CD Addons v1.0 (c) Psion GmbH 1994 -------------- Autor : G.Tappenden Adresse: Psion GmbH, Saalburgstraáe 157, D-61350 Bad Homburg Support: +49 6172 9654-28 Mailbox: +49 6172 37090 Cix : CServe : 71333,2070 LICENCE All rights reserved. Psion accepts no responsibility for loss or damage either directly or indirectly as a result of using this program, or as a result of differences between the documentation and the program. You may copy version 1.0, so long as ALL the original files are copied together. You may NOT reverse engineer the program. The software remains the property of the author and Psion GmbH. No fee may be charged for this product, without the permission of the author or Psion GmbH. The storing of some types of Data is forbidden or restircted under the Data Protection Act. It is the responsibility of the User (and NOT Psion) to register the data stored using this program. INSTALLATION To install the program, you will need to install the following file: Into \APP\CDBASE\ CDADDON.OVL Overlay file for 'Addons' Once this program is in place, a further set of options will appear on the menu in the CD Database program. The program is 'Plug and Play', so you do NOT need to restart the CD Database program in order to use Addons, HOWEVER, since the program hooks into the overlay, you CANNOT delete the overlay file whilst it is in use. In other words, if 'Addons' appears on the menu, you cannot delete the overlay file until you close the program. USING THE PROGRAM The following sub-menu appears on the main menu: -------------------- | AddOns | -------------------- | Export Disc + | | Export All - | -------------------- | Calculator * | -------------------- EXPORT DISC This option allows the current disc to be exported into a text file, the format of which conforms to that used by the import function. EXPORT ALL This option allows the current database to be exported into a text file, the format of which conforms to that used by the import function. A NOTE ON EXPORTING Exporting is useful, since it saves having to type the details of a disc in more than once. You can enter the details of a disc, and then distribute this record to everyone else who you know who ALSO has this disc. The problems start to occur, when you realise that YOUR code is saved in the export file, and will be re-imported. This may need to be changed by the person importing the file. The other problem is the 'Styles', since these are saved numerically, but if your Style no.7 (ie. the 7th line in the dialog) is 'Jazz', and the person received the file has Style no.7 set to 'Rock', then your Jazz CDs will be imported as 'Rock' CDs. If you intend to distribute such files, then you should use only the six default styles available. The alternative is to distribute the .CDS file from which the database was exported. This contains the details of the styles you have added, so if someone created a new database, and copied YOUR .CDS file over THEIR .CDS file, then YOUR styles would be used instead. LEGAL WARNING NO.1 It is not permitted to store some types of information without the permission of the owner. For other types of information, distribution of this information is not permitted. It is the responsibility of the user and NOT Psion GmbH to ensure that he/she confirms to these legal requirements. CALCULATOR This feature is in response to a request from customers, such as Steve Jones on Cix. The calculator allows the you to calculate who long a collection of Tracks takes, for transfer to tape, for example. Enter for each track a search key. This can be part of the title, artist, or reference. You wil be presented with a further dialog, with the possible choices in it. Select the one you require, and it will be added to the list on the screen. When you are finished, leave the search key blank, and the total time will be displayed in a dialog. LEGAL WARNING NO.2 The copying of Compact Discs to Tape is legally restricted. Neither Psion GmbH nor the author take any responsibility for the actions of users which may or may not contravene this restriction.