
Major Contributors

We would like to thank the contributors to have taken some of their time to write varied topics and provide enlightening feedbacks. Some parts of this document are still incomplete and some information may be inaccurate. Your feedback will help this document to be as accurate and up to date as possible. I am sorry if I cannot answer to everyone or add everything that is sent to me.

Minor Contributors

We would also like to thank the following persons for providing information on specific topics: Mark Bergman, Joe Chung, Michiel de Vries, Herman Dullink, Andy Eskilsson, Doug Hogarth, Reinhard Kirchner, Mirek Komon, Jim Kozma, Juha Laiho, Alain Lavoie, Alle Metzlar, Erik Mouw, Chris Pollard, Dietrich Schmidt, Hans Schrader, Loren Schwiebert, Dan Sobel, Dave Spensley, Dmitry Stefankov, Andy Walton and Robert W. Wong Jr.

Also, special thanks to Alain Lavoie ( and the Dept. of Geography, Universit� de Montr�al, for providing the server for this document.