Computer Science 124:
Introduction to Programming
Using Java

WELCOME TO the on-line notes for Computer Science 124: Introductory Programming, a course that was taught in the Fall term of 1996, at Hobart and William Smith Colleges by me (David Eck, email: The course was an introduction to the theory and techniques of programming, using Java as the language of instruction. If you want to learn more about the course, see its information page. (Also, you might take a look at TheMost Complex Machine, a textbook I've written that serves as an introductory survey of computer science.)

Status: As of December 19, 1996, the notes are complete, at least for the time being, although they do get a little ragged towards the end. I would like to expand and improve them during the summer of 1997. Please feel free to copy these notes and redistribute them, as long as you do not claim credit for them, or sell them without my permission.

Chapter Links:

  1. Overview: The Mental Landscape
  2. Programming in the Small: Variables, I/O, and Control Structures
  3. Programming in the Large I: Subroutines
  4. Programming in the Large II: Objects and Classes
  5. Applets, HTML, and the Web
  6. Components and Events
  7. Arrays
  8. Advanced Input/Output and Exceptions
  9. From Java to C++

Also Available: