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Internet connect
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Leased Line connection
A leased line allows a permanent Internet connection without telephone call charges. It is very cost effective if your company has a high usage of the Internet or wishes to host its own Web server.
You will require a domain name and also an IP network address (see the relevant sections for costs). You will also need a router to connect your network. This can either be sold or rented through Pavilion.

All Pavilion's prices include full SMTP mail delivery to your premises.

Leased Line




one-off set up and configuration �900.00 �3000.00 �3000.00
within Brighton (quarterly) �1125.00 �1625.00 �2500.00
outside Brighton (quarterly) �1375.00 �2000.00 �3000.00
Additional Services

Set up


Cisco 2501 Router (quarterly) �200.00 �300.00
IP Address Space    
Class ‘C’ network �250.00 �25.00
(All prices are exclusive of VAT)
We offer a full turnkey solution. Please note that unlike some of our competitors, our prices include the actual line and all installation charges made by your telecommunications company. For leased lines above 256K (512K, 1 and 2 Meg) prices are available on application.

Please contact for further details.
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