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4. Chinese Editors

4.1 Celvis and CVim - clones of vi/ex

C-Elvis is a clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor. C-Elvis supports editing of Chinese text, English text, and the mixture of both. C-Elvis supports nearly all the vi/ex commands, in both visual mode and ex (colon) mode, for both Chinese and English characters. You can use C-Elvis for both GB2312-80 standard and Big5 encoding Chinese text. You need to use it in a Chinese terminal such as cxterm to input/output Chinese character.

Getting the celvis

The ftp site for celvis is


Installing celvis

# tar -xvzf celvis-1.3.tar.gz
# cd celvis
You need to edit tmp.c, delete line 93-95
#if OS9
                  if we don't have write permission...

Then you can compile it by
# cp Makefile.s5 Makefile
# make install
Because the Makefile is not for Linux, you may get a lot of warning messages. But you can ignore all of them. The celvis will installed in in /usr/local/bin.


CVim is a patch to add Chinese support for vim-4.2. CVim includes some vi's features which are not supported by celvis-1.3, such as line number, line wrap, and large file editing. you can get vim-4.2-Chinese-patch and vim-4.2.tar.gz at

# tar -xvzf vim-4.2.tar.gz
# cd vim-4.2/src
# patch < ../../vim-4.2-Chinese-patch
The file ``vim-4.2/src/feature.h'' can be edited to match your preferences. Compiling is simple, just do
# make
# make install

4.2 Cjoe - Joe's Own Chinese Editor

JOE is a professional freeware ASCII text screen editor for UNIX. JOE has the feel of most IBM PC text editors. Although I am not using it myself, it is definitly a great editor.

Getting cjoe

You can find cjoe-2.8.tgz at the same place as celvis-1.3.tar.gz


Compiling and Installing cjoe

Edit the Makefile file if you want to change the locations for binaries, keymap initialization files and man page. Otherwise, just do the following

# make
# make install

4.3 Cemacs and CChelp For Emacs

Cemacs is a method of using GNU Emacs to display and edit Chinese files. To use Cemacs, it is necessary to run Emacs on a Chinese terminal or under a Chinese terminal emulator program such as cxterm. CCHELP is a system to obtain instant helpful information on Chinese characters. Once CCHELP is installed, you can click the mouse on any Chinese character and a help messag will appear giving the character itself, its PinYin pronunciation, and an indication of its English meaning. Both GB- and Big5-coded Chinese are supported.

Getting Cemacs and CChelp

Both cemacs and cchelp can be fetched at


Follow the README files for cemacs and cchelp.

4.4 Mule and Xemacs 20.0

Getting Mule-2.3 and the Patch for Linux


Compile and Installing

Unpack the package and apply the patch

# tar -xvzf mule-2.3.tar.gz
# patch < mule-2.3+lx.diff 
# cd mule-2.3/
# ./configure "i386-*-linux" --with-x11 --with-x-toolkit --with-gcc

If you want to customize your mule, read the file ``INSTALL'' and try ``./configure --help''. After the configuration, you need to modify the file ``src/Makefile'' a little bit, change ``-lcurses'' to ``-lncurses''. Now

# make
# make install
The default installation directory is /usr/local.

Use Chinese in Mule-2.3

If you have fonts intalled, you can use mule for input/output Chinese. Most of the Chinese fonts are 16 pts or 24 pts, so try

# mule -fn 8x16 &
# mule -fn 12x24 &
In mule type M-x load-library RETURN chinese RETURN . The command ``Ctrl-]'' toggles input methods.

Xemacs 20.0

Haven't try yet.

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