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11. Mass Storage Conferences

There are two main academic conferences devoted specifically to mass storage (in addition to, of course, the supercomputer and OS conferences, and interesting stuff in databases, optical conferences, Usenix, SOSP...).

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the IEEE run two conferences, in an 18-month or so alternating pattern.

You'll find my notes on the letest Goddard conference at

The contact for the NASA Mass Storage Conference (Sept. 17-19, 1996):

Jorge Scientific Corporation
7500 Greenway Center Drive
Suite 1130
Greenbelt, MD USA 20770

or if that fails email or There is some info available on the web at

Also, the latest IEEE was in September '95:

* The 14th IEEE Mass Storage Symposium was September 11-14, 1995 at Monterey, CA. More info from Bernie O'Lear ( or Sam Coleman (

Also of interest, there are the conferences on Very Large Database Systems. I have a reference somewhere...

Interesting material shows up in the SPIE conferences.

11.0.1. THIC Tape Head Interface Committee {Brief, New}

I would like to bring to your attention the THIC Home Page at the URL and its anonymous ftp archives at the URL

THIC started out in the early 70's as the Tape Head Interface Committee under the auspices of the DoD, but has since grown and expanded to embrace most data recording technologies. THIC has been meeting four times a year, alternating between the east and west coasts. The last meeting was in Seattle WA on Jan 21 and 22, 1997, and the next will be on April 22 and 23 at the DoubleTree in Tysons Corner VA. The papers range from marketing, new product announcement and discussion, to the problems of the various recording technologies. Since October 1995, I have been trying to collect as many of the papers as I could from each of the meetings and have been placing them in Adobe PDF on the THIC archives at I also maintain a no-frills home page where the agenda is displayed, with links to papers which are available in the archives. (P.C. Hariharan, 97/2)

My Home Page at Caltech

email me at

Copyright 1996 Rod Van Meter