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View or change settings :set [<options>]

Without any arguments, the :set command displays a list of the options and their current settings. The following output shows the default settings on a typical machine:
 Prelude> :set
 TOGGLES: groups begin with +/- to turn options on/off resp.
 s    Print no. reductions/cells after eval
 t    Print type after evaluation
 f    Terminate evaluation on first error
 g    Print no. cells recovered after gc
 l    Literate files as default
 e    Warn about errors in literate files
 .    Print dots to show progress
 w    Always show which files loaded
 k    Show kind errors in full
 u    Use "show" to display results
 i    Chase imports while loading files

 OTHER OPTIONS: (leading + or - makes no difference)
 hnum Set heap size (cannot be changed within Hugs)
 pstr Set prompt string to str
 rstr Set repeat last expression string to str
 Pstr Set search path for modules to str
 Estr Use editor setting given by str

 Current settings: +fekui -stgl.w -h100000 -p"? " -r$$
 Search path     : -P/Hugs/lib:/Hugs/libhugs
 Editor setting  : -E"vi +%d %s"
The :set command can also be used to change options by supplying the required settings as arguments. For example:
 Prelude> :set +st
 Prelude> 1 + 3
 4 :: Int
 (4 reductions, 4 cells)

On Windows 95/NT, all option settings are written out to the registry when a :set command is executed, and will be used by subsequent executions of Hugs.