OPLDatabaseFile Crossword Registration Edit new Edit existing Editing - GeneralE 3BThis copy of CrosWord is Shareware. You can use it as often as youI 3Flike, but it is restricted to allowing you to play the provided games.* 3'The editing features have been removed. 3AIf you would like the complete version which includes editing andF 3Cother features as outlined below, please send a cheque/postal order/ 3,for 6.50 (or 5.00 plus 3.5 inch disk) to:- M.Avey 39 Union Street Cheltenham Gloucestershire ENGLAND GL52 2JN 3DThe following additional features are provided in the full program:- Full editing for new and existing gamesE Addition of new words on-line or by selecting from a pre-defined, 3) (and expandable) list of word and clues Cheat function Automatic game save 3>Registered owners will be sent the most current version of the program and regular updates.E BThe functions of particular keys are displayed on screen depending8 5on the mode you are in at the time, i.e. Edit or Play= :Select 'Play new game' from the 'Game' menu, or press BPlay is carried out either by using the cursor keys to specify theG Dposition on the grid, or by using the and keys on the clue list.D AYou can switch between the two methods by pressing the 'TAB' key.= :Select 'Edit new game' from the 'Game' menu, or press @This section allows the creation of a new CrosWord from scratch. @Firstly, you will be asked for a filename for your new CrosWord,B ?which should be entered without any extension. You will then be+ (presented with a clear grid for editing.@ =To edit a previousky designed CrosWord, select 'Edit existing, )game' from the 'Game' menu, or press @You can enter words and clues into your CrosWord manually, or byC @picking word/clue combinations from a seperate database. You canB ?amend the clues for words entered from the database in the same! as for manually entered words.