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List names :names [<pattern> ...]

The :names command can be used to list the names of variables and functions whose definitions are currently loaded into the interpreter. Without any arguments, :names produces a list of all names known to the system; the names are listed in alphabetical order.

The :names command can also accept one or more pattern strings, limiting the list of names that will be printed to those matching one or more of the given pattern strings:

 Prelude> :n fold*
 foldl foldl' foldl1 foldr foldr1
 (5 names listed)
Each pattern string consists of a string of characters and may use standard wildcard syntax: * (matches anything), ? (matches any single character), \c (matches exactly the character c) and ranges of characters of the form [a-zA-Z], etc. For example:
 Prelude> :n *map* *[Ff]ile ?
 $ % * + - . / : < > appendFile map mapM mapM_ readFile writeFile ^
 (17 names listed)