OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\POKER.OPL POKER.ODB \OPD\ CARD$ DECK$ DUMP% KEYP% DEAL% CREDITS& BETSEL% INITGFX INITDECK SHUFFLE GETBET PSELECT CHECK DRAWCARD KEYP% DUMP% \OH@[ \OX@[ Special+ HelpOH+ ExitOX O @[, PUTSUIT CARD$ DUMP% LO-PO O(O2O hO(O2O O(O2O TLO(O VIDEO POKER TLO(O TLO(O Giles Goddard \APP\POKER\ club16.pic Rheart16O club16O spade16O Rdiamd16O v+&Sorry can't find one of the .PIC files+ Read the doc file !W8 DECK$ 234567890JQKA DRAWCARD DECK$ DEAL% Shuffling deck...O O4|RWBIx O4|RWBIx DRAWCARD DUMP% CARD$ DECK$ DEAL% O5@[ PSTATUS CREDITS& BETSEL% You have broken the bank! + Game Over Another game?O YesOy+ W7On@[ You have $ Make your bet Bet + $1,$5,$10,$25,$50,$100 CREDITS& Credit $ Bet $ FLUSH STRAIGHT PAIRS CARD$ CREDITS& ROYAL FLUSH! Straight flush Four of a kind Full house Flush Straight Three of a kind + Two pairs One pair YOU WIN $ + You lose! .G\[O HANDJOB A2345 23456 34567 45678 56789 67890 7890J 890JQ 90JQK 0JQKA HHHHHC CCCCCC` DDDDDC` SSSSSC`| HANDJOB HANDIS AA... 22... 33... 44... 55... 66... 77... 88... 99... 00... JJ... QQ... KK... ....K HANDIS Help: Video Poker( HOW TO PLAY( WINNING HANDS( ABOUT( Help: HOW TO PLAY( Make your bet. Use the cursor keys to select a card then SPACE to flip it. Press RETURN to discard flipped + cards and replace with new ones. You only have one chance! Bet X Royal Flush - 1000K 10 J Q K A - Same suit Straight Flush - + Any 5 cards in order & same suit Four of a kind - 4 cards of same rank Full House - +%3 cards same rank + 2 cards same rank Flush - All cards same suit Straight - Any 5 cards in order Three of a kind - 3 cards of same rank Two Pairs - +&2 pairs of cards, each pair same rank One Pair - 2 cards of same rank Video Poker( (c) Giles Goddard. 1993O +*Public Domain. Not to be sold in any form.O +%The author cannot be held responsibleO +)for any loss of jobs caused by bad timingO +)on the part of the user and his/her boss.O PSELECT DRAWCARD PUTSUIT INITGFXl INITDECK SHUFFLE GETBET PSTATUS CHECK HANDIS STRAIGHT FLUSH PAIRS HANDJOB