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Dial-up mail boxes:
Pavilion offer additional mail boxes that can be purchased for:

�10.00 - one off set-up

�40.00 - yearly maintenance

(Each mailbox has its own username and password, please contact to check the availability of usernames.)


Mail boxes with your Domain:

Pavilion offer 5 mailboxes, in addition to the one with your dial-up connection, as standard with our domain registration and hosting service. Each of these mailboxes is used in conjunction with that domain name. Please see our domain name page for further details.


SMTP Delivery:

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) allows your business to receive bulk mail delivery to your premises via a Domain Name. SMTP utilises a mail server on your premises that can then distribute mail across your internal network.

The charge for SMTP mail delivery is based not on the number of email addresses that you set-up, or on the total number of messages, or size of message that you receive, but rather on the number of unique email addresses that receive mail in a given month. This is then averaged and billed quarterly in advance based on your best estimate of initial usage.

The pricing for SMTP delivery is as follows:

SMTP prices
Number of Users: Business tariff:
Business tariff:
10 �40.00 �160.00
25 �90.00 �360.00
50 �160.00 �640.00
100 �280.00 �1120.00
250 �600.00 �2400.00
500 �1000.00 �4000.00
1000 �1600.00 �6400.00

Mailing lists with your domain:

Pavilion also offers a mailing list service, similar to majordomo, which can be used in conjunction with your domain. This service is �120 per year. If you would like details on how to create mailing lists for your business please contact us at the address below:

Please contact for further details.
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