Structure Parsing

Identifier index Structure index

(* Parsing -- runtime library for parsers generated by mosmlyac.
   Based on the runtime library for camlyacc; copyright 1993 INRIA, France 

local open Vector Obj Lexing in

(* The following functions can be called by user code. *)

val symbolStart : unit -> int;
val symbolEnd : unit -> int;
        (* [symbolStart] and [symbolEnd] are to be called in the action part
           of a grammar rule only. They return the position of the string that
           matches the left-hand side of the rule: [symbolStart()] returns
           the position of the first character; [symbolEnd()] returns the
           position of the last character, plus one. The first character
           in a file is at position 0. *)

val rhsStart: int -> int;
val rhsEnd: int -> int;
        (* Same as [symbol_start] and [symbol_end] above, but return then
           position of the string matching the [n]th item on the
           right-hand side of the rule, where [n] is the integer parameter
           to [lhs_start] and [lhs_end]. [n] is 1 for the leftmost item. *)

val clearParser : unit -> unit;
        (* Empty the parser stack. Call it just after a parsing function
           has returned, to remove all pointers from the parser stack
           to structures that were built by semantic actions during parsing.
           This is optional, but lowers the memory requirements of the
           programs. *)


(* The following definitions are used by the generated parsers only.
   They are not intended to be used by user programs. *)

type parseTables =
    (* actions *)    (unit -> obj) vector  *
    (* transl *)     int vector *
    (* lhs *)        string *
    (* len *)        string *
    (* defred *)     string *
    (* dgoto *)      string *
    (* sindex *)     string *
    (* rindex *)     string *
    (* gindex *)     string *
    (* tablesize *)  int *
    (* table *)      string *
    (* check *)      string

exception yyexit of obj;
exception ParseError of (obj -> bool);

val yyparse : parseTables -> int -> (lexbuf -> 'a) -> lexbuf -> 'b;
val peekVal : int -> 'a;


Identifier index Structure index

Moscow ML 1.42