Structure General

Identifier index Structure index

(* General and top-level *)

eqtype char
type   exn
eqtype int
eqtype real
eqtype string
eqtype unit

datatype bool      = false | true
datatype 'a list   = nil | op :: of 'a * 'a list
datatype order     = LESS | EQUAL | GREATER
datatype 'a ref    = ref of 'a 

exception Bind
exception Match
exception Interrupt

exception Subscript
exception Size
exception Fail of string

exception Overflow
exception Div
exception Domain

(* Below, cirs is char, int, string, or real:                   *)
val <      : cirs * cirs -> bool
val <=     : cirs * cirs -> bool
val >      : cirs * cirs -> bool
val >=     : cirs * cirs -> bool
val =      : ''a * ''a -> bool
val <>     : ''a * ''a -> bool

(* Below, num is int or real:                                   *)
val ~      : num -> num                 (* raises Overflow      *)
val +      : num * num -> num           (* raises Overflow      *)
val -      : num * num -> num           (* raises Overflow      *)
val *      : num * num -> num           (* raises Overflow      *)
val /      : real * real -> real        (* raises Div, Overflow *)
val div    : int * int -> int           (* raises Div, Overflow *)
val mod    : int * int -> int           (* raises Div           *)

val real   : int -> real        (* equals Real.fromInt          *)
val floor  : real -> int        (* round towards minus infinity *)
val ceil   : real -> int        (* round towards plus infinity  *)
val trunc  : real -> int        (* round towards zero           *)
val round  : real -> int        (* round to nearest integer     *)

val o      : ('b -> 'c) * ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'c)
val ignore : 'a -> unit
val before : 'a * unit -> 'a

val !   : 'a ref -> 'a
val :=  : 'a ref * 'a -> unit

val vector  : 'a list -> 'a vector

(* Non-standard types and exceptions *)

datatype 'a frag = QUOTE of string | ANTIQUOTE of 'a

exception Io of {function : string, name : string, cause : exn }
exception Graphic_failure of string
exception Out_of_memory

Identifier index Structure index

Moscow ML 1.42