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Interrupts vs. Polling


Hardware is slow. That is, in the time it takes to get information from your average device, the CPU could be off doing something far more useful than waiting for a busy but slow device. So to keep from having to busy-wait all the time, interrupts are provided which can interrupt whatever is happening so that the operating system can do some task and return to what it was doing without losing information. In an ideal world, all devices would probably work by using interrupts. However, on a PC or clone, there are only a few interrupts available for use by your peripherals, so some drivers have to poll the hardware: ask the hardware if it is ready to transfer data yet. This unfortunately wastes time, but it sometimes needs to be done.

Also, some hardware (like memory-mapped displays) is as fast as the rest of the machine, and does not generate output asyncronously, so an interrupt-driven driver would be rather silly, even if interrupts were provided.

In Linux, many of the drivers are interrupt-driven, but some are not, and at least one can be either, and can be switched back and forth at runtime. For instance, the lp device (the parallel port driver) normally polls the printer to see if the printer is ready to accept output, and if the printer stays in a not ready phase for too long, the driver will sleep for a while, and try again later. This improves system performance. However, if you have a parallel card that supplies an interrupt, the driver will utilize that, which will usually make performance even better.

There are some important programming differences between interrupt-driven drivers and polling drivers. To understand this difference, you have to understand a little bit of how system calls work under . The kernel is not a separate task under . Rather, it is as if each process has a copy of the kernel. When a process executes a system call, it does not transfer control to another process, but rather, the process changes execution modes, and is said to be ``in kernel mode.'' In this mode, it executes kernel code which is trusted to be safe.

In kernel mode, the process can still access the user-space memory that it was previously executing in, which is done through a set of macros: get_fs_*() and memcpy_fromfs() read user-space memory, and put_fs_*() and memcpy_tofs() write to user-space memory. Because the process is still running, but in a different mode, there is no question of where in memory to put the data, or where to get it from. However, when an interrupt occurs, any process might currently be running, so these macros cannot be used -- if they are, they will either write over random memory space of the running process or cause the kernel to panic.

[Explain how to use verify_area(), which is only used on cpu's that don't provide write protection while operating in kernel mode, to check whether the area is safe to write to.]

Instead, when scheduling the interrupt, a driver must also provide temporary space in which to put the information, and then sleep. When the interrupt-driven part of the driver has filled up that temporary space, it wakes up the process, which copies the information from that temporary space into the process' user space and returns. In a block device driver, this temporary space is automatically provided by the buffer cache mechanism, but in a character device driver, the driver is responsible for allocating it itself.

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