Win-L Windows95 / 96 & Networking FAQ V12.2 (Q=295)

Now Incorporating the Registry FAQ!

This Revision: - V12.2 13 April 1997 (for those who get confused by 13.4.97)

Past Contributors

Please report all bugs and other stuffups to:

I would like to commence this FAQ by thanking all past contributors of this FAQ and especially Robyn Mabry & Rich Graves, the entire Windows 95 community thanks you for your efforts and we all appreciate it.

Please read this Microsoft ® Windows ® 95 (win95) Frequently Asked Questions before posting messages to news groups or mail lists like Win95-L. Many answers are already contained in this document. An Ascii Text (available again soon) and a Html version of this FAQ is available at

This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about ms-windows95 (also called win95). These questions and answers were compiled from responses to news group posts and from the two mailing lists forums: WIN95-L, a general discussion group and WIN95-NET, a networking issues group.

How do I - Setup & Installation - Windows 95 KB Controls - Hardware & Software issues - The Windows 95 Registry

Communications Modems & the internet - Communications Networking - SCSI and Windows 95 - MS Dos & Dual Boot issues - It's screwed up - why?

Windows 95 for Beginners - Mac Win95 issues - Win 95 Internet resources - Win 95-97 New features

How do I in Windows 95Windows 95 for beginnersSetup & Installation issuesWindows 95 Keyboard ControlsMS-Dos issues (Games etc)It's screwed now what?Apple Mac to Windows 95 IssuesOther Windows 95 internet resourcesChanges in Windows 95 & now OSR2SCSI & Windows 95Hardware & Software issues pertaining to Windows 95Communications & the InternetThe registryWindows 95 Networking


This article and web site listing is provided without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article, the author, faq maintainers and contributors assume no responsibility for errors or ommissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information herin. This document respects all owners of their repected trademarks and or copyrights, Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT are the sole copyright of Microsoft Corporation and thus belongs to Bill.

Copyright Notice ©

Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ COPYRIGHT © 1996 by Hans Klarenbeek

All Rights Reserved by the author, Hans Klarenbeek

Windows95 (Win95-L) FAQ © 1996 PERMISSION:

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