OPLObjectFile** LOC::B:\OPL\BATTERY.OPL GRAPH (c)1993 Pelican Software Inc. Battery Checker 1.0( Main Bak Ext ReadingsO Main Bak Help: Battery Checker 1.0( +(Battery Checker can be used to determine +)how long your S3's batteries are going to +%last. The key is to put a load on the +(battery by starting up other programs or +(using the 3link - a known battery killer and re-check readings here. (c)1993 Pelican Software Inc.( P.O.Box 741072O Houston Tx. 77274-1072O Cserve 70713,1407O (713) 773-2803O Key Commands Help+ Show Help info Menu+ Pull down menu Battery+ RecommendationOR+ AboutOA+ Key CommandsOK Or@[9 Battery Checker Recommendations( +&If the readings are showing in the Low +%during a light load, than the battery +$should be discarded. If it only goes +%Low on occasion with a heavy load, it +$is good for a while. Use the two Opl +#procedures for increasing the load. Oa@[ MAINS% HWSUPPLY + Batteries Main battery+ Backup battery+ External power+ External power+ BATTERY9 MAINS% GRAPH