(5.11) REXX

How do I use REXX? What does it do?

REXX is built into every copy of OS/2 Warp (where it is also known as Procedures Language/2). It is a general purpose, interpreted programming language which was first released on IBM mainframes over a decade ago. REXX is extremely easy to learn and use. It is particularly strong at string manipulation, and it has features which are difficult to implement in compiled languages (like the ability to read its own source code or execute a string as a command).

OS/2 Warp applications can use REXX as a common scripting language, which means that users need not learn separate macro or script languages for each application. For example, the OS/2 Warp versions of Lotus 1-2-3 and Borland ObjectVision will interface with REXX. OS/2 Warp's multimedia extensions (MMPM/2) contain a REXX interface, so REXX programs can play, record, and manipulate sound and video files. And REXX can be used to create complex batch files (with interactive prompting), since it is integrated so tightly into OS/2 Warp's command processor. Moreover, a trio of REXX visual builders (programming tools which help create even complex REXX applications quickly and easily using simple, drag and drop manipulation of on screen objects), HockWare's VisPro/REXX, Watcom's VX REXX, and Gpf REXX, are now available.

For more information on OS/2 Warp's REXX interpreter, see the REXX Information online documentation located in the Information folder. For more information on REXX generally, consult the REXX Frequently Asked Questions List [available from (3.2) Shareware and FreewareSources]. Or consult one of the many books available on REXX under OS/2 Warp, including OS/2 REXX: From Bark to Byte (IBM Publication No. GG24-4199) and REXX Under OS/2 by G.F. Gargiulo (Wiley, ISBN 0471-519-014).

Here are some REXX hints and tips:

Related information:

(0.2) Recent Developments
(3.2) Shareware and Freeware Sources
(3.6) Multimedia (MMPM/2)

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