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List commands :?

The :? command displays the following summary of all Hugs commands:
 Prelude> :?
 LIST OF COMMANDS:  Any command may be abbreviated to :c where
 c is the first character in the full name.
 :load    load modules from specified files
 :load               clear all files except prelude
 :also    read additional module files
 :reload             repeat last load command
 :project  use project file
 :edit     edit file
 :edit               edit last file
 :module     set module for evaluating expressions
               evaluate expression
 :type         print type of expression
 :?                  display this list of commands
 :set       set options
 :set                help on options
 :names [pat]        list names currently in scope
 :info        describe named objects
 :find         edit module containing definition of name
 :!command           shell escape
 :cd dir             change directory
 :gc                 force garbage collection
 :quit               exit Hugs interpreter