Linux resources --------------- The files in the /linux directory of this CD are for Linux systems only. There are five subdirectories: boot144 -- Linux boot disks for 3.5" (1.44M) floppy disks boot12 -- Linux boot disks for 5.25" (1.2M) floppy disks root -- Linux root disks (all formats) dosutils -- Utilities for use under DOS (fips.exe, rawrite.exe, gzip.exe and restorrb.exe) packages -- Some extra useful packages not supplied as part of the standard distribution The boot144, boot12 and root directories are used to create the floppies you need to install Linux on your system. These correspond to the normal bootdsks.144, bootdsks.12 and rootdsks directories in the standard Slackware distribution. Note that the rootdisks referenced by the rootdisk creation page have been renamed from *.GZ to *.I, so that .gz files downloaded across the net won't automatically get written to a floppy. The dosutils directory contains DOS tools for preparing your system for installation. The packages directory contains the following files: dms080a.tgz -- a DOS file system (version 0.8.0a) that can handle drives compressed using DoubleSpace or DriveSpace demu0662.tgz -- DOSEMU, the DOS emulator for Linux (version 0.66.2) gnat309.tgz -- the GNAT Ada 95 compiler (version 3.09) wn970629.tgz -- Wine, a Windows emulator (ALPHA version, released 29 Jun 1996) fat32pat.gz -- a patch for the 2.0.29 kernel (the one provided in the Slackware distribution on this CD) to handle Microsoft's new FAT32 file system for large hard disks To install these, copy them to your hard disk, gunzip them and then untar them (except for fat32pat.gz, which only requires gunzipping). For example: gunzip gnat309.tgz; tar xvf gnat309.tar or alternatively: zcat gnat309.tgz | tar xvf - Once you've done this, read the documentation included in the package for further instructions.