OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\ARTLLRY.OPL SCAPE% ATTRACT ArtillryW( SCAPE% Press 1-6 to choose landscape O(8[ O68`[ O68`[ O68`[ O68`[ + Artillery Version 1.0O (C) A.Baldwin 1993O Freeware( E-mail comments etc. toO andrew@zarquon.demon.co.ukO EXPLODE SCAPE% How many players?+$2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 + Computer Player +!(Leave blank for computer player) Player Name?O + Computer Gravity: Initial Wind: Please Wait Bumpy Landscape Sine Scape Square Scape Platform Scape Silly Scape Very Silly Scape O(|RJ OK|:[ TL@[x TL@[x O(|RJy O(|RJy O(|RJy TL@[x TL@[x Press Enter to start Mbp?R* Mb`?N + Computer Gravity:Od| Wind: Od| Angle?( Power?O |F\[? |F\[< Press Enter to fire OP|2[$ OP|:[ H|2\[X h|RJO Boom! Well Done You Won!( Nobody Won! You're all dead( ARTILLRY9 ATTRACT PLAYe EXPLODE` ARTILLRY9 ATTRACT PLAYe EXPLODE`