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2. Stage 1. DOS with speech

Most blind computer users have speech synthesizers with a screen reader program like JAWS [ JAWS]. (References in this format refer to entries in the "Footnotes and References" section below.) Using this setup, install and become familiar with some terminal emulator like Telix [ TELIX] or Commo [ COMMO], which are available from the SimTel archive [ SimTel] among others.

2.1 Getting Linux on CDROM

If you have or can borrow a CDROM drive, I recommend you get one of the many good distributions of Linux on that medium. I am most familiar with disks from InfoMagic [ InfoMagic]. Another source is Walnut Creek [ Walnut Creek] (where the whole idea of inexpensive CDROMS full of programs from Internet archives got its start). Distributions other than Slackware are available from Red Hat [ Red Hat], Craftwork [ Craftwork], and Yggdrasil [ Yggdrasil]. As a rule, these CDROMS use the "ISO 9660" format, which can be read under DOS. (They also use the "Rock Ridge extensions" which add extra files in each directory. Linux uses the extra information to give you long filenames, both upper and lower case characters in filenames, and file permissions.)

2.2 Getting Linux by FTP

Another way to get Linux and its documentation is by FTP over the Internet. Its home site is Walnut Creek [ Walnut Creek]. It is also carried by sunsite and many of it mirror sites. Here is a partial list:

More sites are listed in the INFO-SHEET Sunsite can also be reached using a Web browser:

2.3 Linux Documentation

Read the Linux documentation. I will quote here the file names and locations on the first disk of InfoMagic's November 1995 "Developer's Resource" set of five CDROMS, as seen under DOS. Other CDROM sets should have similar information, though perhaps differently arranged. There are general guides to the disks in the set in \readme.1st and \help\whereami.txt. Matt Welsh's step by step guide to installing Slackware is in \help\quicksta.txt. (This is slightly dated. For example, you no longer need to decompress the root disks before writing them out. However, it is still a "must-read".)

More general information is in the Linux "Frequently Asked Questions" list in \slackwar\docs\linux.faq\linux-fa.asc. Longer descriptions are in "HOWTO" documents (of which this is one). They are found in \howto. Note particularly \howto\hardware, which lists which kinds of hardware are supported by Linux, \howto\meta-faq, which points to sources of information (that is, a more extensive version of this paragraph), and \help\index, which is a list of the HOWTO documents with short descriptions. The Linux installation HOWTO, \howto\installation, is another version of Matt Welsh's installation instructions.

One note on reading the documentation. You may run into files with ASCII highlighting, where character-backspace-character stands for "bold", and underscore-backspace-character stands for "italics". One way to handle this is to use the less program, which displays these sequences in alternate colors. A DOS screenreader can, for example, search for such highlighted text. A DOS version of less can be obtained by FTP from the SimTel archive [ SimTel]. Within the SimTel collection, look for directory msdos/textutil. For example, try

I will suggest four alternatives for learning Emacs commands (see section [ Learning Emacs]). The first option is to install Emacs under DOS and learn it while using the DOS screen reader. Where to get Emacs for DOS is a "frequently asked question" [ Emacs for DOS].

The source code for Emacs (about 10 MB) can be gotten from (look for emacs-19.34b.tar.gz or similar), or from one of many mirrors of the GNU collection [ Gnu Mirrors].

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