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Archive-name: tcl-faq/tk/windows
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1997/06/17

Tcl/Tk on Windows Frequently-Asked Questions

This list of frequently-asked questions, also called a FAQ, covers problems with Tcl/Tk on the Windows platform. Please send any additions or corrections to Eric Foster-Johnson (the address is at the bottom). This FAQ is located on the Internet at the following (unfortunately very slow) URL:

SunScript has a Windows Tcl/Tk Project that contains information about Sun's port of Tcl/Tk to the Windows platform.

There is also a Tcl on Windows mailing list. For more information, and an archive of messages, see the following URL:

Questions answered here include:

How to get Tcl/Tk For Windows
A-1: Binary release of Tcl/Tk.
A-2: Windows 3.1 Requires Win32s
Installing/Can't Run At All
I-1: Don't upgrade over a previous version
I-2: Wish generates a UAE error at startup
I-3: Increasing environment space in DOS.
Differences From Unix
D-1: \ Won't Work!
D-2: How to create a valid font name on Windows
D-3: How to Run Scripts from Windows
D-4: Cut, copy and paste in the Tcl Console window
D-5: Using the Windows Clipboard
D-6: send is not implemented on Windows
D-7: Start-up Files tclsh.rc and wishrc.tcl
D-8: Accessing PC serial ports from Tcl
D-9: Using UNC file names
Windows-Specific Bugs and Problems
B-1: Wish uses a lot of system resources and doesn't free them.
B-2: Once exec fails, the next exec generates a fatal error.
B-3: Puts bugs.
B-4: fileevent only supports sockets under Windows
B-5: winfo interps and send fails on Windows
B-6: You need at least 256 colors and may have problems with more than 256
B-7: Problems with clock command on Windows
B-8: wm iconbitmap doesn't work on Windows
B-9: If you use a pipe (|) in open, until the child process has terminated no events will be processed.
B-10: The rightmost mouse button is Button-3.
B-11: Tk on Windows supports cursors
B-12: Sockets are not available on the system error
B-13: toplevel -container does not work
B-14: exec: couldn't create error file for command: Error 0
Windows 3.1 Issues
W3-1: How to execute tclsh76.exe from Windows 3.1
W3-2: Strange behaviour of exec under Win 3.1
W3-3: Windows 3 doesn't support help contents file
C-1: Getting the source code
C-2: Tcl uses long file names
C-3: Tcl was compiled with Borland C++
C-4: Where are the .lib files?
C-5: Creating Dynamic Extensions on Windows
C-6: C++ and DLLs
Compiling with Microsoft Visual C++
M-1: How to fix the makefile for Microsoft Visual C++
M-2: Can I use the Binary Release .DLL with my compiled applications?
M-3: Allocate memory with Tcl_Alloc
M-4: How to compile with Microsoft Visual C++
M-5: Problems with Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 and Tcl
E-1: Expect isn't ported to Windows
E-2: Tix works on Windows.
E-4: Network, Registry and ODBC Extensions
E-5: Itcl
E-6: BLT Win32 Patches
E-7: VerTcl/TkCon Provides a Useful Console On Windows
E-8: OCX Extensions for Tcl
E-9: TkTable
E-10: MDI (Muliple Document Interface)
E-11: Windows shortcuts extension
E-12: TclX
E-13: Togl (Tk OpenGL)

How to get Tcl/Tk For Windows

A-1: Binary release of Tcl/Tk for Windows

The latest stable releases are Tcl 7.6 patch 2 and Tk 4.2 patch 2. The binary release of Tcl/Tk for Windows is located at:

A new beta release of Tcl 8.0 is available at

Both are self-extracting archives.

A-2: Windows 3.1

If you run Windows 3.1, you will need to install the Win32s subsystem. You may have already done that. Check that you have the Win32s DLL (dynamic-link library) at version 1.30. If not, you can get a self-extracting archive, w32s130.exe, from:

Extract this file in an empty directory.

If you use Windows NT or 95, you won't need the Win32s subsystem.

Note: If you're using an older version of Win32s, you must upgrade to version 1.30.

-Eric Foster-Johnson

Installing/Can't Run At All

I-1: Don't upgrade over a previous version

It seems there is a bug in the Windows binary installer. If you are installing over the top of a prior version of Tcl, it is not correctly handling the versioning for the libraries. You will end up with a mixture of old and new files. The symptoms vary, but if you are seeing problems with the console or other stdio related features, the installer could very well be the culprit.

The solution is to completely remove the old/broken installation and reinstall from the release file. This should give you a consistent set of files.

Thanks to Gerald Lester for helping to identify this problem.

-Scott Stanton

I-2: Wish generates a UAE error (Unhandled Win32s Exception) at startup.

If you get a UAE error when starting wish on Windows 3.1 (this problem does not appear on Windows NT), here's what you can do.

1. Add the following lines to your autoexec.bat file:

set tcl_library=/tcl/lib/tcl7.6
set tk_library=/tcl/lib/tk4.2

Note that these paths refer to the standard installation of wish, e.g., C:\tcl. If you installed in a non-standard location, you'll need to modify this. Also note the forward (/), not backward (\) slashes for directory separators.

2. You can also type in the values at a shell (i.e., DOS) command line, but wish is a Windows program, so this must be placed into the environment for Windows. When I typed these commands in at the DOS level, I received an error that I had run out of environment space. This may also be a problem for you. DOS 5 only allows a small amount of space for environment variables. If this is the case, you'll need to remove other environment settings (I pared down my PATH, which came from the manufacturer with extraneous options).

3. You must reboot, since the autoexec.bat is only read at start-up.

-Eric Foster-Johnson

I-3: Increasing environment space in DOS.

If you type in the tcl_library and tk_library environment variables and get an out of space error, you can increase the amount of memory allocated to the DOS environment through the COMMAND.COM command line options. For example, add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file:

shell=c:\ /e:1024 /p

This sets the environment space to 1K. Note that (on my system, at least) the /c autoexec command is needed to make DOS run the autoexec.bat file during booting.

-Alex Hubbard

Differences From Unix

D-1: \ Won't Work!

Remember that \ is a special character in Tcl.

This is a problem because Windows uses a backslash for separating directories, while Unix uses a forward slash.

So, in Tcl and in the Tcl shell, wish, you need to enter directories and paths with either two backslashes, e.g., \\, or with the Unix-style forward slash, e.g., /.

For example, don't use:


Use either:




D-2: How to create a valid font name on Windows.

You can either use X Window font names, in X Logical Font Description (XLFD) format, or a special Windows-specific format. With Tk 8.0 or higher, you should use the new font command, which allows you to create cross-platform font definitions. This is much better than the older methods!

If you are working with versions of Tk prior to 8.0, you need to set up XLFD font names or Windows-specific names, discussed below.

1. XLFD format font names

Windows Tk will accept X font names, but you must supply all the parts (you can use a * for a wild-card, though, see below). You can also use a number of XLFD elements, such as "bold", etc. to control the fonts.

For example, the following all are valid font names on Tk in Windows:

button .b1 -text "Arial" \
    -font "-*-arial-bold-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-*"
button .b2 -text "Courier" \
    -font "-*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-*"
button .b3 -text "Symbol" \
    -font "-*-Symbol-medium-i-normal--*-240-*-*-*-*"
pack .b1 .b2 .b3

To get the list of valid Windows font names, look in an application like Microsoft Word (or WordPad, which comes with Windows 95) and check the font list. Most True Type ("TT") fonts should be scalable to a number of sizes.

You can find out more in depth information about XLFD naming formats at

-Eric Foster-Johnson

2. Windows-specific font names

In addition to the X style font names, Tk 4.2 accepts a special tuple format consisting of a 3 element list of the form:

	{name size stylelist}

You can use any font name that Windows understands for the first element. The size is in points, and the style is a list of zero or more items from the set of supported styles: normal, bold, medium, heavy, thin, extralight, light, semibold, extrabold, italic, oblique, underline, strikeout. Many of these styles won't do anything for a given font. For example, to get a 20 point TrueType Times Roman font with bold and italic style, you would say "{Times Roman New} 20 {bold italic}".

Note that the 3 part font specifier is just a place holder for font objects. Eventually we will support font objects that take various configuration options and return a handle that can be used anywhere a font string is used now.

-Scott Stanton

D-3: How to Run Scripts from Windows

How do I run a script?

There are three approaches to starting scripts in Tcl: source, shortcuts, and file associations.

The most obvious way is to launch the Wish application and use "source". This is the best way to debug scripts.

The second alternative is to create a Program Manager icon (Windows 3.x or NT) or a shortcut (Windows 95). The binary release uses this technique for the widget tour icon. The command line for the icon should be something like:

c:\tcl\bin\wish42.exe c:\myscript.tcl

The third way to launch a Tcl script is to create a file type association for the extension ".tcl" (or ".tk"). Using the File Manager (or My Computer in Windows 95), create a new file type for .tcl, and add an "open" action. The command for the action should be something like:

"c:\Program Files\tcl\bin\wish42.exe" "%1"

Once you have set up the association, you will be able to double click on script files in File Manager to launch the app.

Note that if either the location of wish or the location of the script contains spaces in any of the file names, you must enclose the name in quotes. For example:

"c:\Program Files\tcl\bin\wish42.exe" "c:\Program Files\myscript.tcl"

-Scott Stanton

You may also want to add an Edit action for Tcl files. For this, you need to pick an editor that won't place extra carriage returns on the end of lines. (Windows uses a carriage return/line feed combination to end each line of text, while Unix only uses a line feed.)

In the Windows 95 Explorer, pick the Options choice from the View menu. Under the File Types tab, find your Tcl file type and Edit it. Under Actions, click New and name your new Action Edit. Choose your editor and accept all your changes.

You should now be able to easily bring up an editor with a right-click on the file and the Edit popup option.

-Hume Smith

D-4: Cut, Copy and Paste in the Tcl Console Window

The Tcl Console window sets up bindings that are supposed to follow the Windows standard of

In Tcl 8.0 so far, the Ctrl-V does not work for paste. (The Paste menu choice does work, though.)

For older versions of Tcl/Tk, prior to 8.0, the Tcl Console window (by default) provides the following bindings:

-Eric Foster-Johnson

D-5: Using the Windows Clipboard

Associated with the Cut, Copy and Paste functions, the selection functions do work between Windows apps and Tcl/Tk scripts.

To see this, try the following: select some text in MS Word, Write or any other Windows app. Copy the data to the clipboard (inside the app). Then, enter the following at your wish prompt:

 set clip [selection get -selection CLIPBOARD ]

The variable clip should now hold the data from the clipboard.

The parts that may be troublesome are that:

All in all, Tk does pretty good with handling selections on multiple operating systems.

-Eric Foster-Johnson

D-6: send is not implemented on Windows

Furthermore, it is unlikely send will be ported soon, because send uses the X server for communication.

D-7: Start-up Files tclsh.rc and wishrc.tcl

Tcl looks for ~/tclsh.rc, and wish looks for ~/wishrc.tcl. The tclsh.rc name is pretty inconsistent, and should probably be tclshrc.tcl. We don't use the .tclshrc form because it doesn't work on FAT filesystems. -Scott Stanton

D-8: Accessing PC serial ports from Tcl

Open the serial port using "set comdesc [open COM1: RDWR]", then use "read|write|gets|puts $comdesc" to access it. Don't forget to close it ("close $comdesc") when you're done.

-Michael Schumacher

D-9: Using UNC file names

If you have machines networked, you can test for file existence generally with:

file exists //NetworkName/c/

However, I'm do not believe there is any way in Tcl to tell what mapped drives are mapped to.

-Jeffrey Hobbs

Windows-Specific Bugs and Problems

B-1: Wish uses a lot of system resources and doesn't free them.

Wish does not release the system resources it uses even when it exits normally. Run through the widget demo, exit and look at the system resources count. You may find it dropped by 17%. During the widget demo, monitoring system resources found that wish does not seem to release system resources when it destroys widgets. During a wish session free resources just keep declining. Given this situation, large wish applications may slow down or crash.

-Charles A. Shartsis

B-2: Once exec fails, the next exec generates a fatal error.

Tcl7.5a1/Tk4.1a1 bugs with exec on Windows.

Once an exec command fails the next exec command results in a fatal error (when typing exec commands into the Console window). For example:

tcl> exec xyzzy
Couldn't read output file "TMP37.$$$" for command: no such file or directory
tcl> exec dir

and you will get a popup window about the fatal error...

Other exec bugs on Windows:

I'm using the recent b2 release with Windows 95 with tclsh75.

Exec is not redirecting output properly. There seems to be a race condition.

When I try 'exec co -p foo.c > bar.c', co should write to stdout and tclsh75 should redirect the output to a new file.

Instead, co -p writes to stdout and it appears on the console window. If I attempt to grab the output by doing:

        set result [exec co -p foo.c > bar.c ]

result is set to "" after the command, even though co writes out the file to stdout.

Now it gets interesting: If I trace through Win32Pipeline() and stop at the CreateProcess() call, and then step through it closing the files, the whole thing works the way it should - that is, co writes to stdout, which goes into a file. If after it stops at CreateProcess() I hit the continue, everything breaks again. So it seems that tclsh needs to create the rpocess and close down the files before letting the child run. Very odd.

-Josh Putnam

- When you exec a command the screen blanks out (system -> DOS?) and then redraws as the command ends. Can this be stopped?

- There is a resource leak somewhere in the exec command. If you do "exec dir" several times you will find that the Free Memory and Free System Resources (as in Program manager/Help/About) decrease each time.

-Gordon Lack

Calling exec brings on blank-screen mode

In article <>, Shicheng Tian wrote:

On my PC, from Windows, I run a tcl script file with the following one line code:

exec del "c:/rubish.tcl"

The file 'rubish.tcl' DOES get deleted, but the trouble is:

the PC goes back to the DOS environment (i.e. a black screen!), then it comes back to Windows again.

My enquiry is: is it possible to run the 'exec' command shown as above WITHOUT showing the DOS black screen?

You can change this behavior by modifying the .PIF file for MS-DOS so that it does not use full-screen mode.

-Scott Stanton

Another way to call exec

It wasn't obvious to me either how to get native DOS window commands to work and it sometimes hung on me as well. I recently got it working, however...

exec cmd.exe >&@stdout <@stdin /c dir

will do the directory command for the current directory. Check out the Windows help for the switches available under cmd.exe. "/c" tells it to execute the command and then exit. "/k" tells it to execute the command and keep the DOS command interpreter active. (Note that cmd.exe is the name of the MS-DOS interpreter on Windows NT.)

-Robert Philpott

Only Call exec on 32-bit Applications

Tcl 7.6 and Tk 4.2 seem to have solved the following problem. (Thanks to Colin Stevens.)

Tcl/TK for Win32 is really rotten at doing an exec on DOS mode programs. This includes any of the DOS-like commands of the Win95 shell! If you use exec with any of the DOS mode commands, the command might execute but control will never be returned to the WISH shell.

However, 32 bit programs work just fine with WISH. To see what I mean, try the following command from the WISH console:

exec notepad

This command will run the Windows notepad editor and return control to WISH after the notepad program is exited. If you want to run notepad and return control immediately to WISH just use:

exec notepad &

This behavior is identical to the UNIX versions of Tcl/TK.

So, the moral of the story is:

Only "exec" 32 bit programs with the Win32 version of Tcl/TK.

-Dennis R. LaBelle

B-3: Puts bugs

The following Tcl procedure may fail on Windows NT, depending on the amount of data written to the file:

proc testPuts { fileName output times } {
  set fileID [ open $fileName w ]
  for { set i 0 } { $i < $times } { incr i } {
    puts $fileID $output
  close $fileID

When it fails, there are only a couple of characters in the output file (basically garbage). The Tcl error reports back:

error writing "fileX": No error

For example, if I call:

 testPuts {C:/TestFile} {HI THERE} 455

it works perfectly well. However, if I call:

 testPuts {C:/TestFile} {HI THERE} 456

it fails.

You can work around this bug by flushing the file descriptor after each puts call, like the following:

proc testPuts { fileName output times } {
  set fileID [ open $fileName w ]
  for { set i 0 } { $i < $times } { incr i } {
    puts $fileID $output
    flush $fileID
  close $fileID
The big question is whether this is a bug in Tcl or Windows NT 3.51. Has anyone seen this before or have any related information? If it is a bug in Windows NT, will Tcl7.5b2 handle this?

-Brian L. Rubow

B-4: fileevent only supports sockets under Windows

Fileevents are supported on Win32 platforms for sockets only. We have not yet found a way to discern when a file has more input than was already consumed. Any help or ideas will be gratefully accepted. I believe fileevent does not work reliably for pipes either, on Win32 platforms. I know that fileevent does work reliably for sockets.

Two possible solutions:

-Jacob Levy

B-5: winfo interps and send fails on Windows

Unfortunately, neither "winfo interp", nor "send" are implemented in any of the Tk for Windows releases. Hopefully this will be available in the next release.

-Scott Stanton

B-6: You need at least 256 colors and may have problems with more than 256

A number of people have reported that wish simply won't work unless you set your screen resolution to have at least 256 colors and preferably, 1024x768 pixel resolution.

If you have more than 256 colors, images may not display correctly under Tk 4.2.

B-7: Problems with clock command on Windows

Beware of clock format commands across operating systems

Tcl's clock format command eventually passes it's format string to strftime(). strftime() may have different implementations depending on the underlying operating system.

For example, Windows NT 3.51 doesn't implement the %D, %e, and %h directives. This can some interesting side effects.

The bug report: If you do supply one of these unknown directives (and nothing else), Tcl can go into a loop. The FormatClock routine keeps calling strftime() because it mistakenly assumes that a 0 return must mean that the target buffer is too small. Indeed, if you just pass it "%e", the strftime() function gets annoyed at it as a directive and erroneously returns 0. Oddly enough adding a bit of whitespace to the format command gets rid of the loop.

This may be an NT oddity only, I don't think you can know for sure that it won't happen elsewhere.

-Dave Griffin

B-8: wm iconbitmap doesn't work on Windows

The wm iconbitmap command does not work on Windows. if you execute the following command, you'll still see Tcl's icon for your application:

wm iconbitmap . filename

To change this, you need to substitute your own .ico file and recompile the relevant parts of the Tk source code.

-Eric Foster-Johnson

B-9: If you use a pipe (|) in open, until the child process has terminated no events will be processed

If you start a process in a pipe, e.g., 'open "| ...."' until the child process has terminated no events will be processed.

-John Robert LoVerso

B-10: The rightmost mouse button is Button-3

Even with a two-button mouse, the rigthmost mouse button is identified in Tk as Button-3.

This really isn't bad, especially if you coded your pop-up menus to appear on Button-3 events, following the style of most Motif programs. Your scripts will continue to work on Windows.

-Eric Foster-Johnson

B-11: Tk on Windows supports cursors

The -cursor option should work on Windows now with all the built-in X Window cursors.

B-12: Sockets are not available on the system error

If you get an error like the above, chances are you have not installed the winsock.dll dynamic-link library that adds networking socket functionality to Windows.

B-13: toplevel -container does not work

The -container option is not fully implemented on Windows at present. The only functionally complete implementation is on X Windows.

You can use the '-use' option as long as the supplied window ID identifies a window that is not managed by Tk. This is known to work on both Unix and Windows. The Mac implementation is not, as far as I know, able to handle this in the general case; we did something special (a hack :) for the Tcl plugin on the Mac.

I cannot say when things will get better on this front. It's on our todo list and will percolate upwards according to demand etc etc..

-Jacob Levy

B-14: exec: couldn't create error file for command: Error 0

If exec returns an error message of "couldn't create error file for command: Error 0", the following may help:

This problem exists under Unix and Windows NT. I have conclusive proof that under Unix it was being caused by the temporary directory not being world writable, which explains why superusers were able to "exec" something but not a regular user. The "gotcha!" is that /tmp is not necessarily the temporary directory that is used, so people were not seeing an obvious problem. Tcl uses the tmpnam() system call, which on many systems actually uses /var/tmp, and on some systems that directory was not world writable. I would like to call this a problem with one's site administration.

Here's a simple program to determine your temporary directory:

        char name[100];

which prints out the full pathname for a potential new temporary file. If the specified directory is not world writable, you can't create temp files.

Now, the question turns to Windows. This I have not yet resolved. Under NT, which has users and directory permissions, it may be the same problem as under Unix. However, since this problem is also occurring under Windows 3.1 it may be another problem or combination of the two. I will post results as soon as possible.

-Colin Stevens

Windows 3.1 Issues

W3-1: How to execute tclsh76.exe from Windows 3.1

You can run tclsh76.exe under Windows 3.1, but not from a DOS shell. You can invoke tclsh76.exe by making a program manager icon for the command line that you want to execute. Since tclsh76.exe is not a DOS application, you can not invoke it from the shell.

-Scott Stanton

W3-2: Strange behaviour of exec under Win 3.1

Unfortunately the support for exec under Win32s is very limited. Most of this is because of Win32s. There are definitely some improvements that could be made (e.g. letting you start Windows apps), but it is never going to be as good as the Windows 95 or NT versions. Basically Windows 3.1 doesn't have a very complete process model, and most of what you see in the DOS window is done using non-Windows APIs. I could probably get Tcl to do the same things, but it's going to require a lot of very Windows 3.1 specific coding to get it to work. There are a number of other things that are higher priority, so it probably won't happen for a while. I would encourage anyone who really wants this feature to work on it and send me patches.

-Scott Stanton

W3-3: Windows 3 doesn't support help contents file

The problem is that Win3.1/3.11 don't support the contents file. I think what is needed is an additional help page that lists the contents. This is redundant under Windows 95 and NT, but necessary for 3.1/3.11.

For now, however, you should be able to use the keyword search facility to get to any of the man pages.

-Scott Stanton


C-1: Getting the source code

The Tcl7.6p2 and Tk4.2p2 releases officially support Unix, Windows and Macintosh platforms. The source code comes with a win/ directory with Windows code. You can get the source code release on the Internet via FTP from, in the directory /pub/tcl.

For Windows users, you'll likely want the source code compressed in ZIP format, rather than GNU gzip. Pick up the files and

-Eric Foster-Johnson

C-2: Tcl uses long file names

Both Tcl and Tk use long file names. You'll need Windows 95 or Windows NT (with an NTFS file system) for the sources.

You may also need a modern ZIP program to extract the archive and maintain its long file names. Older versions of pkzip, for example, only understand the old DOS eight character (with up to three characters for an extension) file names. I use WinZip, a shareware archiver program for Windows.

-Eric Foster-Johnson

C-3: Tcl was compiled with Borland C++

Although the Tcl and Tk DLL's were generated using the Borland C++ compiler, it is possible to write extensions and applications in Visual C++ (or other compilers). There are a couple of gotchas to be aware of, however.

First, you will need the VC++ .lib files, which can be found at

Second, because the malloc/free supplied by Borland is not compatible with that supplied by Microsoft, you must not free memory allocated by Tcl using the Microsoft free(). Instead, you should use the Tcl_Ckfree() call. The most common case is uses of Tcl_SplitList.

Additonally, you should not pass malloc'ed memory to Tcl, expecting Tcl to free it. If you want to allocate memory that Tcl will free, use Tcl_Ckalloc() instead. This will mostly affect uses of Tcl_SetResult (or interp->result) and the TCL_DYNAMIC flag.

In future releases, ckalloc and ckfree will use Tcl_Ckalloc() and Tcl_Ckfree() instead of malloc and free, but for now you should use these routines directly.

-Scott Stanton

Note that Borland C++ users must upgrade to version 4.52 to compile Tk 4.1 and higher. If you get an error like the following, you'll need to upgrade:

Error ..\win\tkWinWm.c 553: Undefined symbol 'WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW' in...

C-4: Where are the .lib files?

For Borland:
You can generate the .lib files from the .dll files shipped with the binary release by using the implib.exe utility that comes with Borland C++. For example, to generate tcl76.lib, you would issue the following command:

        implib tcl76.lib tcl76.dll

For Visual C++:
The .lib files for Visual C++ are available on the Sun ftp site for the binary release. Look for:


-Scott Stanton

C-5: Creating Dynamic Extensions on Windows

Version 7.6 of Tcl has the ability to dynamically load binary Tcl extensions at run time. We have written a sample dynamically loadable extension that should work on all of the platforms where dynamic loading is supported. This example can serve as a template for building your own extensions.

The example is available from

This file contains a sample loadable Tcl extension for Macintosh, Windows, and Unix platforms.

Same as example.tar.Z except compressed with gzip instead of compress.
Same as example.tar.Z except archived with zip instead of tar and compress.

-Scott Stanton

How to build loadable extensions on Windows with the TkMsWin Extension

Building loadable Windows extensions for Tcl still requires a DllEntryPoint routine (for Win32s 32-bit extensions). This routine is called when LoadLibrary is invoked to load the extension, and must return TRUE (after any specific initialization it does) to succeed for the initial load. See the LoadLibrary and DllEntryPoint functions in the Win32 manual for full details.

In hello.c, the sample extension, I was satisfied with adding the following code near to the top of the file:

#ifdef _RTLDLL
BOOL _export WINAPI DllEntryPoint (HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD seginfo,
LPVOID lpCmdLine)
  /* Don't do anything, so just return true */
  return TRUE;

Since the makefile defines _RTLDLL, and that is associated with DLLs, this seems a reasonable thing to do. The extension appears to load properly with this change.

-Michael Schwartz

Michael Schwartz also has an extension for Windows 3.11 users, which provides for some windows-specific behavior.

The extension (so far) will asynchronously exec another windows application. I have tried to adhere to package constructs as well, so if you have done the pkg_mkIndex thing, then you should be able to do the package require tkmswin and get this automatically loaded. The 2nd argument seems to be off a byte (tkmswin exec notepad xyz.dat will try to start notepad with file yz.dat), but I don't think this problem is in the extension code.

This command is quite crude--no thought is given to piping stdout or stderr, no attributes are parsed from command line switches, no new environment, no new starting directory, and the command itself is jammed in with a strcmp. Certainly nothing elegant. But, at least it works, and may be a place to build from.


I called the extension Tkmswin, to allow for incorporation of other windows-specific features later. Tkmswin is useful set of utilities for emulating a number of Unix commands reasonably in the Win32s environment. The commands provided are (as of version of Tkmswin):

tkmswin exec filename args
Used to create threads for windows programs to run independently At this time, this is not connected to any program pipe or descriptor Also, the -directory and -geometry options don't seem to work under Win32s
tkmswin print filename ...
Used to send a file to the printer in "raw" format (e.g., postscript) Despite the documentation on EPS, the MSWindows preamble does get sent to a Postscript printer, and thus a blank page is emitted at the end of each job.
tkmswin rm filename ...
Used to remove files Does not support any options, and cannot be used to remove directories
tkmswin mv filename newfile or tkmswin mv file1 file2 ... dir
Used to rename a file or set of files. Does not support any options or moving directories
tkmswin cp filename newfile or tkmswin cp file1 file2 ... dir
Used to copy a file or set of files Does not support any options or copying directories
tkmswin mkdir dir1 ...
Used to create a directory or set of directories
tkmswin rmdir dir1 ...
Used to remove an empty directory or set of directories
tkmswin get_profile -section sectname [-private filename] \
[-default defstring] [-key string] [-max maxsize]
Used to get information from Win3.1 .INI files -private filename points to a particular .INI file -section sectname points to the proper section of the .INI file -default defstring is a string to return if the key is not found (default "") -key string is the value to search for. If omitted, a list of keys is returned -max maxsize is the biggest return value expected (default 1024). for example, the call tkmswin get_profile -section fonts would normally require a bigger -max.
tkmswin set_profile -section sectname [-private filename] \
-key keyname -value valuename
Similarly, sets values in the .INI files.
tkmswin version
Returns the version of this package
Items to go:

You can pick up the source code for tkmswin from Michael Schwartz's home page at:

See the ATk page from this link.

-Michael Schwartz

C-6: C++ and DLLs

If you write your Tcl extensions in C++, you'll likely need to use the extern "C" { }; statement in C++ to use your functions in Tcl. This is due to the user of "name mangling" in most C++ compilers.

Compiling with Microsoft Visual C++?

M-1: How to fix the makefile for Microsoft Visual C++

With Microsoft Visual C++, you need to have both a 32-bit compiler (e.g., MSVC++ 2.2 or 4.0) and a 16-bit compiler (e.g., MSVC++ 1.5). You may then have to edit the makefiles to point to the proper directories.

The default uses something like the following:

MSVC++ 4.0
MSVC++ 1.52

-Eric Foster-Johnson

If you're getting a problem with compiling the resources for Tcl, the following may help.

The problem is that we're letting nmake define RC and CC rather than explicitly define them yourself. CC runs as cl.exe without an explicit path, so depending on your $PATH setup, it might run the wrong compiler version. I changed my makefile to use TOOLS32, rc32 and cc32, explicitly defined off of TOOLS32, and it worked fine.

The changes made are:


cc32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\cl -I$(TOOLS32)\include
rc32 = $(TOOLS32)\bin\rc


TOOLS32   = c:\msdev

-John Buckman

M-2: Can I use the Binary Release .DLL with my compiled applications?

The binary release is compiled with Borland C++. You can build the DLLs from source code, or download the libraries compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ from the the Sun FTP server:

-Scott Stanton and Cristian Mata

M-3: Allocate memory with Tcl_Alloc

If you allocate memory from within a Visual C++ program and pass that memory on the the Tcl DLLs, you must allocate that memory with Tcl_Alloc().

If you allocate memory via some other means, pass that memory to Tcl and later get a crash, you were warned.

M-4: How to compile with Microsoft Visual C++

To compile Tcl with Microsoft Visual C++, I followed these steps:

-Eric Foster-Johnson

M-5: Problems with Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 and Tcl

If you're using Visual C++ 4.2 and running under Windows 95, you may get an error that the msvcrt.dll cannot be found. You may also have problems with an invalid argument error.

You can solve your problem one of two ways:

The problem is that VC++ 4.2 for some reason generates code that wants this DLL, and if it's not there, it won't work. And, some versions of Win95 are shipping without this DLL, or worse, with one that's incompatible with the code generated with VC++ 4.2

-Jacob Levy


E-1: Expect isn't ported to Windows

Expect has not yet been ported to Windows. Don Libes, creator of Expect, plans a Windows NT port.

E-2: Tix works on Windows

The Tix extension has been ported to windows.


OdbcTcl 0.2 for Win32 provides a Tcl extension to call ODBC 2.0 functions from Tcl.

You can get it from in /pub/tcl/sorted/databases/odbctcl-0.2.

A common problem appears regarding the DSN value. A cample connect command is:

odbc_connect sql "DSN=mydb;UID=foo;PWD=bar"

-Jose L Porcayo

E-4: Network, Registry and ODBC Extensions

NT, ODBC, network, and registry extensions available for the Windows version of TCL (7.6) are available at:

-Christopher M Sedore (

E-5: Itcl

Itcl 2.2 works on Windows.

E-6: BLT Win32 Patches

Patches for the BLT 2.1 extension for Win32 are available from:

Status: Tiled widgets problematic, bgexec/busy not working, drag&drop ok with dde.

In addition, you can get a Tcl Win32 Mem Debug patch, to allow for debugging output on memory allocations to get sent to the console. This is available from:

E-7: VerTcl/TkCon Provides a Useful Console On Windows

VerTcl (also called TkCon) provides an enhanced console window that proves very useful on systems that don't provide built-in consoles, such as Windows and MacOS.

You can get more information on VerTcl/TkCon, and the code, too, from

E-8: OCX Extensions for Tcl

From the Web page: Tcl75.ocx is a 32bit custom control 'wrapper' that exposes much of the functionality of the Tcl version 7.5 script interpreter to programs that are capable of using OLE automated windows controls. Visual Basic 4.0 is a good example of this. It can be used under Windows NT and Windows 95.

Tcl OCX is available from:

(That's a letter "O" and not the number "0".)

Probably requires Visual C++ 4.2 or higher.

TOCX, another extension, allows you to use existing OCX or ActiveX controls in a widget-like way.

E-9: TkTable

tkTable 1.3, an editable 2D table/matrix widget. Supports Unix Tcl/Tk variants and Windows, requires Tcl7.5+/Tk4.1+, compiling is required. Precompiled Tk8.0a2 DLL is included. or

E-10: MDI (Muliple Document Interface)

There is a very nice Tcl-only package called mdw-lib (Multi Document Windows) written by Thomas Schwarze ( that does that kinda stuff. You can find it at:

-Frederic Bonnet

E-11: Windows shortcuts extension

This is an early release of a shortcut manipulation extension for tcl 7.6/tk 4.2. It allows you to create, modify, and get information from a NT 4.0 or Windows 95 shortcut.

Docs are available at

Download from:

-Chris Sedore

E-12: TclX

Extended Tcl is a set of Tcl extensions and a shell that are oriented towards Unix system programming tasks and large application development. TclX 7.6.0 is compatible with Tcl7.6 and Tk 4.2 releases.

This release includes incomplete support for Windows 95/NT as well as a binary release for Windows 95/NT.

Full source for Unix and Windows:

Windows 95/NT binary release, tar and gzip format:

Windows 95/NT binary release, zip format:

If you have any questions or problem, please remember to contact directly.

E-13: Togl (Tk OpenGL)

See for information on Togl for NT, for more on Togl.

Thanks To:
Frederic Bonnet
John Buckman
Gordon Chaffee
Joe English
Dave Griffin
Jon Herlocker
Alex Hubbard
Dennis R. LaBelle
Gordon Lack
Ioi Lam
Jacob Levy
Don Libes
John Robert LoVerso
Cristian Mata
Robert Philpott
Jose L Porcayo
Josh Putnam
Brian L. Rubow
Michael Schwartz
Christopher M Sedore
Charles A. Shartsis
Hume Smith
Scott Stanton
Colin Stevens
Larry Virden
John Waterson

Compiled by Eric Foster-Johnson, author of Graphical Applications with Tcl and Tk. Please send updates to

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