opens the Diary.wrd file. I decided in favor of this solution,because in this way you can add any information you needed and I didn't put to the help file (And also you can correct my errors) *** Press to get the whole screen. *** Press the Word Icon to get the headlines. is a toggle to view messages that won't fit totally into one line. The notes are shown in a whole screen view mode with word wrapping. Prints the name of the holiday when the date shows a slashed O at the right. is a toggle to mark entries as done. If there is an alarm attached to the entry it will be canceled. The marked as done items are preceeded by a mark. ZDNN ZDNN ZDNN ZDNN ZDNN+ ZDNN+ ZDNN ZDNN; ZDNN% ZDNN1 ZDNN9 ZDNNr ZDNN& ZDNN_ ZDNN5 ZDNN. 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