Programming languages

Languages · Related resources · External sites

Every serious student of computing should be familiar with a range of different languages (for example, I used a mixture of C, C++, Delphi, JavaScript and Perl to create this CD). This collection includes compilers and other resources for a wide variety of programming languages, including conventional procedural languages, object-oriented languages, functional languages, logic programming languages, scripting languages, and some just plain weird languages. You can choose which are which!

For a light-hearted comparison of a range of languages, I've also included a widely-circulated collection of "shooting yourself in the foot" jokes about different languages...

Language resources:

Ada 95 APL / J Assemblers C
C++ Eiffel Forth Fortran
Haskell Icon Java / JavaScript Lisp
ML Modula-2 Oberon Objective-C
Pascal / Delphi Perl Prolog Python
Smalltalk Snobol4 Tcl/Tk Visual Basic

Related resources (general):

A selection of software libraries. Don't reinvent the wheel, use these!
Lots of source code examples which will show you how the black magic is really done :-)
Text editors to help develop your source code
Other development tools: debuggers, source code control, graphical development environments and more
Programming documentation on a range of topics, both general and PC-specific

External sites:

An Index to Object-Oriented Information Sources
The OO SoapBox
The Programming Languages section of the WWW Virtual Library at Imperial College
The Computer Languages List at NCSA
The PHOAKS computer languages index
The Teaching About Programming Languages Project
A guide to selecting a programming language
The Programmer's Oasis
The Cetus Object-Orientation list
Yahoo's Programming Languages links
The newsgroup comp.object discusses object-oriented programming in general
The newsgroup comp.functional discusses functional programming in general