Tetris v2.01 beta (08/05/1995) ============================== For Psion 3a and Acorn Pocketbook II (c) Steve Godfrey. Please inform me of any bugs via email at one of the following addresses: stevegodfrey@cix.compulink.co.uk stevegodfrey@warp10.demon.co.uk arcade BBS user #897 Copy the Tetris.app file into any \APP directory and install as normal. Use 'Set preferences' to set keys and other options. Use 'Help' for additional help. High scores and preferences are saved in a small file inside the \GPK directory on the internal disk. CONDITIONS OF USE All rights reserved. I accept no responsibility for any damage caused by the direct or indirect use of this program. The software remains the property of Steve Godfrey. No fee may be charged for this product, without the express permission of the author. Also, this product may not be used to distribute any product for which a fee is charged without the express permission of the author.