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Miscellaneous topics

Graphics · Viruses · Data compression · Cryptography

This section contains assorted documentation that doesn't readily fit into any of the other categories.


The Graphics FAQ from the newsgroup comp.graphics.misc
The Graphic File Format FAQ has information about how graphics files are organised

Nan Schaller's Graphics Page has links to many other online graphics-related resources
The Visualisation Centre at the University of Manchester
The Advisory Group on Computer Graphics provides information about graphics research with the UK
SIGGRAPH, the ACM's Special Interest Group for Graphics, is a good source of graphics-related information
The newsgroup comp.graphics.misc is a good source of information, and there are lots of other more specialised comp.graphics.* groups as well


The Virus Mini-FAQ from the newsgroup alt.comp.virus: read this before panicking
The Virus FAQ from the newsgroup alt.comp.virus: a more detailed description of viruses, their spread and what you can do to protect yourself
Some anti-virus software to get you started, although this stuff tends to go out-of-date very quickly

The home of Dr. Solomon, and the home of Dr. Solomon's (commercial) antivirus package
The Virus Bulletin has lots of up-to-date information about viruses
Datafellows, a good site for information about viruses as well as the latest version of the F-Prot antivirus utility
Trend Micro have a good selection of virus information
Stiller Research is yet another good source of virus information
The newsgroups comp.virus and alt.comp.virus are a good source of up-to-date information about viruses

Data compression

The Data Compression FAQ: information about file compression techniques.
A selection of data compression software

A good list of pointers to compression resources and information
The Info-ZIP home page
PKWare, the home site for Phil Katz's well-known compression software (PKZip/PKUnzip, PKLite and others)
The home site for WinZip, the popular compression tool for Windows
The newsgroup comp.compression


An Introduction to Cryptography by Tatu Ylonen
Some encryption software

Tatu Ylonen's cryptography pages are a good starting point if you want to know more about cryptography
Seven Locks Software have a good selection of information about encryption
The home site for PGP, Phil Zimmermann's famous encryption package
RSA Data Security
The newsgroup sci.crypt