Subject: Re: Labels for OPL database files In-Reply-To:'s message of 28 Jun 94 11:18:33 GMT Message-ID: Sender: (C News Software) Nntp-Posting-Host: daiches Organization: Human Communication Research Centre, University of Edinburgh References: <4683@twix> Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 13:48:20 GMT Lines: 85 I use the following two procedures to read and write the field names. d% is a number corresponding to the handle (1->A etc). The names are stored in a global array fldnm$(). proc rdfldnm%:(d%) local info%(4) local d1%, d2%, d3%, d4% local n%, i%, p%, e% odbinfo info%() d1%=$1700 d2%=peekw(info%(d%)) if os($d8, addr(d1%)) and 1 return -1 endif p%=uadd(peekw(uadd(info%(d%),8)),2) while (peekw(p%) and $f000)<>$4000 p%=uadd(p%,(peekw(p%) and $0fff)+2) endwh e%=uadd(p%,(peekw(p%) and $0fff)+2) p%=uadd(p%,2) i%=1 while p%$4000 p%=uadd(p%,(peekw(p%) and $0fff)+2) endwh s%=peekw(uadd(info%(d%),8)) r%=p% p%=uadd(p%,2) i%=1 :l%=0 while i%<=n% poke$ p%, fldnm$(i%) p%=uadd(p%,len(fldnm$(i%))+1) l%=l%+len(fldnm$(i%))+1 i%=i%+1 endwh pokew r%, $4000 or l% d1%=$1800 d2%=peekw(info%(d%)) d3%=p%-s% if os($d8, addr(d1%)) and 1 raise d1% or $ff00 endif endp