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pavilion staff

Here is a small selection of the people who work for you at Pavilion Internet. Simply click on a name to send them an email!

Pavilion Internet
24 Old Steine

Tel: 01273 607072
Fax: 01273 607073

David Taylor

job description: David is the Managing Director of Pavilion Internet. He is also our Finance director and Fireman. The buck stops here.
favourite drink: Labatts Ice
quote: "Yes, yes, spend, spend, spend. (Here, have a blank cheque)."

Ian Perry

job description: Ian is the newest member of the Pavilion Internet sales team. He is also the man looking after many of these web pages.
favourite drink: "Pint of dark stuff"
quote: "Don't daydream with your mouth open!" :-)

Jo Nicholas
  job description: Jo takes care of the accounts department for Pavilion.
favourite drink: Vodka and diet coke!
quote: "You'll never catch me doing that!"

Joe Karthauser
  job description: Joe is our Systems Manager, who has ultimate responsibility for the systems at Pavilion. His is the one voice you will not hear on the telephone. He is too busy!
favourite drink: The funny one that David can't pronounce.
quote: "Geometries, hyperspace and geodesics. What a funny space!"

John O'Farrell
  job description: John is our Sales Manager and looks after corporate sales, schools, libraries, and our local government accounts.
favourite drink: Pint of Diet Pepsi, ice and a slice.
quote: "Relaxation is a state of mind."

Paul Walsh
  job description: Paul heads up our Technical Support Desk.
favourite drink: Jack Daniel's, ... if you insist.
quote: If all else fails.. try lifting the cover and pouring in warm yoghurt. Fixes it every time :-)

Phil Duffen
  job description: Phil works in our Systems Department. Current projects include web enabling the Pavilion database.
favourite drink: Pint of Guinness, Please.
quote: on May the 1st ..... Vote!

Sandra Goddard
  job description: Sandra is our Customer Services Manager. She supervises the Accounts department, Administration, Technical Support and Pre Sales.
favourite drink:  
quote: "check out blue on IRC."

Simon Loader
  job description: Systems Bod
favourite drink: Anything that stops spinning for long enough to consume.
quote: "skateboards are my dream..."

Tracy Lawler
  job description: Tracy is a hardworking girl who takes care of technical support problems for Pavilion users. Hers is the last voice you will need to hear on the telephone.
favourite drink: Rum and Coke
quote: "Will you all please, be Quiet!"
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