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13. Troubleshooting

13.1 I Keep Getting ``line NNN of inittab invalid''

Make sure you are using the correct syntax for your version of init. The different init's that are out there use different syntax in the /etc/inittab file. Make sure you are using the correct syntax for your version of getty.

13.2 When I Try To Dial Out, It Says ``/dev/cuaN: Device or resource busy''

This problem can arise when DCD or DTR are not set correctly. DCD should only be set when there is an actual connection (ie someone is dialed in), not when getty is watching the port. Check to make sure that your modem is configured to only set DCD when there is a connection. DTR should be set whenever something is using, or watching the line, like getty, kermit, or some other comm program.

Another common cause of ``device busy'' errors, is that you set up your serial port with an interrupt already taken by something else. As each device initializes, it asks Linux for permission to use its hardware interrupt. Linux keeps track of which interrupt is assigned to whom, and if your interrupt is already taken, your device won't be able to initialize properly. The device really doesn't have much of any way to tell you that this happened, except that when you try to use it, it will return a ``device-busy'' error. Check the interrupts on all of your boards (serial, ethernet, SCSI, etc.). Look for IRQ conflicts.

13.3 I Keep Getting ``Id SN respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes''

Make sure your modem is configured correctly. Look at registers E and Q. This can occur when your modem is chatting with getty.

Make sure you are calling getty correctly from your /etc/inittab. Using the wrong syntax or device names will cause serious problems.

Verify that your /etc/gettydefs syntax is correct by doing the following:

linux# getty -c /etc/gettydefs

This can also happen when the uugetty initialization is failing. See section getty Or uugetty Still Doesn't Work.

13.4 Serial Devices Are Slow, Or Serial Devices Can Only Send In One Direction

You probably have an IRQ conflict. Make sure there are no IRQs being shared. Check all your boards (serial, ethernet, SCSI, etc...). Make sure the jumper settings, and the setserial parameters are correct for all your serial devices. Also check /proc/ioports and /proc/interrups for conflicts.

13.5 My Modem Is Hosed After Someone Hangs Up, Or uugetty doesn't respawn

This can happen when your modem doesn't reset when DTR is dropped. I saw my RD and SD LEDs go crazy when this happened to me. You need to have your modem reset. Most Hayes compatible modems do this with &D3, but on my USR Courier, I had to set &D2 and S13=1. Check your modem manual.

13.6 I Have My Terminal Connected To My PC, But After I Type In A Login Name, It Just Locks Up

13.7 At High Speeds, My Modem Looses Data

If you are trying to run your modem faster than 38400 bps, and you don't have 16550A UARTs, you should upgrade them. See section What Are UARTs? about UARTs.

13.8 On Startup, Linux Doesn't Report The Serial Devices The Way I Have Them Configured

This is true. Linux does not do any IRQ detection on startup, it only does serial device detection. Thus, disregard what it says about the IRQ, because it's just assuming the standard IRQs. This is done, because IRQ detection is unreliable, and can be fooled.

So, even though I have my ttyS2 set at IRQ 5, I still see

Jan 23 22:25:28 misfits vmunix: tty02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
when Linux boots. You have to use setserial to tell Linux the IRQ you are using. After Linux boots, you can look at the /proc/interrupts file, to see what IRQs are really configured.

13.9 rz And/Or sz Don't Work When I Call My Linux Box On A Modem

If Linux looks for /dev/modem when you try to transfer files, look at /etc/profile, and /etc/csh.cshrc. There are a bunch of aliases defined there on some distributions, most notably Slackware. These aliases mess up the zmodem programs. Take them out, or correct them.

13.10 My Screen Is Printing Funny Looking Characters

This happens on virtual consoles when you send binary data to your screen, or sometimes on serial connections. The way to fix this is to type echo ^v^[c. For the control-character-impaired, thats:

linux% echo <ctrl>v<esc>c

13.11 getty Or uugetty Still Doesn't Work

There is a DEBUG option that comes with getty_ps. Edit your config file /etc/conf.{uu}getty.ttySN and add DEBUG=NNN. Where NNN is one of the following combination of numbers according to what you are trying to debug:

D_OPT   001            option settings
D_DEF   002            defaults file processing
D_UTMP  004            utmp/wtmp processing
D_INIT  010            line initialization (INIT)
D_GTAB  020            gettytab file processing
D_RUN   040            other runtime diagnostics
D_RB    100            ringback debugging
D_LOCK  200            uugetty lockfile processing
D_SCH   400            schedule processing
D_ALL   777            everything 
Setting DEBUG=010 is a good place to start.

If you are running syslogd, debugging info will appear in your log files. If you aren't running syslogd info will appear in /tmp/getty:ttySN for debugging getty and /tmp/uugetty:ttySN for uugetty, and in /var/adm/getty.log. Look at the debugging info and see what is going on. Most likely, you will need to tune some of the parameters in your config file, and reconfigure your modem.

You could also try mgetty. Some people have better luck with it.

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