PSIONWPDATAFILE ROM::BJ.WDR BTBody text HAHeading A HBHeading B BLBulleted list NNNormal UUUnderline BBBold IIItalic EESuperscript SSSubscript 1.0 Introduction & Installation Welcome to RISK for the PSION Series 3a. The game is based entirely on the board game by Parker Brothers USA and is for 2 to 6 players. To install RISK from a floppy diskette, you need to make sure that all of the files are there:- RISK.APP WORLD.PIC ART.PIC CAV.PIC INF.PIC Copy the RISK.APP file into the \APP directory on any of the Series 3a drives. Make a separate directory (from the root) called \RISKPICS. Copy the .PIC files into this directory. This need not be on the same drive as the RISK application. Select INSTALL from the APPS menu and select RISK.APP (from the drive that holds the file). 2.0 Registration As I have never provided a program before, I wondered long and hard about registration. However, it came to me that I had put a lot of effort into the program and I have to increase my skills somehow (the purchase of beer to lubricate the mind, eh?). Thus, all money earned from this program and subsequent ones will be ploughed directly back into Series 3a program development and improvements to this game. Registration is simple and is shown each time the game is run (providing you have not already registered). Registration will provide access to the LOAD and SAVE options and will also entitle you to future updates of the program. 3.0 The Game The game is for 2 to 6 players. Each player is given a mission (a secret objective) and the first player to complete the mission is the winner. Risk requires a large amount of planning, skill and indeed, luck. 3.1 3 to 6 players After selecting New Game, player details are entered followed by what type of game you would like. If you select Missions, each player is given a secret objective, if you select World Domination, the aim of the game is simple- CONQUER THE WORLD. Following this screen, the Series 3a will ask if passwords are required. If No is selected, other players can quite easily view your mission and your cards (see later). You an now view your mission. Press MENU, move across to VIEW and down to MISSIONS. Your mission can now be seen. The 42 Territories are allocated between the players and armies are issued as follows:- 3 players- 35 armies 4 players- 30 armies 5 players- 25 armies 6 players- 20 armies To start the game, one army is placed in each of the players territories. 3.2 2 player game The rules for 2 players are slightly different. There is a Neutral Force which does not attack and the Mission for both players is World Domination. The two players are issued with 40 armies each whereas the Neutral force receives 28. A single army is placed on each of the territories for the players but 2 armies are placed for Neutral. 4.0 Placing armies It is now a wise move to analyse what the Series 3a has given you. At any stage you can view Territories either by player or by Continent. Thoughtful planning and allocation of armies can put a player in a very good starting position. For example, if the Series 3a has allocated 3 of the 4 Australian territories to a player, it would be quite easy to quickly conquer that continent. Armies are placed one at a time. This provides an opportunity for each player to have an insight into the other players thinking. With strategic planning, placing the armies can take up to 45 minutes. 5.0 Game Phases There are three stages. The first of these is the reinforcement stage. Here, armies are issued depending on how many territories are held, continents are held and if the Risk cards are exchanged. Phase 1) Territories held are combined and then divided by three e.g. 17 territories /3 gives 5 armies (the remaining 2 are discarded). However, the minimum armies received is 3 i.e. a player occupies 4 territories- 3 armies. Extra armies are also issued if a Continent is held:- North America- 5 armies South America- 2 armies Africa- 3 armies Europe- 5 armies Asia- 7 armies Australia- 2 armies A player may exchange Risk cards at the beginning of their go for extra armies:- The maximum number of cards that can be held is 5, therefore if 5 cards are held, it is in the players best interests to 'cash them in'. 3 artillery (tank) 4 armies 3 infantry (man) 6 armies 3 cavalry (horse) 8 armies 1 of each 10 armies The player must now place the armies at his discretion. If the game is a two player game, the Neutral force is issued with half the number issued to the player. These armies also require placing strategically by the other player, e.g. Dave receives 10 armies and places them. Neutral receives 5 and John must place them (i.e. make it awkward for Dave). Phase 2) It is now time for combat. A player can attack a territory owned by another player providing that the territory from which they are attacking is connected, and has at least 2 armies in the 'from' territory. Please note:- You will always have at least one army in each territory you occupy!!! After deciding whether to Attack or End Go, if Attack was selected, the player must pick 'where from'. By selecting the Continent and then his territory, the attack from stage is complete. The Series 3a will then ask for the 'to' territory. Providing the previously mentioned criteria has been satisfied, combat resumes with the use of 'DICE'. The player may elect to attack with 1,2 or 3 dice providing they have 2, 3 or 4 or more armies respectively. The attacking dice are rolled and it is now up to the defending player as to how many they defend with. If a defending player has 2 or more armies, they can defend with 2. Results are compared HIGHEST to HIGHEST and so on. Upon loosing, an army is removed from the game. For example:- Attacker has 3 armies in Mongolia and rolls the 2 dice to attack China Defender has 2 armies in China and rolls 2 dice Attacker looses one, defender looses one. Please note if the attacker and the defender throw the same score, e.g. 4 and 4, the attacker looses. The attacker is then given the option to continue the attack or stop. This is carried on until either the player stops the attack, the attacker wins the territory or the attacker only has 1 army left. Upon winning the territory, the attacker must move at least 1 army into it. At this point further territories can be attacked or the player may opt to end their go. Phase 3) Once a player decides to end their go, if a territory was conquered, a risk card is issued to the player. The player can now make a 'Tactical move'. This is useful if a player wants to move armies into another adjoining territory. Obviously, both territories must belong to the player. The Series 3a will then check to see if the mission has been attained. If this is the case, the game is over with the previously attacking player the WINNER. If the mission has not been achieved, play moves on to the next player, and the Phases start again. 6.0 Help Although limited, the game does carry an On-line help (obtained by pressing HELP, or through the MENU). 7.0 Additional Notes Please feel free to distribute this program. Further information on registration, or just general comments to:- Chris Gibbs C/o 15 Mulberry Avenue Leeds LS16 8LL BTNN` BTNN\ BTNNS BTNNG BTNNk BTNNz BTNNr BTNNX BTNNJ BTNNS BTNN6 BTNNR BTNNa BTNNU BTNNg BTNNc BTNNG BTNN0 BTNN* BTNNf BTNNY BTNNt BTNN BTNNh BTNNp BTNN