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3. Applications with Thai characters

This is the tricky part. Most applications support iso_8859_1 characters or 8-bit characters. For example, emacs can display iso_8859_1 character. If we set emacs to display iso_8859_1 and use Thai font, you can edit Thai document with emacs.

You should define the environment LC_CTYPE to iso_8859_1 in /etc/profile (for bash users) and /etc/csh.cshrc (for tcsh users). Similarly you should (for the sake of principle) put something like this in your .Xdefaults or .Xresources file:

*basicLocale:   C
*timeFormat:    C
*numeric:       C
*displayLang:   iso_8859_1
*inputLang:     iso_8859_1

If you use libc-4.x.xx you should set LC_CTYPE to ISO-8859-1 instead of iso_8859_1.

These are some of applications which can use with Thai characters and how to config them. To make X window application displays Thai font, you should run the application with -fn option. For example,

#xterm -fn NameOfThaifont
If you don't want to fill -fn option every time you run application. You should set Thai font in your ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources like this
XTerm*font:     NameOfThaifont

3.1 Non-network applications


There are several programs running under xterm such as shell, pine, vi, etc. Don't forget to use Thai font with xterm as I mention above.

bash :

New versions of bash (v1.14.1+) only need to have LC_CTYPE set to iso_8859_1, but if you have problems put the following in your /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc file:

set meta-flag on
set convert-meta off
set output-meta on

I reccomend you to use ~/.inputrc because Thai character set is 8-bit but not exactly iso-8859-1. You should avoid to set LC_CTYPE as ISO_8859_1 if you can.

You can type Thai characters in command line. That means you can name filenames in Thai.

tcsh :

Put the following in your /etc/csh.cshrc or .tcshrc file:

setenv LC_CTYPE iso_8859_1
Note: If this doesn't work, your copy of tcsh was probably not compiled with NLS support or possibly it's version 6.03 or lower.

ls :

Issue the command as

ls -N
or possibly
ls --8bit

You may set alias in ~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc, so you can type ls without option. If you don't use ls with -N option, you may see Thai filename as ?????.

less :

Set the following environment variable:



In version 19.26 or later of GNU emacs for X11 you can simply set the environment variable LC_CTYPE to iso_8859_1. If you use an older version or use emacs under plain Linux put the following in your ~/.emacs or the the system-wide initialization file (probably /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/default.el):

(standard-display-european t)

(set-input-mode (car (current-input-mode))
        (nth 1 (current-input-mode))

If you run emacs already, press Esc-x and type standard-display-european in minibuffer, this command will tell emacs to display 8-bit character.

If you use bash shell you can run emacs in this way,

%LC_CTYPE=iso_8859_1 emacs
This will set LC_CTYPE=iso_8859_1 for emacs only.

Because some Thai characters have 0 width, cursor's position may be not in the right place. you should use the fonts from mule. You can get these fonts from


Vi should be run on xterm that uses Thai font.


Run xedit with -fn option like xterm. This application can display Thai characters in the right position.

3.2 Network applications


You can not send Thai E-mail with mail command. Mail command transfers mail in 7 bit. You should use mail application that supports MIME such as pine or elm.


Put the following definitions in your ~/.elm/elmrc file:

charset = iso-8859-1
displaycharset = iso-8859-1
textencoding = 8bit
This may not work on some versions of elm.

pine :

Put the following definition in your ~/.pinerc file:

# Reflects capabilities of the display you have. Default: US-ASCII.
# Typical alternatives include ISO-8859-x, (x is a number between 1 and 9).
This can also be set via the Setup option in pine. You can find it under Config.


Put the following definitions in your ~/.tin/headers file:

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Now you can post messages with the proper Danish characters in the message body.


Put the following definition in your ~/.lynxrc file:

character_set=ISO Latin 1
This can also be set via the Options menu in lynx. Type `o' and set the relevant option.


Put one line of the following type in your ~/.telnetrc file for each host you want to log on to using telnet:

<hostname> set outbinary true
localhost set outbinary true set outbinary true


If you have Thai fonts in your system. You just select Thai fonts from Options | General Preferences | Fonts. Thai fonts will appear in ISO-8859-1 or in User defined.

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