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S) 7.0 Diagnostics

Q) 7.1 What do the POST beeps mean?

This section contains information on the following:

	Mylex 386 System BIOS
	Quadtel AT Compatible BIOS

[From: Shaun Burnett (]
POST (Power-On Self Test) beeps signal something is wrong with your
system.  The meaning of these beeps is BIOS dependent.  Below are the
audio codes for IBM, AMI, and Phoenix BIOS's.

Beep(s)                 Errant device
No beep                 Power supply, system board
1 short beep            System OK
2 short beeps           POST Error displayed on monitor
Repeating short beeps   Power supply, system board
3 long beeps            3270 keyboard card
1 long, 1 short beeps   System board
1 long, 2 short beeps   Display adapter (MDA, CGA)
1 long, 3 short beeps   EGA
Continuous beep         Power supply, system board

Beep(s)                 Failure
1 short                 DRAM refresh
2 short                 Parity circuit
3 short                 Base 64K RAM
4 short                 System timer
5 short                 Processor
6 short                 Keyboard controller Gate A20 error
7 short                 Virtual mode exception error
8 short                 Display memory R/W test
9 short                 ROM BIOS checksum
1 long, 3 short         Non-fatal--Conventional/extended memory
1 long, 8 short         Non-fatal--Display/retrace test

Beep    Fatal Failures* Beep code      Non-Fatal Failures* code
1-1-3   CMOS write/read  (or real-     4-2-1   Timer tick interrupt test
         time clock read/write)                 (or in progress)
1-1-4   ROM BIOS checksum              4-2-2   Shutdown test (or in progress)
1-2-1   Programmable interval timer    4-2-3   Gate A20 failure
1-2-2   DMA initialization             4-2-4   Unexpected interrupt in
                                                protected mode
1-2-3   DMA page register write/read   4-3-1   RAM test in progress or
                                                address failure > FFFFh
1-2-4   SRAM test and configuration    4-3-3   Interval timer Channel 2
                                                (or test)
1-3-1   RAM refresh verification       4-3-4   Time-of-day clock (or test)
1-3-3   1st 64kb RAM chip or data      4-4-1   Serial port (or test)
         line failure, multibit
1-3-4   First 64K RAM odd/even logic   4-4-2   Parallel port (or test)
1-4-1   Address line failure first     4-4-3   Math coprocessor (or test)
         64K RAM
1-4-2   Parity failure first       low 1-1-2   System-board select
         64K RAM
2-1-1   Bit 0 first 64K RAM        low 1-1-3   Extended CMOS RAM
2-1-2   Bit 1 first 64K RAM
2-1-3   Bit 2 first 64K RAM
2-1-4   Bit 3 first 64K RAM
2-2-1   Bit 4 first 64K RAM
2-2-2   Bit 5 first 64K RAM
2-2-3   Bit 6 first 64K RAM
2-2-4   Bit 7 first 64K RAM
2-3-1   Bit 8 first 64K RAM
2-3-2   Bit 9 first 64K RAM
2-3-3   Bit 10 first 64K RAM
2-3-4   Bit 11 first 64K RAM
2-4-1   Bit 12 first 64K RAM
2-4-2   Bit 13 first 64K RAM
2-4-3   Bit 14 first 64K RAM
2-4-4   Bit 15 first 64K RAM
3-1-1   Slave DMA register
3-1-2   Master DMA register
3-1-3   Master interrupt mask
         register failure
3-1-4   Slave interrupt mask
         register failure
3-2-4   Keyboard controller test
3-3-4   Screen initialization
3-4-1   Screen retrace
3-4-2   Search for video ROM in
         progress (not failure)
* Unless otherwise noted.

[From: Will Spencer (]

1 short					- Begin POST and End POST
1 long, 1 short				- Floppy Disk Drive or Controller 
Continuous short			- Parity Error in First 64K RAM
Continuous tone				- First 64K RAM failure
1 long					- Keyboard Failed or Locked, Interrupt
					  or other system board error
long short, long short, long short	- Video Initialization Failure, or
				  	  Invalid Video Switch Setting

:POST Code 1A Beep Codes
low high, low high low high high	- Real Time Clock is Not Updating
:POST Code 03 Beep Codes
low high, low low low			- ROM BIOS Checksum Test
:POST Code 04 Beep Codes
low high, high low low			- Page Register Test (Ports 81-8F)
:POST Code 05 Beep Codes
low high, low high low			- 8042 Keyboard Controller Selftest
:POST Code 07 Beep Codes
low high, high high low			- Memory Refresh Circuit Test
:POST Code 08 Beep Codes
low high, low low high			- Master (16bit) DMA Controller
low high, high low high			- Slave (8 bit) DMA Controller
:Post Code 0A Beep Codes
low high, low low low low		- Memory Bank 0 Pattern Test Failure
low high, high low low low		- Memory Bank 0 Parity Circuitry
low high, low high low low		- Memory Bank 0 Parity Error
low high, high high low low		- Memory Bank 0 Data Bus Failure
low high, low low high low		- Memory Bank 0 Address Bus Failure
low high, high low high low		- Memory Bank 0 Block Access Read
low high, low high high low		- Memory Bank 0 Block Access
					  Read/Write Failure
:POST Code 0B Beep Codes
low high, high high high low		- Master 8259 (Port 21 ) Failure
low high, low low low high		- Slave 8259 (Port A1) Failure
:POST Code 0C Beep Codes
low high, high low low high		- Master 8259 (Port 20) Interrupt
					  Address Error
low high, low high low high		- Slave 8259 (Port A0) Interrupt
					  Address Error
low high, high high low low		- 8259 (Port 20/A0) Interrupt
					  Address Error
low high, low low high high		- Master 8259 (Port 20) Stuck
					  Intercept Error
low high, high low high high		- Slave 8259 (Port A0) Stuck
					  Intercept Error
low high, low high high high		- System Timer 8254 CH0/IRQ0
					  Interrupt Failure
:POST Code 0D Beep Codes
low high, high high high high		- 8254 Channel 0 Test and
:POST Code 0E Beep Codes
low high, low low low low high		- 8254 Channel-2 (Speaker) Failure
low high, high low low low high		- 8254 OUT2 (Speaker Detect) Failure
:POST Code 0F Beep Codes
low high, low high low low high		- CMOS RAM Read/Write Test Failure
low high, high high low low high	- RTC Periodic Interrupt / IRQ8
:POST Code 10 Beep Codes
low high, low low high low high		- Video Initialization and
					  (Cold-Boot) Signon Message
:POST Code 12 Beep Codes
low high, high low high low high	- Keyboard Controller Failure
:POST Code 17 Beep Codes
low high, low low low high high		- A20 Test Failure Due to 8042
low high, high low low high high	- A20 Gate Stuck in Disabled State
:POST Code 19 Beep Codes
low high, low high high low high	- Memory Parity Error
low high, high high high low high	- IO Channel Error

Mylex 386 System BIOS
long					- Begin POST Beep Code
2 long					- Video Card Bad or No Video Card
long, short, long			- Keyboard Controller Error
long, 2 short, long			- Keyboard Error
long, 3 short, long			- Programmable Interrupt Controller
					  (8259-1) Error
long, 4 short, long			- Programmable Interrupt Controller
					  (8259-1) Error
long, 5 short, long			- DMA Page Register Error
long, 6 short, long			- RAM Refresh Error
long, 7 short, long			- RAM Data Test Error
long, 8 short, long			- RAM Parity Error
long, 9 short, long			- DMA Controller 1 Error
long, 10 short, long			- CMOS RAM Failure
long, 11 short, long			- DMA Controller 2 Error
long, 12 short, long			- CMOS RAM Battery Failure
long, 13 short, long			- CMOS Checksum Failed
long, 14 short, long			- BIOS ROM Checksum Failed
several long beeps			- Multiple failures

Quadtel AT Compatible BIOS
3 short					- Any Failure

Q) 7.2 What do the POST codes mean?

This section contains information on the following:

	Award Modular BIOS
	Mylex 386 System BIOS
	Quadtel AT Compatible BIOS
	Checkpoint Codes for AMI BIOS  (pre-4/9/90)
	AMI Color BIOS (after 2/1/91)

[From: (Steve Rusk)]

     All personal computer error codes for the Power On Self Test, General
Diagnostics, and Advanced Diagnostics consist of a device number followed by
two digits other than 00.  (The device number plus 00 indicates successful
completion of the test.)

     This list is a compilation from various sources, including USENET's
Info-IBMPC Digest, IBM Technical Reference Manuals, and IBM Hardware,
Maintenance and Service manuals.

01x	Undetermined problem errors.
02x	Power supply errors.
1xx	System board errors.
101	System board error - Interrupt failure.
102	System board error - Timer failure.
103	System board error - Timer interrupt failure.
104	System board error - Protected mode failure.
105	System board error - Last 8042 command not accepted.
106	System board error - Converting logic test.
107	System board error - Hot NMI test.
108	System board error - Timer bus test.
109	Direct memory access test error.
121	Unexpected hardware interrupts occurred.
131	Cassette wrap test failed.
161	System Options Error-(Run SETUP) [Battery failure].
162	System options not set correctly-(Run SETUP).
163	Time and date not set-(Run SETUP).
164	Memory size error-(Run SETUP).
199	User-indicated configuration not correct.
2xx	Memory (RAM) errors.
201	Memory test failed.
202	Memory address error.
203	Memory address error.
3xx	Keyboard errors.
301	Keyboard did not respond to software reset correctly, or a stuck
	key failure was detected.  If a stuck key was detected, the
	scan code for the key is displayed in hexadecimal.  For
	example, the error code 49 301 indicates that key 73, the
	PgUp key, has failed (49 hex = 73 decimal).
302	User-indicated error from the keyboard test, or AT keylock
	is locked.
303	Keyboard or system unit error.
304	Keyboard or system unit error; CMOS does not match system.
4xx	Monochrome monitor errors.
401	Monochrome memory test, horizontal sync frequency test, or
	video test failed.
408	User-indicated display attributes failure.
416	User-indicated character set failure.
424	User-indicated 80 X 25 mode failure.
432	Parallel port test failed (monochrome adapter).
5xx	Color monitor errors.
501	 Color memory test failed, horizontal sync frequency test, or
	video test failed.
508	User-indicated display attribute failure.
516	User-indicated character set failure.
524	User-indicated 80 X 25 mode failure.
532	User-indicated 40 X 25 mode failure.
540	User-indicated 320 X 200 graphics mode failure.
548	User-indicated 640 X 200 graphics mode failure.
6xx	Diskette drive errors.
601	Diskette power-on diagnostics test failed.
602	Diskette test failed; boot record is not valid.
606	Diskette verifysd function failed.
607	Write-protected diskette.
608	Bad command diskette status returned.
610	Diskette initialization failed.
611	Timeout - diskette status returned.
612	Bad NEC - diskette status returned.
613	Bad DMA - diskette status returned.
621	Bad seek - diskette status returned.
622	Bad CRC - diskette status returned.
623	Record not found - diskette status returned.
624	Bad address mark - diskette status returned.
625	Bad NEC seek - diskette status returned.
626	Diskette data compare error.
7xx	8087 or 80287 math coprocessor errors.
9xx	Parallel printer adapter errors.
901	Parallel printer adapter test failed.
10xx	Reserved for parallel printer adapter.
11xx	Asynchronous communications adapter errors.
1101	Asynchronous communications adapter test failed.
12xx	Alternate asynchronous communications adapter errors.
1201	Alternate asynchronous communications adapter test failed.
13xx	Game control adapter errors.
1301	Game control adapter test failed.
1302	Joystick test failed.
14xx	Printer errors.
1401	Printer test failed.
1404	Matrix printer failed.
15xx	Synchronous data link control (SDLC) communications adapter errors.
1510	8255 port B failure.
1511	8255 port A failure.
1512	8255 port C failure.
1513	8253 timer 1 did not reach terminal count.
1514	8253 timer 1 stuck on.
1515	8253 timer 0 did not reach terminal count.
1516	8253 timer 0 stuck on.
1517	8253 timer 2 did not reach terminal count.
1518	8253 timer 2 stuck on.
1519	8273 port B error.
1520	8273 port A error.
1521	8273 command/read timeout.
1522	Interrupt level 4 failure.
1523	Ring Indicate stuck on.
1524	Receive clock stuck on.
1525	Transmit clock stuck on.
1526	Test indicate stuck on.
1527	Ring indicate not on.
1528	Receive clock not on.
1529	Transmit clock not on.
1530	Test indicate not on.
1531	Data set ready not on.
1532	Carrier detect not on.
1533	Clear to send not on.
1534	Data set ready stuck on.
1536	Clear to send stuck on.
1537	Level 3 interrupt failure.
1538	Receive interrupt results error.
1539	Wrap data miscompare.
1540	DMA channel 1 error.
1541	DMA channel 1 error.
1542	Error in 8273 error checking or status reporting.
1547	Stray interrupt level 4.
1548	Stray interrupt level 3.
1549	Interrupt presentation sequence timeout.
16xx	Display emulation errors (327x, 5520, 525x).
17xx	Fixed disk errors.
1701	Fixed disk POST error.
1702	Fixed disk adapter error.
1703	Fixed disk drive error.
1704	Fixed disk adapter or drive error.
1780	Fixed disk 0 failure.
1781	Fixed disk 1 failure.
1782	Fixed disk controller failure.
1790	Fixed disk 0 error.
1791	Fixed disk 1 error.
18xx	I/O expansion unit errors.
1801	I/O expansion unit POST error.
1810	Enable/Disable failure.
1811	Extender card warp test failed (disabled).
1812	High order address lines failure (disabled).
1813	Wait state failure (disabled).
1814	Enable/Disable could not be set on.
1815	Wait state failure (disabled).
1816	Extender card warp test failed (enabled).
1817	High order address lines failure (enabled).
1818	Disable not functioning.
1819	Wait request switch not set correctly.
1820	Receiver card wrap test failure.
1821	Receiver high order address lines failure.
19xx	3270 PC attachment card errors.
20xx	Binary synchronous communications (BSC) adapter errors.
2010	8255 port A failure.
2011	8255 port B failure.
2012	8255 port C failure.
2013	8253 timer 1 did not reach terminal count.
2014	8253 timer 1 stuck on.
2016	8253 timer 2 did not reach terminal count, or timer 2 stuck on.
2017	8251 Data set ready failed to come on.
2018	8251 Clear to send not sensed.
2019	8251 Data set ready stuck on.
2020	8251 Clear to send stuck on.
2021	8251 hardware reset failed.
2022	8251 software reset failed.
2023	8251 software "error reset" failed.
2024	8251 transmit ready did not come on.
2025	8251 receive ready did not come on.
2026	8251 could not force "overrun" error status.
2027	Interrupt failure - no timer interrupt.
2028	Interrupt failure - transmit, replace card or planar.
2029	Interrupt failure - transmit, replace card.
2030	Interrupt failure - receive, replace card or planar.
2031	Interrupt failure - receive, replace card.
2033	Ring indicate stuck on.
2034	Receive clock stuck on.
2035	Transmit clock stuck on.
2036	Test indicate stuck on.
2037	Ring indicate stuck on.
2038	Receive clock not on.
2039	Transmit clock not on.
2040	Test indicate not on.
2041	Data set ready not on.
2042	Carrier detect not on.
2043	Clear to send not on.
2044	Data set ready stuck on.
2045	Carrier detect stuck on.
2046	Clear to send stuck on.
2047	Unexpected transmit interrupt.
2048	Unexpected receive interrupt.
2049	Transmit data did not equal receive data.
2050	8251 detected overrun error.
2051	Lost data set ready during data wrap.
2052	Receive timeout during data wrap.
21xx	Alternate binary synchronous communications adapter errors.
2110	8255 port A failure.
2111	8255 port B failure.
2112	8255 port C failure.
2113	8253 timer 1 did not reach terminal count.
2114	8253 timer 1 stuck on.
2115	8253 timer 2 did not reach terminal count, or timer   2 stuck on.
2116	8251 Data set ready failed to come on.
2117	8251 Clear to send not sensed.
2118	8251 Data set ready stuck on.
2119	8251 Clear to send stuck on.
2120	8251 hardware reset failed.
2121	8251 software reset failed.
2122	8251 software "error reset" failed.
2123	8251 transmit ready did not come on.
2124	8251 receive ready did not come on.
2125	8251 could not force "overrun" error status.
2126	Interrupt failure - no timer interrupt.
2128	Interrupt failure - transmit, replace card or planar.
2129	Interrupt failure - transmit, replace card.
2130	Interrupt failure - receive, replace card or planar.
2131	Interrupt failure - receive, replace card.
2133	Ring indicate stuck on.
2134	Receive clock stuck on.
2135	Transmit clock stuck on.
2136	Test indicate stuck on.
2137	Ring indicate stuck on.
2138	Receive clock not on.
2139	Transmit clock not on.
2140	Test indicate not on.
2141	Data set ready not on.
2142	Carrier detect not on.
2143	Clear to send not on.
2144	Data set ready stuck on.
2145	Carrier detect stuck on.
2146	Clear to send stuck on.
2147	Unexpected transmit interrupt.
2148	Unexpected receive interrupt.
2149	Transmit data did not equal receive data.
2150	8251 detected overrun error.
2151	Lost data set ready during data wrap.
2152	Receive timeout during data wrap.
22xx	Cluster adapter errors.
24xx	Enhanced graphics adapter errors.
29xx	Color matrix printer errors.
33xx	Compact printer errors.

[From: Will Spencer (]

Award Modular BIOS
01	- Processor Test 1: Processor Status Verification
02	- Determine Post Type
03	- Clear 8042 Keyboard Controller
04	- Reset 8042 Keyboard Controller
05	- Get Manufacturing Status
06	- Initialize Chips (DMA, 8259's)
07	- Processor Test 2: Read/Write/Verify Registers with 
	  Data Pattern FF and 00
08	- Initialize CMOS Timer
09	- EPROM Checksum
0A	- Initialize Video Controller Register 6845
0B	- Test Timer (8254) Channel 0
0C	- Test Timer (8254) Channel 1
0D	- Test Timer (8254) Channel 2
0E	- Test CMOS Shutdown Byte
0F	- Text Extended CMOS
10	- Test DMA Channel 0
11	- Test DMA Channel 1
12	- Test DMA Page Registers
13	- Test Keyboard Controller
14	- Test Memory Refresh
15	- Test 1st 64K of System Memory
16	- Setup Interrupt Vector Table
17	- Setup Video I/O Operations
18	- Test Video Memory
19	- Test 8259 Mask Bits - Channel 1
1A	- Test 8259 Mask Bits - Channel 2
1B	- Test CMOS Battery Level
1C	- Test CMOS Checksum
1D	- Set Configuration from CMOS
1E	- Size System Memory
1F	- Test Found System Memory
20	- Test Stuck 8259 Interrupt Bits
21	- Test Suck NMI Bits (Parity I/O Check)
22	- Test 9259 Working
23	- Test Protected Mode
24	- Size Extended Memory
25	- Test Found Extended Memory
26	- Test Protected Mode Exceptions
27	- Setup Cache Control or Shadow RAM
28	- Setup 8242
29	- Reserved
2A	- Initialize Keyboard
2B	- Initialize Floppy Drive and Controller
2C	- Detect and Initialize COM Ports
2D	- Detect and Initialize LPT Ports
2E	- Initialize Hard Drive and Controller
2F	- Detect and Initialize Math Coprocessors
30	- Reserver
31	- Detect and Initialize Option ROMs
3B	- Initialize Secondary Cache w/OPTi Chipset (486 only)
CA	- Micronics Cache Initialization
CC	- NMI Handler Shutdown
EE	- Unexpected Processor Exceptiom
FF	- INT 19 Boot Attempt

Mylex 386 System BIOS
01	- CPU Test
02	- DMA Page Register Test
03	- Keyboard Controller Test
04	- BIOS ROM Checksum
05	- Send Keyboard Command Test
06	- CMOS RAM Test
08	- RAM Refresh Test
09	- First 64K Memory Test
0A	- DMA Controller Test
0B	- Initialize DMA
0C	- Interrupt Test
0D	- Determine RAM Size
0E	- Initialize Video of EGA/VGA Checksum
10	- Search for Monochrome Card
11	- Search for Color Card
12	- Word Splitter and Byte Shifter Test
13	- Keyboard Test
14	- RAM Test
15	- Timer Test
16	- Initialize Output Port of Keyboard Controller
17	- Keyboard Interrupt Test

Quadtel AT Compatible BIOS
02	- Flag Test
04	- Register Test
06	- System Hardware Initialization
08	- Initialize Chip Set Registers
0A	- BIOS ROM Checksum
0C	- DMA Page Register Test
0E	- 8254 Timer Test
10	- 8254 Timer Initialization
12	- 8237 DMA Controller Test
14	- 8237 DMA Initialization
16	- Initialize 8259/Reset Coprocessor
18	- 8259 Interrupt Controller Test
1A	- Memory Refresh Test
1C	- Base 64KB Address Test
1E	- Base 64KB Memory Test
20	- Base 64KB Test (Upper 16 bits)
22	- 8742 Keyboard Self Test
24	- MC146818 CMOS Test
26	- Start First Protected Mode Test
28	- Memory Sizing Test
2A	- Autosize Memory Chips
2C	- Chip Interleave Enable Test
2E	- First Protected Mode Test Exit
30	- Unexpected Shutdown
32	- System Board Memory Size
34	- Relocate Shadow Ram if Configured
36	- Configure EMS System
38	- Configure Wait States
3A	- ReTest 64K Base RAM
3C	- CPU Speed Calculation
3E	- Get Switches From 8042
40	- Configure CPU Speed
42	- Initialize Interrupt Vectors
44	- Verify Video Configuration
46	- Initialize Video System
48	- Test Unexpected Interrupts
4A	- Start Second Protected Mode Test
4C	- Verify LDT Instruction
4E	- Verify TR Instruction
50	- Verify LSL Instruction
52	- Verify LAR Instruction
54	- Verify VERR Instruction
56	- Unexpected Exception
58	- Address Line 20 Test
5A	- Keyboard Ready Test
5C	- Determine AT or XT Keyboard
5E	- Start Third Protected Mode Test
60	- Base Memory Test
62	- Base Memory Address Test
64	- Shadow Memory Test
66	- Extended Memory Test
68	- Extended Address Test
6A	- Determine Memory Size
6C	- Display Error Messages
6E	- Copy BIOS to Shadow Memory
70	- 8254 Clock Test
72	- MC146818 Real Time Clock Test
74	- Keyboard Stuck Key Test
76	- Initialize Hardware Interrupt Vectors
78	- Math Coprocessor Test
7A	- Determine COM Ports Available
7C	- Determine LPT Ports Available
7E	- Initialize BIOS Data Area
80	- Determine Floppy/Fixed Controller
82	- Floppy Disk Test
84	- Fixed Disk Test
86	- External ROM Scan
88	- System Key Lock Test
8A	- Wait for F1 Key Pressed
8C	- Final System Initialization
8E	- Interrupt 19 Boot Loader
B0	- Unexpected Interrupt


(The post codes for MR BIOS are located with the post beeps)

Checkpoint Codes for AMI BIOS 
Release date 4/9/90 and after
Code       Meaning
01      NMI disabled and 286 register test about to start.
02      286 register test passed.
03      ROM BIOS checksum (32K at F800:0) passed.
04      Keyboard controller test with and without mouse passed.
05      Chipset initialization over, DMA and Interrupt controller disabled.
06      Video disabled and system timer test begin.
07      CH-2 of 8254 initialization half way.
08      CH-2 of timer initialization over.
09      CH-1 of timer initialization over.
0A      CH-0 of timer initialization over.
0B      Refresh started.
0C      System timer started.
0D      Refresh link toggling passed.
10      Refresh on and about to start 64K base memory test.
11      Address line test passed.
12      64K base memory test passed.
15      Interrupt vectors initialized.
17      Monochrome mode set.
18      Color mode set.
19      About to look for optional video ROM at segment C000 and give control
        to the optional video ROM if present.
1A      Return from optional video ROM.
1B      Shadow RAM enable/disable completed.
1C      Display memory read/write test for main display type as set in the
        CMOS setup program over.
1D      Display memory read/write test for alternate display type complete
        if main display memory read/write test returns error.
1E      Global equipment byte set for proper display type.
1F      Video mode set call for mono/color begins.
20      Video mode set completed.
21      ROM type 27256 verified.
23      Power on message displayed.
30      Virtual mode memory test about to begin.
31      Virtual mode memory test started.
32      Processor executing in virtual mode.
33      Memory address line test in progress.
34      Memory address line test in progress.
35      Memory below 1MB calculated.
36      Memory above 1MB calculated.
37      Memory test about to start.
38      Memory below 1MB initialized.
39      Memory above 1MB initialized.
3A      Memory size display initiated. This will be updated when the BIOS
        goes through the memory test.
3B      About to start below 1MB memory test.
3C      Memory test below 1MB completed and about to start above 1MB test.
3D      Memory test above 1MB completed.
3E      About to go to real mode.
3F      Shutdown successful and processor in real mode.
40      CACHE memory on and about to disable A20 address line.
41      A20 address line disable successful.
42      486 internal cache turned on.
43      About to start DMA controller test.
50      DMA page register test complete.
51      DMA unit-1 base register test about to start.
52      DMA unit-1 base register test complete.
53      DMA unit-2 base register test complete.
54      About to check F/F latch for unit-1 and unit-2.
55      F/F latch for both units checked.
56      DMA unit 1 and 2 programming over and about to initialize 8259
        interrupt controller.
57      8259 initialization over.
70      About to start keyboard test.
71      Keyboard controller BAT test over.
72      Keyboard interface test over, mouse interface test started.
73      Global data initialization for keyboard/mouse over.
74      Display 'SETUP' prompt and about to start floppy setup.
75      Floppy setup over.
76      Hard disk setup about to start.
77      Hard disk setup over.
79      About to initialize timer data area.
7A      Timer data initialized and about to verify CMOS battery power.
7B      CMOS battery verification over.
7D      About to analyze POST results.
7E      CMOS memory size updated.
7F      Look for <DEL> key and get into CMOS setup if found.
80      About to give control to optional ROM in segment C800 to DE00.
81      Optional ROM control over.
82      Check for printer ports and put the addresses in global data area.
83      Check for RS232 ports and put the addresses in global data area.
84      Coprpcessor detection over.
85      About to display soft error messages.
86      About to give control to system ROM at segment E000.
00      System ROM control at E000 over now give control to Int 19h boot 

Checkpoint Codes for AMI BIOS 
Release date prior to 4/9/90 

Code    Meaning
01      NMI disabled & 286 reg. test about to start
02      286 register test over
03      ROM checksum OK
04      8259 initialization OK
05      CMOS pending interrupt disabled
06      Video disabled & system timer counting OK
07      CH-2 of 8253 test OK
08      CH-2 delta count test OK
09      CH-1 delta count test OK
0A      CH-0 delta count test OK
0B      Parity status cleared
0C      Refresh & system timer OK
0D      Refresh link toggling OK
0E      Refresh period ON/OFF 50% OK
10      Confirmed refresh ON & about to start 64K memory
11      Address line test OK
12      64K base memory test OK
13      Interrupt vectors initialized
14      8042 keyboard controller test OK
15      CMOS read/write test OK
16      CMOS checksum/battery check OK
17      Monochrome mode set OK
18      Color mode set OK
19      About to look for optional video ROM
1A      Optional video ROM control OK
1B      Display memory read/write test OK
1C      Display memory read/write test for alternate display OK
1D      Video retrace check OK
1E      Global equipment byte set for video OK
1F      Mode set call for Mono/Color OK
20      Video test OK
21      Video display OK
22      Power on message display OK
30      Virtual mode memory test about to begin
31      Virtual mode memory test started
32      Processor in virtual mode
33      Memory address line test in progress
34      Memory address line test in progress
35      Memory below 1MB calculated
36      Memory size computation OK
37      Memory test in progress
38      Memory initialization over below 1MB
39      Memory initialization over above 1MB
3A      Display memory size
3B      About to start below 1MB memory test
3C      Memory test below 1MB OK
3D      Memory test above 1MB OK
3E      About to go to real mode (shutdown)
3F      Shutdown successful and and entered in real mode
40      About to disable gate A-20 address line
41      Gate A-20 line disabled successfully
42      About to start DMA controller test
4E      Address line test OK
4F      Processor in real mode after shutdown
50      DMA page register test OK
51      DMA unit-1 base register test about to start
52      DMA unit-1 channel OK, about to begin CH-2
53      DMA CH-2 base register test OK
54      About to test f/f latch for unit-1
55      f/f latch test both unit OK
56      DMA unit 1 & 2 programmed OK
57      8259 initialization over
58      8259 mask register check OK
59      Master 8259 mask register OK, about to start slave
5A      About to check timer and keyboard interrupt level
5B      Timer interrupt OK
5C      About to test keyboard interrupt
5D      ERROR! timer/keyboard interrupt not in proper level
5E      8259 interrupt controller error
5F      8259 interrupt controller test OK
70      Start of keyboard test
71      Keyboard BAT test OK
72      Keyboard test OK
73      Keyboard global data initialization OK
74      Floppy setup about to start
75      Floppy setup OK
76      Hard disk setup about to start
77      Hard disk setup OK
79      About to initialize timer data area
7A      Verify CMOS battery power
7B      CMOS battery verification done
7D      About to analyze diagnostic test results for memory
7E      CMOS memory size update OK
7F      About to check optional ROM C000:0
80      Keyboard sensed to enable setup
81      Optional ROM control OK
82      Printer global data initialization OK
83      RS-232 global data initialization OK
84      80287 check/test OK
85      About to display soft error message
86      About to give control to system ROM E000:0
87      System ROM E000:0 check over
00      Control given to Int-19, boot loader

01	- 286 Register Test Failed
02	- ROM BIOS Checksum (32KB at F800:0) Failed
03	- ROM BIOS Checksum (32KB at F800:0) Passed
04	- 8259 Interrupt Controller Initialization
05	- Chipset Initialization Over, DMA & Interrupt Controller Disabled
06	- Video Disabled and System Timer Test Begin
07	- CH-2 of 8254 Initialization Half Way
08	- 8254 CH-2 Timer Test to be Completed
09	- 8254 CH-1 Timer Test to be Completed
0A	- 8254 CH-0 Timer Test to be Completed
0B	- DRAM Refresh Failure
0C	- System Timer Started
0D	- Refresh Link Toggling Passed
0E	- Refresh Period ON/OFF 50% OK
10	- Refresh ON and About to Start 64KB Base Memory Test
11	- Address Line Test Passed
12	- 64KB Base Memory Test Passed
13	- Interrupt Vectors Initialized
14	- 8042 Keyboard Controller Test Passed
15	- CMOS Read/Write Test Passed
16	- CNOS Checksum and Battery Check Passed
17	- Monochrome Mode Set
18	- Color Mode Set
19	- Give Control to the Optional Video ROM at Segment C0 if present
1A	- Return from Optional Video ROM
1B	- Display Memory Read/Write Test Passed
1C	- Alternate Display Memory Read/Write Test Passed
1D	- Video Retrace Check Passed
1E	- Global Equipment Byte Set for Proper Display Type
1F	- Video Mode Set Call for Mono/Color Begins
20	- Video Mode Set Completed
21	- ROM Type Verified, Video Display OK
22	- Power On Message Displayed
23	- Power On Message Displayed
30	- Virtual Mode Memory Test About to Begin
31	- Virtual Mode Memory Test Started
32	- Processor Executing in Virtual Mode
33	- Memory Address Line Test in Progress
34	- Memory Address Line Test in Progress
35	- Memory Below 1MB Calculated
36	- Memory Above 1MB Calculated, Memory Size Computation OK
37	- Memory Test About to Start
38	- Memory Below 1MB Initialized
39	- Memory Above 1MB Initialized
3A	- Memory Size Display Initiated
3B	- About to Start Below 1MB Memory Test
3C	- Memory Test Below 1MB Completed
3D	- Memory Test Above 1MB Completed
3E	- About to go to Real Mode (Shutdown)
3F	- Shutdown Successful and Processor in Real Mode
40	- Cache Memory ON and About to Disable A20 Address Line
41	- Gate A-20 Line Disabed Successfully
42	- 486 Internal Cache Turned ON
43	- About to Start DMA Controller Test
4E	- Address Line Test Passed
4F	- Processor in Real Mode After Shutdown
50	- DMA Page Register Test Complete
51	- DMA Unit-1 Base Register Test About to Start
52	- DMA Unit-1 Base Register Test Complete
53	- DMA Unit-2 Base Register Test Complete
54	- About to Check F/F Latch for Unit-1 and Unit-2
55	- F/F Latch for Both Units Checked
56	- DMA Unit-1 and 2 Programming Over
57	- 8259 Initialization Over
58	- 8259 Mask Register Check Passed
59	- Master 8259 Mask Register Passed
5A	- About to Check Timer and Keyboard Interrupt Level
5B	- Timer Interrupt Passed
5C	- About to Test Keyboard Interrupt
5D	- Error!  Timer/Keyboard Interrupt Not in Proper Level
5E	- 8259 Interrupt Controller Error
5F	- 8259 Interrupt Controller Test Passed
70	- About to Start Keyboard Test
71	- Keyboard Controller BAT Test Over
72	- Keyboard Interface Test Over, Mouse Interface Test Started
73	- Global Data Initialization for Keyboard/Mouse Over
74	- Display "Setup" Prompt and About to Start Floppy Setup
75	- Floppy Setup Over
76	- Hard Disk Setup About to Start
77	- Hard Disk Setup Over
79	- About to Initialize Timer Data Area
7A	- Time Data Area Initialized and About to Verify CMOS Battery Power
7B	- CMOS Battery Verification Over
7D	- About to Analyze POST Test Results
7E	- CMOS Memory Size Updated
7F	- Look for <DEL> Key and Get into CMOS Setup if Found
80	- About to Give Control to Optional ROM in Segment C800 to DE00 (Setup)
81	- Optional ROM Control Over
82	- Check for Printer Ports and put the Addresses in Global Data Area
83	- Check for RS232 Ports and Put the Addresses in Global Data Area
84	- Co-processor Detection Over
85	- About to Display Soft Error Messages
86	- About to Give Control to System ROM at Segment E000
87	- System ROM E000:0 Check Over

AMI Color BIOS after 2/1/91
00	- Going to Give Control to INT 19H Boot Loader
01	- Processor Register Test About to Start, and NMI to be Disabled
02	- Power On Delay Starting
03	- Any Initialization Before Keyboard BAT is in Progress
04	- Reading Keyboard SYS Bit, to Check Soft Reset/Power On
05	- Going to Enable ROM. i.e. Disable Shadow RAM/Cache if Any
06	- Calculating ROM BIOS Checksum
07	- Going to Issue the BAT Command to Keyboard Controller
08	- Going to Verify the BAT Command
09	- Keyboard Command Byte to be Written Next
0A	- Going to Write Command Byte Data
0B	- Going to Issue Pin-23,24 Blocking/Unblocking Command
0C	- NOP Command of Keyboard Controller to be Issued Next
0D	- CMOS Shutdown Register Test to be Done Next
0E	- Going to Calculate CMOS Checksum, and Update DIAG Byte
0F	- CMOS Initialization to begin (If "INIT CMOS IN EVERY BOOT IS SET")
10	- CMOS Status Register About to Init for Date and Time
11	- Going to Disable DMA and Interrupt Controllers
12	- About to Disable Video Display and Init Port-B
13	- Chipset Init/Auto Memory Detection About to begin
14	- 8254 Timer Test About to Start
15	- 8254 CH-2 Timer Test to be Completed
16	- 8254 CH-1 Timer Test to be Completed
17	- 8254 CH-0 Timer Test to be Completed
18	- About to Start Memory Refresh
19	- Memory Refresh Test to be Done Next
1A	- Going to Check 15 Micro Second On/Off Time
1B	- Base 64K Memory Test About to Start
20	- Address Line Test to be Done Next
21	- Going to do toggle Parity
22	- Going for Sequential Data R/W Test
23	- Any Setup Before Interrupt Vector Init About to Start
24	- Interrupt Vector Initialization About to begin
25	- Going to Read I/O Port of 8042 for Turbo Switch (if any)
26	- Going to Initialize Global Data for Turbo Switch
27	- Any Initialization After Interrupt Vector to be Done Next
28	- Going for Monochrome Mode Setting
29	- Going for Color Mode Setting
2A	- About to go for toggle Parity Before Optional ROM Check
2B	- About to do any Setup Required Before Optional Video ROM Check
2C	- About to Look for Optional Video ROM and Give Control
2D	- About to do any Processing after Video ROM Returns Control
2E	- If EGA/VGA Not Found, Then do Display Memory R/W Test
2F	- Display Memory R/W Test About to begin
30	- About to Look for the Retrace Checking
31	- About to do Alternate Display Memory R/W Test
32	- About to Look for the Alternate Display Retrace Checking
33	- Verification of Display Type with Switch Setting 
	  and Actual Card to begin
34	- Display Mode to be Set Next
35	- BIOS ROM Data Area About to be Checked
36	- Going to Set Cursor for Power On Message
37	- Going to Display the Power On Message
38	- Going to Read New Cursor Position
39	- Going to Display the Reference String
3A	- Going to Display the Hit <ESC> Message
3B	- Virtual Mode Memory Test About to Start
40	- Going to Verify from Video Memory
41	- Going to Prepare the Descriptor Tables
42	- Going to Enter in Virtual Mode for Memory Test
43	- Going to Enable Interrupts for Diagnostics Mode
44	- Going to Initialize Data to Check Memory Remap at 0:0
45	- Check for Memory Remap at 0:0 and Find the total System Memory Size
46	- About to go For Writing Patterns to Test Memory
47	- Going to Write Patterns in Base 640K Memory
48	- Going to Find Out Amount of Memory Below 1M Memory
49	- Going to Find Out Amount of Memory Above 1M Memory
4A	- Going for BIOS ROM Data Area Check
4B	- Going to Check <ESC> and to Clear Memory Below 1M for Soft Reset
4C	- Going to Clear Memory Above 1M
4D	- Going to Save the Memory Size
4E	- About to Display the First 64K Memory Test
4F	- Going for Sequential and Random Memory Test
50	- Going to Adjust Memory Size for Relocation/Shadow
51	- Memory Test Above 1M to Follow
52	- Going to Prepare to go Back to Real Mode
53	- Going to Enter in Real Mode
54	- Going to Restore Registers Saved During Preparation for Shutdown
55	- Going to Disable Gate A20 Address Line
56	- BIOS ROM Data Area About to be Checked
57	- BIOS ROM Data Area Check to be Completed
58	- Going to Clear Hit <ESC> Message
59	- About to Start DMA and Interrupt Controller Test
60	- About to Verify from Display Memory
61	- About to go For DMA #1 Base Register Test
62	- About to go For DMA #2 Base Register Test
63	- About to go For BIOS ROM Data Area Check
64	- BIOS ROM Data Area Check to be Completed
65	- About to Program DMA Unit 1 and 2
66	- 8259 Interrpt Controller Initialization
67	- About to Start Keyboard Test
80	- About to Issue Keyboard Reset Command
81	- About to Issue Keyboard Controller Interface Test Command
82	- About to Write Command Byte and Init Circular Buffer
83	- About to Check for Lock Key
84	- About to Check for Memory Size Mismatch with CMOS
85	- About to Display Soft Error and Check for Password or Bypass Setup
86	- About to do Programming Before Setup
87	- Going to CMOS Setup Program
88      - About to do Programming After Setup
89      - Going to Display Power On Screen Message
8A      - About to Display <WAIT...> Message, Mouse Check 
	  and Initialization Next
8B      - About to do Main and Video BIOS Shadow
8C      - Setup Options Programming After CMOS Setup About to Start
8D      - Going for Hard Disk, Floppy Reset
8E      - About to go For Floppy Check
8F      - Floppy Setup to Follow
90      - Test for Hard Disk Presence to be Done
91      - Hard Disk Setup to Follow
92	- About to go for BIOS ROM Data Area Check
93	- BIOS ROM Data Area Check to be Completed
94      - Going to Set Base and Extended Memory Size
95      - Going to Verify From Display Memory
96      - Going to do Any Init Before C800 Optional ROM Control
97      - Optional ROM Check and Control Will Be Done Next
98      - Give Control to Required Processing 
	  After Optional ROM Returns Control
99      - Going to Setup Timer Data Area and Printer Base Address
9A      - Going to Set the RS-232 Base Address
9B      - Going to do Any Initialization Before Co-Processor Test
9C      - Going to Initialize the Coprocessor Next
9D      - Going to do Any Initialization After Co-Processor Test
9E      - Going to Check Extd Keyboard, Keyboard ID and Num-Lock
9F      - Keyboard ID Command to be Issued
A0      - Keyboard ID Flag to be Reset
A1      - Cache Memory Test to Follow
A2      - Going to Display Any Soft Errors
A3      - Going to Set the Keyboard Typematic Rate
A4      - Going to Program Memory Wait States
A5      - Screen to be Cleared Next
A6      - Going to Enable Parity and NMI
A7      - Do Initialization Required Before Giving Control 
          to Optional ROM at E000
A8      - E000 ROM to Get Control Next
A9      - Going to do Any Initialization Required 
          After E000 Optional ROM Control
AA      - Going to Display the System Configuration

Post Codes for EuroBIOS v4.71
03	DMA Page registers OK
04	DMA Page registers failed
05	Keyboard did reply
06	Keyboard did not reply
07	Keyboard self-test passed
08	Keyboard self-test failed
09	8042 was able to read links
0A	8042 was unable to read links
0C	Keyboard accepted 60h command
0D	Keyboard did not accept 60h
0E	Keyboard parameter accepted
0F	Keyboard parameter not accepted
10	Able to read keyboard command byte
11	Unable to read keyboard command byte
12	Keyboard command byte came back OK
13	Keyboard command byte came back corrupt
14	RAM refresh clock ticking correctly
15	RAM refresh clock not ticking correctly
16	RAM bit test passed
17	RAM bit test failed
18	RAM parity OK
19	RAM parity error
1A	CMOS RAM passed
1B	CMOS RAM failed
1C	CMOS RAM battery OK
1D	CMOS RAM battery faulty
1E	CMOS RAM checksum passed
1F	CMOS RAM checksum failed
20	CMOS RAM battery fault bit set
21	DMA controllers passed
22	DMA controller 1 failed
23	DMA controller 2 failed
24	Protected mode entered safely
25	RAM test completed
26	ROM checksum correct
27	ROM checksum incorrect
28	Protected mode exit successful
29	Keyboard power-up reply received
2A	Keyboard power-up reply not received
2B	Keyboard disable command accepted
2C	Keyboard disable command not accepted
2D	No video display
2E	Reported errors
2F	About to halt
30	Protected mode entered safely
31	RAM test complete
32	PIC 1 (master) passed
33	PIC 1 (master) failed
34	PIC 2 (slave) passed
35	PIC 2 (slave) failed
36	Chipset initialised OK
37	Chipset initilize failed
38	Shadowed BIOS OK
39	Shadowed BIOS failed
3A	Shadowed video BIOS OK
3B	Shadowed video BIOS failed

Q) 7.3 *I think my cache is bad. What's a good diagnostic?

Ralph Valentino  ( ( 
Senior Design Engineer, Instrinsix Corp.

Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:

Last Update July 04 1997 @ 02:51 AM