OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\SOL1.OPL Sol.ODB \OPD\ SUIT$ NUMR$ DECK$ PACK$ KKEY1$ KKEY2$ XREF% YREF% YREF2% FROM% COL1$ COL2$ COL3$ COL4$ COL5$ COL6$ COL7$ FROM$ FOUND% SOLID% HIGH% HIGHP% COMPLET solfaces.picO solW) WELLDONE KGET% LIGHT PROCD PROCF FROMTO DECK$ HIGH% KKEY1$ KKEY2$ YREF% O @[ toKO O @[ O 0\[1 FROM$ COL1$ COL2$ COL3$ COL4$ COL5$ COL6$ COL7$ DECK$ XREF% YREF% YREF2% SUIT$ NUMR$ FOUND% A23456789TJQK PACK$ +(ASAHADAC2S2H2D2C3S3H3D3C4S4H4D4C5S5H5D5C +(6S6H6D6C7S7H7D7C8S8H8D8C9S9H9D9CTSTHTDTCK JSJHJDJCQSQHQDQCKSKHKDKCK |RWBO CLRCOL BLANK PROCD XREF% YREF% YREF2% PACK$ COL1$ COL2$ COL3$ COL4$ COL5$ COL6$ COL7$ DECK$ PROCQ PROCH NQDSFH Game+ NewON+ QuitOQ Card+ DealOD+ ShowOS+ FinishOF Help+ help!OH COMPLET BASICS INTRO HISTORY ABOUT + Help me ! Introduction( Hints at the keys( A brief history( About the author( + Exit Help( +$This is as you've already guessed, aO +)solitaire game. So as your looking at theO +*help, you'll probably want to find out howO +)to use this game. Or heaven forbid, you'dO +*like to send me some cash, for the ongoingO improvement of this game.( Continue+ Yes,No +)Why another solitaire, well I took a lookO +,at solo and thought it was a bit poor in theO ++look and feel department. So I deleted soloO +*and decided to develop my own, I rememeberO ++a PET program's shuffle and began with thatO +)With the aim of a nice graphical program.( Continue+ Yes,No +(If you want a bit more of a coding orderO +*then see the history. If you want the O +,reason for all this then I'll say it simple.O ++Flu, I had it and was stuck in bed with it.O So it all began with a bug.O +)It started small and grew and is growing.( Left/Right+ moves the cursorO Enter+ Selects the columnO under the cursorO Deal a cardO Finish (if possible)O Continue+ Yes,No The deck of cards (from)O The columns in playO The packs of suitsO Continue+ Yes,No + Psion andO New gameO Q+ Quit gameO Show a column (1-7)O Deal a cardO Help (this thing)( +&Began October/November 1993, O This had slow graphics.O December 1993, added fontsO to speed up card drawing.O removed the drawing of wholeO column at each card move.( Continue+ Yes,No +$February 1994, eventually gave in toO +$advice and added a cursor for easierO +#use. Then speeded up the card facesO +#using a bit map. Added all the helpO Stephen J. PriceO Where+ 157 Iffley Road, CowleyO Oxford, OX4 1EJO Phone+ Yes thanksO E-mail+ p0071170@brookes.ac.ukO Research Assistant( Continue+ Yes,No +"This is a little request for help.O +#I've just beginning to get the hangO + of UNIX and FTP, now I'd like toO +!join the comp.sys.psion newsgroupO +%but I don't know how. A little e-mailO about this will be appreciated.( LIGHT BLANK DECK$ XREF% YREF% LIGHT COLUP1 Show Column Which Column+ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 LIGHT VALSUIT FROM$ COL1$ COL2$ COL3$ COL4$ COL5$ COL6$ COL7$ FOUND% XREF% YREF% YREF2% HIGH% INITIAL SHUFFLE START Wrong ColourO Wrong NumberO COMPLET + Well DoneO You did it.O VALSUIT PACKS FROM$ FOUND% XREF% YREF% YREF2% BLANK DECK$ XREF% YREF% VALSUIT WRONGC WRONGN COLUP2 PACKS FROM$ COL1$ COL2$ COL3$ COL4$ COL5$ COL6$ COL7$ CLRCRD UPCOL1 UPCOL2 UPCOL3 UPCOL4 UPCOL5 UPCOL6 UPCOL7 XREF% YREF% VALSUIT FROM$ FOUND% XREF% YREF% YREF2% COL1$ COL2$ COL3$ COL4$ COL5$ COL6$ COL7$ CLRCRD UPCOL1 UPCOL2 UPCOL3 UPCOL4 UPCOL5 UPCOL6 UPCOL7 XREF% YREF% BLANK COL1$ XREF% YREF% BLANK COL2$ XREF% YREF% BLANK COL3$ XREF% YREF% BLANK COL4$ XREF% YREF% BLANK COL5$ XREF% YREF% BLANK COL6$ XREF% YREF% BLANK COL7$ XREF% YREF% VALSUIT WRONGC WRONGN COLUP1 COLUP2 FROM$ COL1$ COL2$ COL3$ COL4$ COL5$ COL6$ COL7$ STOP1 STOP2 STOP3 STOP4 STOP5 STOP6 STOP7 CLRCRD XREF% YREF% COL1$ XREF% YREF% COL2$ XREF% YREF% COL3$ XREF% YREF% COL4$ XREF% YREF% COL5$ XREF% YREF% COL6$ XREF% YREF% COL7$ XREF% YREF% NUMR$ SUIT$ CLRCRD VALSUIT NUMBER FTHREE FFOUR FFIVE FSEVEN FEIGHT FNINE FJACK FQUEEN FKING SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% SOLID% FROMTO INITIAL; SHUFFLE START KGET% PROCN PROCQ& PROCH8 BASICSD INTRO) HISTORY7 ABOUT$ PROCD% PROCS0 PROCF LIGHT COMPLET WRONGC WRONGN WELLDONED! PACKS COLUP2 F2FDO( COLUP1 UPCOL1 UPCOL2l, UPCOL3R- UPCOL48. UPCOL5 UPCOL6 UPCOL7 STOP1t9 STOP2 STOP3 STOP4`; STOP5 STOP6 STOP7L= VALSUIT CLRCRD CLRCOL BLANKA? NUMBERd@ FACEdB FTWOFC FTHREE FFOURWD FFIVE FSEVEN FEIGHT FNINE FJACK&K FQUEEN FKING^L