Contents ยท Next Section* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

S) 1.0 Introduction

Q) 1.1 What does this FAQ cover?

This FAQ covers Frequently Asked Questions from all groups in the* hierarchy.  Software topics are only
included if they are directly related to hardware or hardware

Q) 1.2 Where can I find the latest copy of this FAQ?

If you haven't done so, new users on the net should read
news.announce.newusers. In particular, the following posts are a good
	A Primer on How to Work With The Usenet Community
	Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Usenet
	Hints on Writing Style for Usenet
	Introduction to The *.answers Groups

This FAQ is currently posted to news.answers, comp.answers,,,,,,,, and
All posts to news.answers are archived and are available via anonymous
FTP, uucp and e-mail from the following locations:

	FTP is a way of copying file between networked computers. If
	you need help in using or getting started with FTP, send
	e-mail to with
		send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/faq
	as the body of the message.

	location: []
	directory: /pub/usenet/news.answers/pc-hardware-faq
	filenames: part1 to part5

	location: []
	directory: /archive/usenet/news.answers/pc-hardware-faq
	filenames: part1.Z to part5.Z [use uncompress]

	location: []
	directory: info_service/Usenet/periodic-postings
	filenames: [Check info_service/Usenet/00index]

	location:  uunet!/archive/usenet/news.answers/pc-hardware-faq/
	filenames: part1.Z to part5.Z

	Send email to containing these lines:
	send usenet/news.answers/pc-hardware-faq/part1
	send usenet/news.answers/pc-hardware-faq/part5

You can find a dozen or more sites in the US, Europe and Japan that
store the FAQ and archives for this various newsgroups by using the
Internet search programs, Archie or Wais.

Q) 1.3 Is it ok to (sell/buy/job-offer/advertise) things here?

No, none of the above fit within the charter of the* hierarchy, therefore such posts are
considered unacceptable.  For buying/selling things, use groups with
the words 'wanted' or 'forsale', and for job offers, use groups with
the words 'jobs'.  All of these can be found in the misc.* hierarchy.
For commercial advertisements, use only the biz.* hierarchy as per the
guidelines of USENET.  (refer to the news.* groups for more

Q) 1.4 I have a binary that people are asking for, should I post it here?

Never post binaries to technical discussion groups.  If you absolutely
must distribute a binary, you are ENTIRELY sure that it is legal to do
so and it is not currently available via ftp then, in order of

 1. Privately offer to mail it to the person (if only a few people are
    looking for it).  Don't blindly mail it to anyone making a general
    request until you offer and they accept.
 2. Place it on an anonymous ftp site and, once it is there, post a
    pointer to it.  To find an anonymous ftp site, scan a few groups,
    they always pop up.
 3. Post it to (moderated), wait for it to be
    approved, and then post a pointer to it.

Q) 1.5 Where should I post?

[From: (John M. Grohol)]

PC-Clone Hardware Newsgroup Pointer                   By: John M. Grohol

This Pointer will help you find the information you need and get your
questions answered much quicker than if you were to simply crosspost to
every hardware newsgroup in existence. It is provided as a public service.
Post your article in the most appropriate newsgroup according to its topic.
Please do not post your hardware questions to software newsgroups,
and vice versa. "For Sale" articles are never appropriate to
either the hardware or software newsgroups.

Comments & suggestions are always welcome! 

Question on...                       Post to...
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Networking/networks                  comp.os.netware.* (where * equals:
                                     announce; connectivity; misc;
                                     comp.dcom.lans.* (where * equals:
                                     ethernet; fddi; misc; token-ring)
                                     (where * equals: misc; ras; tcp-ip;
All NFS-based networking             comp.protocols.nfs
All SMB-based networking 
(LANman, LANserver, WNT, Samba, etc) comp.protocols.smb
PC Networking hardware/cards/cables
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Home-built personal computers        alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt
Laptops & notebooks (over 3 lbs.)    comp.sys.laptops
Palmtops (under 3 lbs.)              comp.sys.palmtops
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Servers                              comp.dcom.servers
Modems                               comp.dcom.modems
Printers                             comp.periphs.printers
SCSI devices                         comp.periphs.scsi
Other peripherals                    comp.periphs
PCMCIA devices                       alt.periphs.pcmcia
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Acer users & support                 alt.sys.pc-clone.acer
Dell users & support       
Gateway 2000 users & support         alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000
Micron users & support               alt.sys.pc-clone.micron
Zenith users & support               comp.sys.zenith
Zeos users & support                 alt.sys.pc-clone.zeos
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Technical topics on PC soundcards
Advocacy for a particular soundcard
Using soundcards with games
Music & sound using soundcards
Soundcards in general      
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Discussion of forsale items
Mac-specific sale of items *
                                     (where * equals: cards.misc;misc; 
Sale of all computer memory,*
   modems, monitors, net-hardware,   (where * equals: memory;modems;
   printers, storage devices         monitors;net-hardware;printers;storage)
Sale of other computer items*
                                     (where * equals: misc;software;systems)
PC-specific sale of items  *
                                     (where * equals: audio;cards.misc;
Commercial sale of hardware          biz.marketplace.computers.*
                                     (where * equals: pc-clone;mac;other;
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Monitors/video cards       
Modems/fax cards/communication
Hard/floppy/tape drives & media 
CD-ROM drives & interfaces 
Computer vendors & specific systems
System chips/RAM chips/cache
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
Other hardware questions   
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
   This Pointer is freely distributable to  any  other mailing list,
   newsgroup,  or  network  service provider  as  long as it remains
   fully intact. Copyright 1994-1996 John M. Grohol. All rights reserved.

   Send comments/questions/suggestions regarding this Pointer to the
   author (replying to this message should work).   Do *not* include
   this entire Pointer in your reply, or it may not be read.

Q) 1.6 How come no one answers my questions?

If you don't give enough information when asking your question, then
people will not be able to answer it.  If you're not willing to take
the time to look up the necessary information, then why should you
expect people to take the time to answer your question?  For instance,
if you're asking a question about SCSI, it is very important to know
what type of SCSI host adapter (controller) you have.  Some other
important things to mention are which device drivers/tsr's you are
loading, what other similar devices you have in your system, and
exactly what in your setup has changed since it last worked.

Q) 1.7 What are the going prices for...?

If you're looking for new equipment, pick up a copy of Computer
Shopper.  This is the "bible" for buying new equipment.  Skim through
it for the best prices and give these distributers a call.  In most
cases, the advertisements must be placed months in advance; the actual
price may be even lower than the advertised price!  Two other things
to note are the warranty, return policy and location of the company
(companies within the same state as you may be required to add extra
sales taxes).

If you're looking for the expected price of used equipment, then scan
the newsgroup for similar items.  This
will give you the best idea as what to expect.  Don't make assumptions
that the price of used equipment will follow the market trends of new
equipment.  For instance, when new memory prices nearly doubled, the
used prices were barely effected.

Q) 1.8 Who makes/Where can I find [some obscure piece of hardware]?

[From: (Ron Bean)]

You can ask on the net, but you'll get a better response if you do
some investigating on your own first. Try calling vendors who
advertise similar or related hardware, they often have things that
aren't in the ads. Vendors who specialize in parts rather than
complete systems are a good bet. You can also ask local dealers to
check their wholesale sources.

Q) 1.9 What is the history of the IBM PC?


Around 1978 and '79, the market served by IBM's Data Entry Systems
division began to change.  Instead of terminals and minicomputers or
mainframes, customers began demanding autonomous, low cost,
single-user computers with minimal compute power or connectivity, but
compliance to standards like the ASCII alphabet and the BASIC
programming language.  The closest product in IBM's line was the 5110,
a closed, BASIC-in-ROM machine with a tiny built-in character display.
The 5110 was uncompetitive, and IBM started losing bids from key
customers, mostly government agencies.

Data Entry commissioned a consulting firm (Boca Associates?) to design
a stop-gap machine to fill what was perceived within IBM as a
short-lived, specialized niche.  It was intended that the stop-gap
machine would only be offered for a couple of years until it would be
replaced in "The Product Line" by an internal IBM design.  Some IBM
executives believed the single-user desktop system was a fad which
would die out when the shortcomings of such systems became

The motherboard design was based very closely on a single-board
computer described in a 1978 (?) Intel application note.  (Anybody got
an original copy of this collector's item?  Among other things, Intel
argues that 640KB is more memory than single-user applications will
ever need, because of the efficiency of segmented memory
"management"!)  The expansion slot "bus" is based on an Intel bus
called Multibus 1, which Intel introduced in its microprocessor
software development equipment in the mid '70s.  The Monochrome and
Color Graphics Display Adapters are based on application notes for the
Motorola 6845 video controller chip, except that the strangely
interlaced pixel addresses in the CGA appears to have been extremely
short sighted.  The "event driven" keyboard is an original design, but
the concept is from the Xerox Alto and Star graphics workstations.
The keyboard noise and "feel" are intended to emulate those of the IBM
Selectric typewriter.  The Cassette Interface design is original, but
similar in concept to the one on the Radio Shack TRS-80.

Data Entry Division approached Digital Research Inc. to offer its
popular CP/M-86 operating system on the machine, but DRI rebuffed
them.  IBM's second choice was BASIC-in-ROM vendor Microsoft, which
had no OS product at the time but quickly purchased a crude disk
operating system called 86-DOS from Seattle Computer Products to offer
it to IBM.  Its command interpreter was an imitation of Unix' Bourne
Shell, with the special characters changed to avoid infringing AT&T's

Data Entry Division began bidding this system in various State
procurements, without any plan to offer it to the public.

It became obvious that the Cassette Interface and optional 360KB
Flexible Disk Drive were inadequate.  The Cassette Interface was
dropped, and an optional Fixed Disk Drive offered on a revised model
known as the IBM Personal Computer XT.  (A fixed, or "hard" disk had
been offered on the PC by special order, with a Xebec controller, but
few were sold.)  The disk controller was designed around the Western
Digital 1010 chip, and its design is taken directly from a WD
application note.

The XT succeeded beyond all expectations.  IBM offered the system to
the public after it became clear that no other division was going to
come up with anything timely.  IBM published complete schematics and
ROM listings, encouraging clones.

In 1984, IBM introduced an upwardly compatible model based on the
Intel 80286.  The expansion slot "bus" was extended to 16-bit data
path width the same way Intel had extended Multibus: by adding data
and address bits, a signal for boards to announce their capability to
perform 16-bit transfers, and byte swapping on the motherboard to
support the 8-bit boards.

Ralph Valentino  ( ( 
Senior Design Engineer, Instrinsix Corp.

Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:

Last Update July 04 1997 @ 02:51 AM