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2. The Chinese X Windows

The X Window system is a large and powerful graphics environment for UNIX. XFree86 is a free port of the MIT X Window System (X11R6). The Chinese X Windows is a patch to the XFree86 for displaying chinese charactors in X Window environment. The author is Shin-Ray Lee ( Current version of CXwin only supports BIG5 coding. It is available for both XFree86 3.1 and XFree86 3.2 . CXwin gives your Chinese popup menu, Chinese window title for various window managers and also can display Chinese characters in some applications.

2.1 Where to get it

CXwin 3.1

The XFree86 3.1 version of Chinese X Windows can be found at the major chinese software ftp site or its mirror sites. You only need to get one X server for yourself. In my case, I need XF86_SVGA.gz. But XF86_VGA16.gz should work for most of the graphics cards.

CXwin 3.2

As I know, the latest version for CXwin is XFree86 3.2 . You can fetch the linux ELF format of CXwin 3.2 at


If you have the source for XFree86, you can get patch at the same place and compile the binary file by yourself.

2.2 How to install it

Uncompress the gzipped file, in my case it is /tmp/XF86_SVGA.gz

# gzip -d XF86_SVGA.gz
Become superuser (root) and make a backup copy of your orignal X server
# cd /usr/X11R6/bin
Move the CXwin to its place
# mv /tmp/XF86_SVGA /usr/X11R6/bin
# chown root.bin XF86_SVGA
# chmod 4755 XF86_SVGA
CXwin also needs four BIG5 fonts to work properly, namely taipei15, taipei16, taipeik20 and taipeik24. Please refer to ``Section font-ref'' for how to intall Chinese fonts.

CXwin 3.1 is buggy and unstable. It is recommended that you upgrade to XFree86 3.2 and use CXwin 3.2. CXwin is in alpha state, you may use it at your own risk. But I have been using it for over three months, it works just great. At\~hongz, you will find some nice screenshots of my desktop.

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